men's issues

What to do if I got up? Find the answer to an intriguing question

What to do if I got up? Find the answer to an intriguing question
What to do if I got up? Find the answer to an intriguing question

Video: 20 Smart & Interesting Ways to Respond to 'What's up?' 2024, July

Video: 20 Smart & Interesting Ways to Respond to 'What's up?' 2024, July

Men of different ages sometimes face the problem of unintentional erection. In such a situation, the only question they ask themselves is: “What should I do if I got up?” The problem is not so massive if it happened at home, alone. In this case, you just need to wait and the member will drop. For example, a morning erection is completely normal. It occurs because the expanded bladder interferes with the outflow of blood.

But what if the guy stood in a crowded place? Many representatives of the stronger sex joke on this subject like this: “What are you worried about? He straightened his back, and go with your head held high! ” Of course, there is some truth in this: they say that everything that is natural is not ugly. Especially in our country, where a high percentage of men suffer from impotence due to tobacco and alcohol addiction.


The most common question is: “What should I do if I got up?” - teenagers ask themselves. For them, this is really a problem, since an erection can happen several times a day. In this case, you can advise wearing underwear tighter, this will help visually hide the fact that a member has stood up. Or wear shirts, the length of which will cover the zipper on the pants.


“What if I got up in a public place?” - This is the question many guys ask themselves. There are two ways out of this situation. The first is to retire, for example in the bathroom, and wait until a member lowers. If you don’t have time for this, there is a way to speed up the process. To do this, moisten the head with cold water. If possible - an ice cube. You can also attach a wet cold towel to the lower abdomen. The effect is not long in coming, it will take no more than 5 minutes, and you can continue to go about your business.

The second way is suitable if you have a good sense of humor. Translate the situation as a joke, start a conversation on a different topic, the sediment of awkwardness, of course, will remain, but everything will be a little louder. We are all human, therefore nothing human is alien to us! Moreover, you should not worry if this happened among men, each of them, most likely, will have a couple of funny stories about getting into a situation similar to yours.


If you are in a public place, going somewhere, or riding the subway, you can try to hide the erection by putting your hands in your pockets.

Many guys are interested in the question: "What if I got up for no reason, and does not fall a couple of hours?" Let's try to find the answer. This situation is very dangerous for men's health. Most likely, prolonged swelling of the genital organ indicates a disease such as priapism. This is a pathology in which a painful erection occurs, without sexual arousal. One of the symptoms is that the penis is filled unevenly with blood, as a result of which the head remains soft, and it bends towards the abdomen. The causes of the appearance of such a disease can be injuries to the genital organ or abuse of alcohol and drugs.

Complications can be very serious, from impotence to gangrene. Usually, if a man realized in time that this is not a simple erection and immediately consulted a doctor, they will undergo surgery or a puncture under local anesthesia.