
How is left-handed and right-handed? Left-handed presidents. V.V. Putin - right-handed or left-handed?

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How is left-handed and right-handed? Left-handed presidents. V.V. Putin - right-handed or left-handed?
How is left-handed and right-handed? Left-handed presidents. V.V. Putin - right-handed or left-handed?

Video: Why Are People Left-Handed? 2024, June

Video: Why Are People Left-Handed? 2024, June

Modern human civilization is subject to labeling. We clearly divide by race and nationality, social status or mental development rate. From childhood, we are ranked as a group and stick a certain label. There are hundreds of millions of them in the world, but there is one feature that can divide all the people living in the world into only two camps. Ask: "Which one?" We are all left-handed or right-handed, and this ability was given to us even before the moment of birth. With the help of our article you will learn a lot of interesting things about left-handed people. For example, who is V.V. Putin - right-handed or left-handed? Read, and you will surely find out everything.


Left-handed and right-handed: who are they?

The predisposition to left-handedness or right-handedness is laid in the child at the time of conception. Scientists believe that this factor can be safely attributed to hereditary. It has already been proven that for right-handed parents, the probability of having a left-handed baby is only 2%, and in the case when one parent is left-handed, this figure increases to 45%. Although true left-handed people are extremely rare, according to statistics, there are no more than 20% of them in the world.

Science has long given an accurate definition of lefties and righties. A right-handed person is a person who has the dominant activity of the right hand, ear and eye. Moreover, the left hemisphere of the brain is more active, which is responsible for logic and rational thinking. For lefties, the opposite is true, and in their case, all the information entering the brain is processed mainly by the right hemisphere.

Left-hander: a messenger of the devil or a relative of the gods?

Left-handed people have always been of great interest at all times, but in different historical eras, the attitude towards them has changed to the exact opposite. For example, in Ancient Greece left-handed children caused universal love and tenderness. According to religious beliefs, they had a close relationship with the gods and brought happiness to the house. All young people dreamed of marrying a left-handed girl, it was believed that she would have gifted and healthy children.

In the Middle Ages, attitudes towards left-handed people changed dramatically. They were burned at the stake and considered the messengers of the devil. If a left-handed girl with red hair and freckles was born in the family, then her parents tried to get rid of her as quickly as possible. Indeed, otherwise the child would have expected a bonfire of the Inquisition.

In ancient Russia, left-handed people were also not favored. They were credited with a connection with the dark forces and were not even allowed to testify in court. The modern world has slightly changed the balance of power between right-handed and left-handed people. Scientists have proven that left-handed people are just children with special thinking, who are naturally more gifted than their right-handed peers.


Left-handed and right-handed: the main differences

So, what is the difference between a left-handed person and a right-handed person? First of all, with a leading hand. This is the first difference that catches the eye of everyone who meets lefties. It is much more convenient for them to write and take objects with their left hand. But at the same time, a lefty can have a right leading eye and ear. Scientists call these left-handed people "hidden." They make up about 50% of the total mass of left-handed people. Otherwise, all the main organs — the hand, ear and eye — on the left side are leading in the lefthander. These people are truly left-handed.

But the differences between the two categories do not end there. Left-handers actively process information in the right hemisphere. They quickly draw parallels and associations, they have developed imaginative thinking. Left-handed people grab new information "on the fly" and literally "swallow" it whole. It is not difficult for them to look down on the problem, taking into account all the nuances. As practice shows, left-handed people are more creative and creative people. They are very emotional, vulnerable and are characterized by fast, sometimes incoherent speech.

Right-handed people, on the contrary, have the ability to do exact sciences and perfectly build cause-effect relationships. They have well-developed logical thinking and make more meaningful decisions in difficult situations. It is easier for them to sort out the problem on the “shelves” and, scrolling it from all sides, choose the only effective way out of the situation. Right-handed people make great strategists.

Keep in mind that what makes a left handed person different from a right handed person does not make one category better than another. Everyone can find their place in life, where they will feel comfortable.


How to determine if your child is left-handed or right-handed?

Until five or six years old, adults should not seriously think about which category their child belongs to. Kids can act equally well with their right and left hands, but by the age of 5 they have finally fixed the dominant hemisphere, and you can try to conduct a simple series of tests with your child.

For example, the baby is offered to draw, cut out figures with scissors from paper, to comb his hair. The child should do the usual things, but at the same time, parents will be able to observe which hand is dominant. But these tests are approximate.

An adult can take another series of tests. In this case, it is proposed to find out the leading arm, leg, eye and ear. For example, to identify the dominant ear, you need to listen to the text in the headphones. And in each earphone a different text is read. Depending on the memory, you can find out the leading ear.

The lead leg can be identified by analyzing your favorite sleeping postures. If you fall asleep most often on your right side, then you are right-handed, because the body tries to unconsciously extinguish excessive activity in a dream.

Celebrities: which of them is left-handed?

Have you ever wondered how left-handedness is distributed among celebrities? For example, is V.V. Putin right-handed or left-handed? Which of the great men could boast of a leading left hand?

You may be surprised, but among left-handed people there are a lot of talented scientists and people in creative professions. Left-handed celebrities are found in almost all areas of life. For example, Albert Einstein and Leo Tolstoy were left-handed. This category includes: Marilyn Monroe, Charlie Chaplin, Mark Wahlberg, Angelina Jolie and others.


Left-handed celebrities plowed the oceans like Christopher Columbus and created empires like Napoleon. Among modern famous personalities, one can name the actor Viktor Sukhorukov, who played many memorable roles in the movie. What about our president? Who is V.V. Putin? Right handed or left handed?

Left-handed: who of the presidents were they?

Left-handed presidents are quite common in the United States. Until the seventies of the last century, there were only two of them:

  • Harry Truman;

  • James Garfield


In the future, lefties become presidents more often, these include Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton. Former US President Barack Obama is also a member of the left-handed club.