
The population of Russia. Future forecasts

The population of Russia. Future forecasts
The population of Russia. Future forecasts

Video: Who will dominate the future? - Russia 2024, July

Video: Who will dominate the future? - Russia 2024, July

If you believe the experts in the next 43 years, the total population of our beautiful planet will increase by approximately 2.5 billion. However, as for our country, in this case the forecasts are very pessimistic. Scientists are already sounding the alarm, as it is expected that the population of Russia will decline from 140 million to about 108 million. Moreover, such demographic changes are also awaiting Ukraine. All in all, two main reasons stand out: high mortality due to the immediate consequences of HIV infection, and on the other hand, low birth rates.



All of the above data were reviewed in a UN report. However, the document also mentioned that the implementation of such consequences primarily depends on whether measures will be taken to plan families, as well as to prevent the further widespread spread of HIV infection. For example, in those countries where antiretroviral drugs will be widely available for almost all segments of the population, it is expected that the average life expectancy will increase from 10 to 17.5 years.

The population of Russia. Future forecasts



It was also noted in the report that if other countries have increased life expectancy, then in our country this trend is not necessary. In particular, in Russia there are no signs of work to reduce mortality. Experts say that the only right decision in this matter will be to review the government’s migration policy and take all possible measures to reduce the spread of life-threatening infections.


However, HIV is far from the only cause of such high mortality rates. Of course, everyone understands that the population in Russia is currently in decline. The future of the country depends not only on the authorities, but also on the citizens themselves. Today, some experts suggest serious fundamental changes in social policy that will help solve such a problem as the population of Russia, or rather its rapid decline. On the other hand, only a few believe in a positive result. The thing is that the dynamics of the population of Russia several decades ago underwent such changes. It is important to note that the various kinds of demographic reforms proposed and successfully implemented by our government somewhat improve the overall situation. So, over the past few years there has been a spike in fertility, but mortality has not become less. Thus, the population of Russia can be increased only through the right demographic, social reforms and the solution of problems in the healthcare sector.

The situation in other countries

The reduction of citizens of states in addition to our country will also be observed in Germany, Japan, Italy and the Republic of Korea. Until 2050, more than half of the inhabitants of our planet will be concentrated in the United States, Pakistan, China, Ethiopia, India and Nigeria. The trend of relatively high population growth in the above countries will also continue.