
What they take with them to the sauna: an overview of the necessary things, features and recommendations

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What they take with them to the sauna: an overview of the necessary things, features and recommendations
What they take with them to the sauna: an overview of the necessary things, features and recommendations

Video: HOME SAUNA (how it works) how to assemble jnh lifestyles 2024, June

Video: HOME SAUNA (how it works) how to assemble jnh lifestyles 2024, June

It’s hard to think of a better stay for a Friday night than going to a bath or sauna. Soft steam, aroma of spices emanating from stones, massage with a steamed broom will calm your nerves and help you relax after a difficult working week. However, in order to make your trip to the sauna as comfortable as possible, and also safe, you should prepare for it in advance and take along all the necessary accessories. Consider what regular visitors take with them to the sauna. And what accessories will be required for the representative of the beautiful half of humanity.

What you need to take with you to the sauna

Firstly, you will need slippers to avoid getting acquainted with the foot fungus. At the same time, regulars of such public institutions prefer rubber shoes that do not absorb moisture and do not slip too much on wet floors.

Secondly, you will definitely need a hat that will protect your hair and head from overheating. Recall that it is impossible to wet your head in the sauna categorically, because wet skin heats up much faster than dry skin, and you can get heat stroke. It is better to refuse to use a synthetic hat, as it interferes with natural ventilation and accumulates moisture. The most suitable headgear in the sauna is made of natural wool, felt or a regular towel.


Thirdly, despite the fact that many visitors to the sauna do without any clothes, it is better to bring a bathrobe with you. Agree that after a steam room it is much more pleasant to please your skin with a soft cloth than to turn around with a soaked sheet or towel. In addition, you need to get to the shower from the steam room, which is more convenient to do in a solid bathrobe, and not in a wet and short “Roman toga”. The terry cloth of the dressing gown also has a slight massage effect.

Fourth, do not forget that they take at least two towels with them to the sauna - a large bath and a small one. The latter - again for hygienic reasons - is conveniently bedded in a steam room so that the steamed skin does not come into contact with common areas.

Tip for girls

What to take to a girl in a sauna is aromatic oils for rubbing or massage. However, in some establishments the use of oils is prohibited, therefore it is better to inquire about the possibility of their use in advance. But the essential elements will be a washcloth and high-quality shower gel, which are useful when washing after a sauna.


You can also take natural scrubs for the skin of the face and body, which will effectively remove the vapor-softened upper layer of the epithelium. This contributes to a more active penetration of moisture and tonic substances from the steam room into the deeper layers of the skin.

And a little about brooms

Many regulars of the sauna can not imagine visiting it without peppy whipping with a broom. This is traditionally a Russian procedure that has been carried out in a bathhouse since ancient times. However, a Russian bath differs from a sauna in increased humidity and cooler air, so it’s quite nice to bathe in it with a broom. But not everyone can withstand processing with a good broom in a dry and hot Finnish sauna. Therefore, a quality broom can be considered a desirable, but optional attribute.


Note that they often take independently made brooms with them to the sauna. The most famous version of the bath broom is birch, but you can use more exotic ones. For example, a linden broom, which has an antipyretic effect, or eucalyptus, the vapor of which favorably affects the immune system and is effective in various pulmonary and catarrhal diseases.

What does a lady need

Many ladies are very fond of the sauna precisely because, in addition to relaxing bath procedures, you can also take care of your own appearance, having a guaranteed effect. In this case, visiting the steam room becomes a regular pleasant procedure, and you need to prepare for it thoroughly and in advance.

What should a woman take to the sauna? Shadows, powders, foundation creams - all this clogs the pores, like a cement mortar, which is easily and naturally removed in the sauna, so do not forget to bring a set of masks with you. You need to apply them on steamed skin, and then the effect will be truly magical. Instead of factory, even the most expensive, it is better to use homemade masks made from natural ingredients or made according to folk recipes.

Simple masks such as crushed berries and crushed fruits, fat cream or sour cream, ground coffee, cocoa, which perfectly cleanse and tone skin cells, are very effective. It is not difficult to make them, even if you did not plan a trip to the sauna in advance.

If you like aromatherapy procedures, take with you the infusions of medicinal herbs that spill over onto the stones. Good needles, mint or lavender, which relieve stress like a hand. But the tincture of thyme causes drowsiness, so it is better not to use it if you plan to return home behind the wheel.


If you are aesthetically disagreeable with shapeless bath hats, and you can’t imagine yourself in a felt “budenovka”, replace the hat with a terry turban. Carefully assembled, it will create an oriental charm for you and, like a real woman, will allow you to shine your wardrobe even where dressing is not accepted in principle.

Menu for the sauna

What to take from food to the sauna? For many of our fellow citizens, visiting a sauna is associated with a plentiful feast and alcoholic "relaxation", but this is a serious and dangerous health hazard. And if a plentiful table in the steam room is completely useless, then alcohol is just a mockery of one’s health. Why?

The heat in the steam room greatly dilates blood vessels, respectively, in order to maintain normal blood pressure, the heart should work more actively. Feeding abundantly, visitors to saunas or baths increase the load on it even more. Judge for yourself whether this is useful.

The same school physics works in the case of alcohol, which greatly dilates blood vessels and without bath heat. Believe me, not one lover of alcohol received vascular collapse in the sauna. Do not neglect the rule that alcohol is taken with you to the sauna last.