
Youth Employment Center in Moscow: description, location and reviews

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Youth Employment Center in Moscow: description, location and reviews
Youth Employment Center in Moscow: description, location and reviews



The issue of part-time work for modern youth is very acute. Pupils need temporary work for the holidays, students are looking for vacancies with the possibility of combining with studies, and young specialists need prestigious work with the possibility of growth. Today, there are organizations that help in finding work and temporary part-time jobs for young people.


Employment Center

The Youth Employment Center in Moscow provides professional support and assistance in finding work for young residents of the capital. The center is a state government institution, therefore, all services provided are free. The main goal of the exchange is to employ young people without work experience and to help realize their potential. A modern approach to the selection of vacancies offers applicants and employers a new format of relationships - the combination of an online platform and an offline platform in Moscow. The Youth Employment Center supports an individual approach to each applicant. A curator is attached to the young man, who will assist him in finding a job and help prepare for an interview. And after successful employment, he continues to accompany the ward at the new place of work for three months and assists in adaptation.



Before visiting the center, you must register on the site. For more information about the registration procedure and the services provided, please call the telephone number listed on the official website of the institution. Exchange specialists accept visitors only on weekdays according to the schedule: Monday - Thursday from 09: 00-18: 00, on Friday from 09: 00-16: 45.

The Youth Employment Center is located at Moscow, Shchepkina street 38, building 1.

How to register

In order to register, you must come to the reception with the following documents:

  • Passport.

  • SNILS.

  • INN

  • Employment history.

Adolescents 14-16 years old must come with one of the parents.

Who can contact


Residents of the city between the ages of 14 and 30 can apply for advice to the youth employment center in Moscow. Pupils and students during the summer holidays will be offered temporary part-time jobs, and for young professionals - work in the profession.

A list of all the necessary documents, a work schedule and how to get there is better clarified before visiting the center by phone or on the website and in social networks.

For young people with disabilities, employees of the State Public Institution of the Youth Employment Center in Moscow will offer vacancies that will not harm health and allow them to earn extra money.

The center also runs an individual entrepreneurship campaign for people with disabilities and disabled people who are members of public organizations who want to become individual entrepreneurs or are already them.

What do they offer


For young professionals, the biggest stress is getting interviewed. What can I say, how to recommend ourselves in the best way, so that the employer will like you, what questions should the recruiter ask? Specialists of the Youth Employment Center in Moscow will teach all the nuances of passing an interview with future employers. The trainer will tell you what to focus on during the interview, how to talk about your qualities, and turn disadvantages into advantages. Advice on how to stop being nervous in an interview will also be useful.

Employees of the youth employment center in Moscow will tell you how to create a resume that is interesting to the employer. Also, for those who do not have work experience, it will be useful to undergo testing to determine which work will be most suitable for a young person.

Highly qualified lawyers will hold consultations on issues of labor law, because young people who do not have work experience may become victims of fraudsters in employment.

Also, young people can take advanced training courses or get a new profession.

For adolescents 14-18 years old and students in the period free from study, offer temporary work. As a monthly support, the Moscow government pays an additional 9900 rubles to the salary. Registration for work occurs in compliance with all labor laws.

Graduates of technical schools and universities can get a job or internship in the profession.

Psychological support

Finding a first job is a responsible and psychologically difficult process. It is difficult for yesterday’s schoolchildren or students to prove themselves at the interview for the best part, so most interviews fail for the applicant. It is very important to know how you can successfully pass any interview and not be nervous in the process.

The center’s specialists will tell you how to prepare for the first interview in your life, to establish yourself well in the process of talking with a recruiter, and to get your dream job.

All trainings are held in a playful way and allow you to rehearse all options for conducting an interview, make it possible to visit both the place of the applicant and the role of the employer.

After such classes, an interview psychologically becomes much easier. Trainers in the classroom are taught to analyze their mistakes when talking with the recruiter and after them, even an unsuccessful interview does not become an occasion for worry, but is only an experience for successfully passing another interview.

Job Fairs and More


The Youth Employment Center in Moscow works closely with many employers in the capital. Therefore, there is always information about all the job fairs held in the city. At such events, applicants can learn all the features of work in the company, communicate with company representatives and learn about the vacancies existing in it.

Also, the youth employment center constantly holds various contests and promotions. At such events, master classes are held where you can learn in a playful way how to get an interview without experience, how to get your dream job and stay in the workplace.

Announcements about the events are posted on the Center’s website, as well as in groups of social networks.

Keeping up with the times

Moscow Youth Employment Center is trying to be modern and accessible for young people. For those who can’t come to the center for any reason, the exchange offers a number of vacancies on its website. Here you can get acquainted with the services offered by the center, write a resume and find a job on your own.

In social networks you can read reviews about the youth employment center in Moscow, ask all your questions, see photos from various events.

There is also a map on the site with a detailed indication of where the youth employment center is located in Moscow.

Besides work


The Youth Employment Center not only advises on employment issues. Here interesting, and most importantly, free classes on the development of new professions take place. Before the start of most of them, young people exercise in the fresh air, aimed at identifying leadership qualities, manifesting personal characteristics and uniting the group.

Also on the territory of the center and in the rented premises, seminars, lectures and conferences are held with the participation of representatives of leading Russian companies. Here you can prove yourself and get an internship in a prestigious company.

The Youth Center is involved in organizing youth festivals and concerts.

You can find out about the date of the events, ask all your questions and, if necessary, sign up for participation on the center’s website or in social networks.

Reviews on the work of the center

The reviews about the Youth Employment Center in Moscow are very different. Most of those who applied for help in finding a job or for advice are satisfied with the work of the center. In groups of social networks, you can read a number of responses to cooperation with employees of the exchange. Young people thank their curators for their help and support during the search for work and during the probationary period. Many say "thank you" for the opportunity to attend various trainings and classes.

But there are also negative reviews of those who have not been able to find work with the help of the center. Most of them were offered low-skilled work due to a lack of work experience or proper education.

One way or another, whether or not to contact the Youth Center is up to the young man alone. It is important to understand that the work of any company has its pluses and minuses, and whether to put up with them or independently solve the task - choose only the person himself.