
Bruce Lee: biography, personal life, sports career, photos, films, interesting facts

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Bruce Lee: biography, personal life, sports career, photos, films, interesting facts
Bruce Lee: biography, personal life, sports career, photos, films, interesting facts

Video: Bruce Lee vs. Thing (EA Sports UFC 2) - CPU vs. CPU ? - Crazy UFC ?? 2024, June

Video: Bruce Lee vs. Thing (EA Sports UFC 2) - CPU vs. CPU ? - Crazy UFC ?? 2024, June

Many of us remember the films with the participation of the legendary athlete and actor Bruce Lee. This man at one time managed to become an idol for millions of people around the world, instilled in them a burning craving for martial arts. Bruce Lee, whose biography of life and death will be described in the article, is a unique person for many reasons. We will talk in more detail about the fate of this master of hand-to-hand combat and the actor.


basic information

Bruce Lee's biography says that he was born on November 27, 1940 at 7 in the morning. Our hero’s birthplace is San Francisco’s Chinatown. The real name of the guy is Lee Yun Fang. The boy's parents were quite well off in material terms at that time. Bruce's dad - Lee Hong Chuen - worked as an actor in Chinese opera. Mom - Grace Lee - was a strong Catholic by religion and had German roots, and received her upbringing in the family of a tycoon from Hong Kong.



Bruce Lee, a photo whose biography is still interesting to the public, moved to Hong Kong with his parents in 1941. In this city, at the age of six, the boy took part in the filming of a film called The Origin of Humanity.

Since 1952, the guy studied at the walls of the prestigious La Salle College, but he studied very poorly, because of which he often fell from his mother. In addition, it was also important that he was half Chinese, and therefore he regularly had conflicts with classmates on this basis, and he had to fight to protect himself. After he was defeated several times in street battles, the young man decided to start studying Vinu-Chun under the guidance of the legendary master Yip Man. Parents positively met this desire of their son and fully paid for all his sports training, which, by the way, were very expensive - $ 12 per lesson at that time was a significant amount.


In fairness, we note that Bruce Lee (a brief biography of his vibrant life is worth your attention) turned out to be more talented in martial arts than in a regular school. And after a short period of time, he managed to become almost the most powerful student of his teacher. In this regard, followers of other martial arts began to regularly challenge the future Hollywood star.

Moving overseas

In 1959, Bruce Lee, whose biography of life for many can serve as an example of the struggle for survival, leaves for San Francisco. At the same time, the young man had only $ 100 in his pocket. And a week after arriving in the United States, he ends up at his uncle's house, Ruby Chow, who agreed to take him to work in a personal restaurant in Seattle. There, Bruce lived in a small room directly above the establishment, in the same building and trained using his own mannequin.

Outside of work, Lee devoted a lot of time to philosophy, mathematics, and English. Due to his perseverance and zeal, he managed to enter the Thomas Edison High School, which he graduated in 1960.

And a year later, Bruce was a student at the University of Washington (Department of Philosophy). At the same time, he recruited his first group of students, which made it possible to stop working in a restaurant.

Initially, the newly minted coach gave knowledge to his followers in the city park, and all because he did not have enough money to rent a hall. The role of sports equipment for the group was played by trees wrapped in cloth.


Family status

The biography of Bruce Lee is not limited to his fanatical increase in martial arts and cinema. The man also had his own family. With his wife named Linda Emerly, who at that time was 17 years old, he met in 1964. After creating a family, the couple gave birth to two children: Brandon and Shannon.

Climbing to the top

In the fall of 1963, Bruce Lee (the biography and films of this Chinese do not lose popularity in our time) managed to open his own martial arts institute. The hall in which this institution was based had a colossal area of ​​1000 square meters. It is curious that the hero of the article took people to his students, despite their national and religious affiliation, which was strictly forbidden in other schools of Chinese martial arts. Even Ip Man was against this venture of Bruce. Therefore, it is not surprising that Lee often received letters with ultimatums about the closure of his school. Otherwise, he was threatened with physical harm.

In 1964, Bruce opened a second kung fu institute in Auckland, led by his longtime friend Taki Kimura, himself a student of Lee.


Work in the cinema

The period from 1967 to 1971 in the biography of Bruce Lee is marked by his active work on various film sets. During this time, a talented Chinese man managed to star in many films, but never got the main role. Feeling the bitterness of disappointment from this fact, Bruce decides to return to Hong Kong, where he opened the Golden Harvest film studio at that time. Her director eventually succumbed to Li's entreaties and gave him the main role in the film "The Big Boss." As a result, the film was a resounding success. This was followed by work in Fist of Fury and The Return of the Dragon. These works further elevated Bruce to the podium.

In addition to acting, he also performed stunts. What is his movie duel with Chuck Norris worth! This screen fight was able to become a real classic of the genre, and for many years served as a role model and role model for karate stars starring in films.

A characteristic feature of those fights that Bruce shot on the screen was that they all happened close-ups. Also, Lee tried not to resort to video editing with a very quick frame change, as this did not allow the viewer to examine in detail all the actions of the actor.


Interesting Facts

The first time a famous fighter and actor hit the set at the age of three months, and the man got his name - Bruce - thanks to a nurse.

Bruce Lee is the author of his own direction in martial arts, which is called jitkundo. He perfected it until the last day of his life. One private lesson of the master at the peak of his fame cost around $ 275.

The biography of Bruce Lee is literally saturated with his fanatical desire for self-improvement. Over the years, he kept diaries in which he meticulously noted all the subtleties of literally every training session. The master constantly sought to improve kung fu skills, made changes in the tactics and strategy of hand-to-hand combat. Also, this legendary man developed a special nutrition system, went deep into general athletics training. Bruce devoted a lot of time to classes and in the gym, which over time allowed him to publish a variety of exercises and techniques.

It is reliably known that Lee periodically subjected his body to overloads for experimental purposes and even allowed himself to be tested by electric shock.