
What is an activity, and what is it?

What is an activity, and what is it?
What is an activity, and what is it?

Video: What Is Activity In Android | Activity In Android Studio | Android Activity Explained In Detail 2024, July

Video: What Is Activity In Android | Activity In Android Studio | Android Activity Explained In Detail 2024, July

It is impossible to understand what such activity is without taking into account all its possible aspects and manifestations. Often this term is understood as a sequence of actions of the subject, united by the goal of creating a product, material or cultural. Is this definition true?


Man cannot only bring something new to the world. Often there is a need to eliminate, eliminate for some reason unclaimed or obstructing items.

Getting rid of depression and recognizing the transaction as null and void - these processes require completely different actions, but in both cases we are talking about activity aimed at the cessation of the existence of phenomena (bad mood, rights under a contract). The given examples of targeted actions, however, cannot fall into the category of destructive activity. After all, treatment for depression is healing the body, eliminating violations, and recognizing the nullity of the transaction is restoring the legal rights of the parties, canceling the consequences of an error that was not identified immediately. Thus, creative activity is not necessarily associated with the creation of new objects; it can recognize the status of something existing.


To understand what such activity is, it is necessary to learn to distinguish constructive actions that do not bring new things into the world from destructive ones. The latter are united by the goal of destroying any object of material or spiritual culture. A vivid example is some types of criminal activity. For example, acts of vandalism as the destruction or desecration of historical, cultural monuments valuable to society are destructive in nature.

On the other hand, for a criminal, harm to historical values ​​may not be an end in itself. Often the behavior of the offender is a way to convey his idea to the world, to defend a certain position.

So, for example, sawing off crosses of churches may be an attempt to report on the deviant's attitude to the politics of the church or the state, about the desire to live in a society that is not burdened with some aspects of the work of these organizations.


Behind this may be a new vision of the life of society, the concept of interaction between society, the individual and the state. You can consider human beliefs, thinking and activity as an attempt to demonstrate their views. And some destructive actions can be a means of expressing constructive ideas.

To determine what such activity means to understand the specifics of not only destructive, but also creative activity. Constructive actions can bring fundamentally new things and ideas to the world that are different from others.

This kind of activity is called creativity. Production activity, on the contrary, is a sequence of actions to transform resources into material goods demanded by society. This is a streamlined creation of objects according to an existing concept.

So what is activity in the broadest sense? These are the actions of the subject aimed at transforming, changing the world and man.