
Borovskikh Vyacheslav Vladimirovich: biography, activity

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Borovskikh Vyacheslav Vladimirovich: biography, activity
Borovskikh Vyacheslav Vladimirovich: biography, activity

Vyacheslav Borovsky was born April 6, 1964 in the city of Asbest, located in the Sverdlovsk region. The boy grew up in a complete family, but the father’s excessive addiction to alcohol and continuous family scandals quite likely left some imprint on the child’s perception of the world, and perhaps determined the direction of his future activities.

He later stated that childhood experiences helped him form his own “right” attitude towards people. For the first time, Vyacheslav mentioned this fact on his website in response to a question from one of his patients.

Training and career start

In 1987, Vyacheslav Borovskikh graduated from the medical and preventive faculty of the Sverdlovsk State Medical Institute. In the same year, the graduate immediately began to practice as a resuscitator at the ambulance.

Over the next 11 years, he was engaged in various medical fields, having received several specialties at once. Vast experience in the field of narcology and psychiatry allowed Vyacheslav to become the head of the department at the city narcological hospital in Yekaterinburg.


Start of own practice, development of a rehabilitation technique and program

In 1998, Vyacheslav began to conduct an independent practice in the field of psychotherapy. At the same time, he creates and successfully applies the method of morally oriented psychotherapy, combining modern medical research in the field of psychology and religious dogmas. The method of Vyacheslav Borovsky is based on the Orthodox teaching of man. It was at this moment that a further vector of development for all of Vyacheslav's future activities was set.

Two years later, the doctor, together with his father Sergius Rybchak, who at that time was the rector of the Orthodox parish of Peter and Paul in the city of Polevskoy, is developing a special rehabilitation program for drug addicts.


Creation of a new rehabilitation center

After just a year (in 2001), Vyacheslav opens his own rehabilitation center “Podvodnik”, which quickly gained fame and is currently one of the most popular and in demand in Russia and the near abroad. Podvizhnik provides psychotherapeutic assistance and consults for more than 2, 000 people each year. Throughout the entire period of the institution’s work, Vyacheslav Vladimirovich Borovskikh remains its permanent head.

In an interview on the 10th anniversary of the rehabilitation center, the doctor said that most of his patients are drug addicts, and the number of patients simultaneously undergoing treatment from 6-10 people in the first years of work increased up to 30. At the same time, the number of patients refraining from using drugs a year after treatment, was at around 80%. Vyacheslav also added that, unfortunately, the Ministry of Health did not share his enthusiasm for such impressive statistics.

Although the center’s methods are strikingly different from traditional public health systems and systems, the effectiveness of these methods has been officially confirmed. In traditional centers, the percentage of abstaining patients one year after treatment is usually not more than 5%. Official medicine did not take Dr. Borovsky's medical center seriously at such unattainable indicators.

One of the main reasons for the successful treatment of his patients, the psychotherapist considers the joint efforts of people and faith in God. His opinion says that people should first of all try to get rid of addiction, and God, in turn, will certainly help them achieve a positive result. This is the basis of the treatment method of Dr. Borovsky.

Over the years, the center has successfully restored the building of the former kindergarten, now used by the Podvodnik center as one of the buildings in which patients live and work.


Educational activities

Vyacheslav believes that the basis of all medicine is a simple rule of patient confidence in his doctor. According to him, psychotherapy is the true pinnacle of medicine.

Back in 2010, he organized a special school of Orthodox identity, the meetings of which took place with the simultaneous presence in the hall of more than 150 participants.

Vyacheslav Borovsky devoted a considerable part of his time to lectures for students, conducting educational and preventive conversations with her.

Participation in television shows and programs

In 2008, Vyacheslav Borovskikh became the author and presenter of the program “First Nature”, which was shown on the Soyuz television channel until its closure. The latest release was on March 18, 2015. The reason for the closure of the telecast is still not specified. “First Nature” received a lot of approving ratings from viewers and critics, and reviews about Vyacheslav Borovsky among the population were extremely positive.

In addition, the doctor became one of the regular guests of the program “On Mental Health” (the second name is “If the soul hurts”). The program goes on Sunday Radio in Yekaterinburg. In it, Vyacheslav communicates with people and advises them on various medical issues.


Point of view on HIV and AIDS

Dr. Borovsky took the position of the so-called AIDS dissident, he is one of the main representatives of the movement in Russia. In one of his writings, he writes that in reality, HIV is fiction, and the nature of the decrease in immunity in a person with AIDS is partly spiritual, and not just physical.

In the scientific and pharmaceutical field, reviews of Vyacheslav Vladimirovich Borovsky are not always positive due to his position regarding the nature of diseases such as HIV and AIDS.

According to the doctor, the virus was only an invention of pharmaceutical companies and conspiracy of world governments for one purpose only, namely pumping money from “sick” people and replenishing the state treasury at their expense.

Vyacheslav actively advocated for the cessation of periodic checks of citizens for HIV infection, especially for pregnant women. Any planned “vaccinations” were also criticized by the doctor. The psychotherapist also noted that financing AIDS centers to help HIV-infected citizens is a complete waste of budget funds and it is worth stopping their activities immediately.


Sources of inspiration of the famous doctor

In January 2011, Vyacheslav gave an interview to the newspaper "Orthodox Herald", in which he talked about thoughts that contributed to the choice of his future sphere of employment. According to him, interest in psychiatry was manifested in his student years, but there was simply no opportunity to realize his impulses.

Over time, Vyacheslav gained the necessary practical experience in psychiatry and narcology. He called these two areas for the believer an excellent field where you can realize your needs in helping all people in need. He believed that people are constantly overcome by their own passions, and therefore they sincerely need sincere spiritual help from their neighbors.
