
Buyanova Elena: biography, photo, personal life

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Buyanova Elena: biography, photo, personal life
Buyanova Elena: biography, photo, personal life

Elena Buyanova - a man thanks to whom the Soviet single figure skating saw success and recognition. Unfortunately, her career was interrupted, but now Elena Germanovna is a very talented professional trainer who leads her students to resounding victories.

The beginning of the way

Elena Buyanova (Vodorezova in girlhood) was born on May 21, 1963 in the city of Moscow.

Father - German Nikolayevich Vodorezov - was a football player, but, having been injured, left the big sport. Mom, Zinaida Mikhailovna, taught physical education at the school.

Grandma, seeing that her granddaughter was hanging around, decided to bring her to the figure skating section, where the girl immediately really liked.

Two years later, Elena tried to get into the figure skating section of CSKA, but she was rejected due to unsuitability. It is not known whether Elena would become a skater in the future if it were not for a chance meeting with the director of a sports school, who turned out to be classmate of German Nikolaevich. Thanks to him, Helen was nevertheless admitted to a sports school.


Skater career

Elena was a very stubborn, even stubborn girl, she constantly trained. After a couple of years, the coach showed the athlete Stanislav Zhuk, who really liked her, and he decided to make her a champion.

At the age of 12, Lena won the youth championship of the country, then the International Gymnastics Tournament for the prize of the Moscow News newspaper.

Thanks to these two victories, Lena was invited to play for the national team.

A year later, the European Championship took place, at which Elena was able to impress all the experts and spectators - she was the first in the history of figure skating to perform three triple jumps in one program, made a cascade of double flip and triple toe loop.

Elena performed many elements in her sport first in history, making her stand out from all the other skaters. In addition, she was the youngest athlete of those who have ever competed in top-level competitions.

In 1976, the figure skater won the championship of the Soviet Union.

At the European Championship in 1978, she received the first bronze medal for Soviet skaters in single skating.

She could continue to win, but the series of her victories was stopped by the disease - rheumatoid polyatritis, which she inherited and worsened due to her constant stay in the cold. Lena went to the hospital three times a year, but she did not want to stop training - she worked through pain.


In 1982, the girl returned to the rink, won 3rd place in the continental championship, in 1983 she received a bronze medal at the World Cup.

In 1984, the athlete performed at the Olympic Games in Sarajevo. This was her last appearance as a figure skater, which was a big blow for a girl who passionately loved figure skating. She graduated from the Institute of Physical Education and decided to devote herself to coaching in order to somehow be closer to the ice.

Personal life

In 1984, Elena met a former skater Sergei Buyanov and soon married him. Three years later, the couple had a son, who was named Ivan.

At the time of his acquaintance, Elena was 18 years old, Sergei was 26. At that time he had already left the sport, became the director of a store selling various cinema accessories and filmstrips.

Elena Buyanova lost the opportunity to compete, but became a good wife and mother.

The former skater may well no longer work, but the skating rink for her is life, and she cannot live without him a single day.


If Elena Buyanova has any problems, she always first turns to her husband.

Rumor has it that Sergei cheated on his wife with coach Eteri Tutberidze and her daughter is Buyanova’s daughter. Elena could not stand dirty linen in public, she ordered her husband to make a choice between her and her mistress. Sergey decided to stay in the family. It is not known how true these rumors are, since neither side has made statements.

The son Ivan, as a child, played football professionally, but did not go to big sport - he decided to engage in economics and entered the financial academy.