women's issues

How to erase green from different surfaces? How to wash green stuff from clothes

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How to erase green from different surfaces? How to wash green stuff from clothes
How to erase green from different surfaces? How to wash green stuff from clothes

Video: It's MAGIC! DIY Make your own stain remover for green copper stains! Green Stain Blues 2024, June

Video: It's MAGIC! DIY Make your own stain remover for green copper stains! Green Stain Blues 2024, June

Zelenka is an affordable and effective antiseptic. It is simply indispensable for abrasions and cuts, especially for small tomboys. But there is one significant drawback - it is almost impossible to open a bubble of green diamond without getting dirty. Even worse, if caustic solution is spilled on the floor or on furniture. Fortunately, the hostesses know a lot of options for how to erase the green.

From the skin of the hands and body

There are several effective ways to quickly wipe the green from the skin of your hands and body. Here are the main ones:

  • Laundry soap. Dilute some soap chips with water until creamy. Apply the product on a stain of brilliant green and leave for two to three minutes. Rub the skin lightly with a washcloth and rinse off the soap. If the stain does not completely disappear the first time, repeat the procedure two to three more times.
  • Alcohol and lemon. Mix one part of lemon juice with five parts of vodka. Moisten a cotton pad in the solution and apply to the stain for a few seconds. Rub your skin lightly and wash with warm water. If the pollution is fresh, you can do without alcohol.
  • Soda. Make slurry from soda and water. Apply to the soiled area and gently rub in a circular motion. Rinse off.
  • Hydrogen peroxide. Moisten a cotton pad in a liquid and apply to the skin for several minutes - the spot should lighten. You may need to repeat the procedure several times.

If the stain is significant or already out of date, before you remove the green, the skin must first be steamed and rubbed with a washcloth. After finishing the treatment, be sure to apply a moisturizer, as any cleansers dry the skin very much.


Facial skin

In search of ways to quickly wipe the brilliant green from the skin of the face, it is important to find the most mild product that does not harm the delicate epidermis. In this case, proceed as follows:

  1. Steam the skin. This can be done by washing, using a steam bath or a warm compress.
  2. Treat the contaminated area with a scrub.
  3. Apply a thick layer of oily cream, makeup remover or vegetable oil to the stain and leave for a couple of minutes.
  4. Rinse off with gel, cleansing foam or regular toilet soap.

If you immediately notice the appearance of a green spot on the skin, try removing it with micellar water. The product will attract pollution, and there will be no trace on the face. By the way, you can experiment with micellar water not only on the skin, but also on other surfaces, including furniture and various floor coverings.


After chickenpox

When children get chickenpox, pimples often grease with green. But even after recovery, green spots on the skin may remain for some time. Consider how you can erase the green to relieve the child of discomfort and not damage delicate skin:

  • In a dense layer, apply a greasy baby cream on the spots of brilliant green. Leave for a quarter of an hour, after which bathe the child. Be sure to rub the stained area with a soft washcloth.
  • Dissolve several tablets of ascorbic acid in a glass of water. Rub the contaminated area with a cotton swab dipped in the resulting solution. Bathe the baby in order to wash off the remnants of the product from the skin.


With nails

Ways to remove the brilliant green from the skin are not always suitable for nails. If the tool is eaten into the plate or numb under it or the cuticle, the task is much more complicated. Here are the most popular options for wiping the green from the nails:

  • Toothpaste. Hold your hands for a couple of minutes under running hot water or in the bath. Apply a paste on an old toothbrush and rub your nails thoroughly. Leave on for a couple of minutes and wash your hands.
  • Nail polish remover. With a cotton pad or cotton swab dipped in acetone, carefully rub the soiled nails.
  • Wet wipes for office equipment. Their composition, as a rule, contains alcohol, which copes well with brilliant green.

If the green stuffed up badly under the nails, first make a bath of water and lemon juice.


With hair

There are many ways to remove green from the skin. But what if you stained blond curls? In this case, such tools will help:

  • a solution of lemon juice and vodka (in equal proportions);
  • laundry soap;
  • warm kefir;
  • vegetable oil.

