
What is the difference between truth and truth: concept, definition, essence, similarity and difference

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What is the difference between truth and truth: concept, definition, essence, similarity and difference
What is the difference between truth and truth: concept, definition, essence, similarity and difference

Video: heidegger on question concerning technology 2024, June

Video: heidegger on question concerning technology 2024, June

The philosophical question of how the truth differs from the truth, as well as the very definition of these two terms, is what has always occupied the most inquisitive minds of speakers of all languages ​​of the past and the present. People who study it may come across some contradictions. Let us examine both terms and try to understand why they cause such interest.

Definition of Terms

Truth is information that reflects a certain state of affairs in reality with the utmost precision, is the only true one.

The truth is information that only claims to be reliable. The word "truth" is the antonym of the word "lie".


Truth and Values

Truth is considered a serious value, both personal and social, and such concepts as “good”, “meaning”, “justice” and similar universal human values ​​are on the same line with “truth”.

G. Rickert represented the values ​​embedded in the culture of man as in the reality he created, which is the opposite of that reality that arose on its own, under the influence of the forces of nature. The main issue of values ​​is the problem of their very existence. Rickert also believed that it is impossible to talk about the values ​​that are contained in cultural objects, as existing and nonexistent - only as meaningful and irrelevant.


Many believe that the less successful search for evidence of the existence of universally recognized values ​​can be justified by the problematic determination of the values ​​of all mankind, because the latter often hide the values ​​of some social groups (usually quite conservative) that simply impose their own ideas about the world on others.

That is why reassessment of values ​​is a rather difficult task, compared with some amendments to existing knowledge. Moreover, despite the opinion of Rickert, the values ​​themselves exist, but not in nature, but in the human mind, and they find their manifestations in the definition of specific forms of social life.

Similarities and differences

World society in our time uses not one truth in its movement forward, but rather several competing ones, which are usually called various truths. When asked about the difference between truth and truth, philosophy tells us that truth has a pronounced social connotation, and it is associated with the recognition of a certain statement as significant, necessary, useful and falling under some requirements of society.


Thus, it is interpretation and significance for society that can endow something with the status of “truth, ” in contrast to various events, facts, and the like. It turns out that the concepts of "truth" and "truth" are completely different, although many are not used to it. Truth is subjective, and truth is objective.

Each person has a purely personal truth. He can consider it an indisputable truth, with which other people are obliged, in his opinion, to agree.

True, false, truth

The term "lie" is able to clarify some points. Lying plays an important role in determining how truth is different from truth, because truth is inherently subjective truth, that is, what a certain person considers truth. At the same time, people often use a lie, believing that it can help in solving some issues or problems.


Lies, as a rule, are of several types:

  1. Covering.
  2. Encroaching.
  3. Embellishing.
  4. Compromising.

Immanuel Kant noted that deliberate silence can be considered as a lie or a lie. If we promise to reveal to a person a certain truth, while forming a false statement, this will be considered a lie. If we are forced to give out something without any right to such coercion, then evading the answer or silence will be untrue.

Concepts at different times

In the language of modern Russians, concepts have formed the following meanings, which are considered to be the main ones:

  • Truth is a concrete knowledge of a fact that took place in reality. Such knowledge, as a rule, is incomplete, because a certain person sees only a certain fragment, few decide to dig a little deeper.
  • Truth is a certain higher knowledge connected with the intellectual or spiritual sphere. Knowledge is close to something common, in some - even to the divine. Truth is an undeniable absolute, in contrast to truth.

It is curious that this kind of separation of concepts in our time is not perceived by the Russian-speaking population as it was before. Until the beginning of the nineteenth century, the terms had the opposite meaning. Thus, the truth was perceived as something objective, almost divine, and the truth as something human and subjective.

In Russia, truth was one of the obligatory attributes of the Lord and all saints. By itself, this word was inextricably linked with concepts such as piety, justice and righteousness. Take at least one of the oldest codes of law in Russia, which had the name "Russian Truth", which was given to him clearly for a reason.


Another example of the difference between truth and truth at that time: when truth was revered as a direct result of a person’s fellowship with the Lord, truth was perceived as something “earthly”. The Psalter tells us that truth descends from heaven, but truth goes up from the earth.

Some meanings of truth related to concepts such as money and goods. However, by the time of the twentieth century, the meanings of these two words had changed each other, the truth “fell to the ground”, while the truth was “exalted to heaven”.