
What is indisputable truth?

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What is indisputable truth?
What is indisputable truth?

Video: Mike Tyson Undisputed Truth Official Trailer HBO 2024, July

Video: Mike Tyson Undisputed Truth Official Trailer HBO 2024, July

Dale Carnegie, the famous American writer, once said: "It is an old and undeniable truth that a drop of honey will catch more flies than a gallon of bile." The meaning of the statement is absolutely understandable. But why the indisputable truth? The answer to this question can be found in the article. What does such an interesting term mean? Why did he appear?

Undisputed truth: the concept and its main features

Historically, the concept in question is nothing but a non-standard axiom, because it is provable. In other words, it is a fact guaranteed by means of a specific event or their combination. The indisputable truth is that which is always constant. You can’t argue with this, although almost everyone is trying to do it (it so happened in society that the forbidden fruit is sweet anyway). Many argue that there is no indisputable truth in the world and cannot be, because it is too loud and relative concept. But the great philosophers and thinkers have long ago proved the opposite point of view, and this is certainly an undeniable truth!


The concept under consideration is a kind of design that was invented by people in consensus (in accordance with a specific agreement or contract). This means that the concept of indisputable truth cannot exist outside of society - it takes place only among people. However, in the world there is no absolute truth, because everything is relative (contextually, culturally, semiotically, and so on). But the undeniable truth that does not require proof is stronger than just an axiom, and the point!

Find examples at every turn

In fact, there are many examples in the world that prove that the concept under consideration holds. There is air, but it is invisible. Scientists have long argued for this and told society absolutely all the laws. But a small child who is interested in what air is must thoroughly explain such a significant fact for him. Is the earth round and revolves around the sun? Yes, exactly so, it has long been known.


We must eat to live. Naturally, a person is unlikely to last more than a week without food, because it is she who gives a peculiar impetus to the functioning of individual organs, and the body is an interconnected and interdependent system. People once die. Unfortunately or fortunately, but this is an undeniable truth. That is why it is so important to live a busy life and do a lot so that the ancestors are proud and, perhaps, tell their neighbors about their wonderful relative.

What else?

The glass is hard and transparent - it turns out that this is also the truth, one that is undeniable. The only difference is that it is visible to the naked eye. And if from this point of view we consider the relationship between the sexes, then we can say with confidence that men, as a rule, are attracted to women, and women - to men. And this is also an indisputable truth! True, it can be challenged by people of non-traditional orientation, but, in any case, they will be wrong, because Mother Nature is so planned that we like the opposite sex.

The sun shines day and night, all day and all year round. What is not the truth? This has long been proven, and it is unlikely that anyone will try to dispute this fact. After winter, spring follows, then summer and autumn. So nature ordered, so it’s so right. There is no need for a person to try to change or contradict something, even if only in words, because it is stupid and naive.

Indisputable truth, as a rule, endowed with abstract nature

Many examples of indisputable truth have been considered above, but all of them have long been known, therefore they do not cause a storm of public interest. What truths awaken society and make you think? Those that dispute are not futile, even if often stupid. A person likes the game, so often he reads the thoughts of great writers and philosophers, for example, in order to confirm in his subconscious mind the true expressions and refute the ones that are unacceptable to him.


For example, Charles Bukowski, a cult American writer, says that "educated people are full of doubts, and idiots are full of confidence." This is one of the pressing problems of the modern world, because a truly wise person, as a rule, is simple and silent. He is restrained, but extremely attentive. Often these can be seen a mile away, but not everyone can do it. Sincerely confident people will not shout about it, they will achieve their goal, but modestly, and only after that they will tell someone that everything worked out!

Indisputable truth or reason for discussion?

Now it has become an indisputable truth that a person should leave everything alone and take care of himself. Only a fool will refute it! So, if you suddenly came up with a “bright” thought, how to change your close or not very close people, start with yourself. Most likely, this will significantly increase the degree of your psychological adaptation and, of course, will significantly expand the horizons of your own personality. If you too follow someone else's life, then you can live your own wrong or lose it altogether. In general, they say about people who practice gossip and the like: “His life is boring and faded, which is why he crawls into mine!” And this is an undeniable truth. What else can be said about this concept?