The algorithm is as follows:

  • Moisten a piece of gauze or cotton cloth in the selected product.
  • Wrap the stained curl.
  • Hold for three to five minutes.
  • Gently rub the curl.
  • Rinse with shampoo.

Note that it is almost impossible to remove the green from the hair the first time. You will have to repeat the procedure for several days in a row. Each time, the spot will be brighter.

With clothes

If you accidentally spilled green on your favorite outfit, do not give in to panic, but start acting immediately. Here's how to clean the green with clothes:

  • Hydrogen peroxide or alcohol. Moisten the stain with liquid and leave for 10 minutes. After that, wash the item with any conventional detergent. Similarly, you can remove the stain from non-woven or vinyl wallpaper.
  • Slaked soda. Sprinkle the stain with soda and drip a little vinegar. Wait until the hissing reaction is over, and wash the thing.
  • Ammonia. Dampen a cotton pad in the product and gently blot the stain. When you notice that it has brightened, wash the item in cold water.
  • Chlorine bleach. This is the most effective, but also the most aggressive option than wiping the green. Dampen a cotton swab in the product and carefully treat the stain. When it is completely discolored, wash the item.
  • Starch. Make a slurry of starch and water, apply it on a stain. When the product dries, carefully remove it from the fabric and wash.

Please note that these methods can be used only for white natural fabric. To save colored and synthetic things, it is better to use a stain remover or dry clean your clothes.


With furniture

If you want to preserve the beauty of the interior and avoid unplanned expenses, you definitely need to know how to wipe the green from furniture. So, if these are leather interior items, such options are suitable:

  • Eraser. If the stain is dry, just rub it with a regular stationery eraser. It will partially depart.
  • Alcohol-containing wet wipes. Gently rub the stained area without applying too much pressure to the surface. Continue until the green color stops printing on the napkin.

If you could not get rid of the stain completely, do not be discouraged. Under the influence of sunlight, after a while it will disappear on its own.

It’s hard enough to remove a stain from wood furniture. How to erase green? Here are the most effective remedies:

  • Soda and vinegar. Sprinkle the dirt with soda and drip a little vinegar on it. During the chemical reaction, the substances penetrate the wood fibers and "eat" the green. When the hissing is over, treat the surface with a damp cloth and then wipe dry.
  • Alcohol and citric acid. Combine the components in equal proportions and apply to the soiled area. After 5 to 10 minutes, remove with a damp cloth and wipe dry.
  • Hydrogen peroxide. Gently apply the preparation to the green spot, and after five minutes, rub with a cotton swab moistened with the same hydrogen peroxide. The stain will brighten significantly, but several such procedures will be required for complete removal.

These methods are not suitable for enameled surfaces. In this case, it is better to use the methods indicated for leather furniture.

The most difficult situation with fabric furniture. If the home decoration is light, then you can try to apply ways to remove the green from clothes. But this risk is not justified. It’s much wiser to use a professional stain remover or dry clean your furniture.


From linoleum

If you spilled the product on the floor, the choice of product and method of action will depend on the type of coating. Before wiping the brilliant green from linoleum, you need to gently pat the stain with a dry cloth so that the liquid does not spread on the floor. But even if the stain is old, do not give up. Try these tools:

  • Dishwashing liquid. Pour a dense layer of the composition onto the stain and leave for 10-15 minutes. Using a sponge, gently rub the surface, then rinse off the foam with clean water. If the stain does not disappear completely the first time, repeat the procedure again.
  • Gasoline or kerosene. Use one of these products if the stain is already dry. Moisten a rag with liquid, apply to a stain and leave for a quarter of an hour. Rinse the stained area with dishwashing detergent and then with clean water.
  • Cleaning agent. Moisten the surface, sprinkle a little cleaning agent and gently rub. Leave on for 10 minutes, rub again and rinse with water.

Do not hope too much that there is an effective tool than to wipe the green from linoleum the first time. The trace will remain anyway. But don't be discouraged. Very soon, the spot will brighten, become almost invisible or completely disappear.
