
What is the Red Book of Ukraine?

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What is the Red Book of Ukraine?
What is the Red Book of Ukraine?

Video: RED BOOK UKRAINE ' 2024, June

Video: RED BOOK UKRAINE ' 2024, June

The Red Book of Ukraine is the main document that contains all the materials about rare animals and plants. In it you can see all individuals on the verge of extinction. On the basis of the Red Book of Ukraine, law enforcement agencies are developing practical and scientific measures that are aimed at restoring populations of the animal and plant world.

Let's figure it out!

In this publication are those animals that live permanently or temporarily in natural conditions on the territory of the state. All living creatures recorded in the directory, which is called the Red Book of Ukraine, is under protection, and it is being strictly monitored.


Each country monitors animals, birds, plants located on their territory. Especially for those who began to reduce their numbers. Data that is ascertained in the course of research is recorded in a special collection. Ukraine was no exception. And the first such collection appeared in 1980. He was called the Red Book of Ukraine. It included 151 species of plants and 85 species of animals.

Many scientists worked on the book, they came from different countries and did a great job, listing a large number of animals. This was done in order to find out which species are endangered and which must be preserved so that they do not die out at all.

New volumes

In 1994, a volume entitled "Animal World" was printed and released, and two years later the book "Plant World" was published. The results left much to be desired, because in a few years the number of rare plants amounted to 390 species, and the number of animals increased by 297.

The third, last, collection was released in 2009. And, unfortunately, a huge number of creatures that need protection have already been introduced into it. Looking at these numbers, we can say that at such a pace, humanity will soon be left without animals.

Every year, the number of endangered rare creatures increases with great speed. For example, speckled ground squirrel was previously met on the territory of Ukraine very often. But due to the fact that its habitats began to be destroyed, and the rodents themselves were destroyed by various poisons and chemicals, the population of this species began to decrease sharply.


In 2000, the number of these rare creatures did not cross the border of 1000 individuals. They were rarely met by small colonies in the Lugansk and Kharkov regions.

Another endangered species, listed not only in the Red Book of Ukraine, but also in the Russian Federation book, is a desman. Due to the negative impact of humanity on the environment of the planet, only 35, 000 representatives of this species remain. Their number in Ukraine is so small that they are found only in the Sumy region, the number is only three hundred individuals, and they continue to die out.


So, let's find out what names the Red Book of Ukraine contains. Animals:

  1. European mink. Its number is decreasing due to the fact that these animals are being hunted. In the state there are only 200 individuals.

  2. Steppe fox, also called corsac. Because of its valuable fur, hunters exterminate this species. In Ukraine, it is rare and only in the Lugansk region. The number of these animals is not more than 20.


  3. Common lynx was distributed almost throughout the European part. The shooting of these animals led to the fact that a large number of them were destroyed. Today they live in Russia, Scandinavia and the Carpathians. A small number live in Belarus, Poland, Central Asia and the Balkan Peninsula. In Ukraine, there are only 400 individuals.

There are animals that have completely disappeared from Ukraine. This is a monk seal. He was met in large numbers on the banks of the Crimea. Today they live only off the coast of Turkey and Bulgaria. Their total number does not exceed 1000 individuals.


In addition to animals that are recorded in the collection, there are also birds of the Red Book of Ukraine. Their number also leaves much to be desired. Several years ago, all types of birds were found quite often in the country, in its cities. Here is a short list: a yellow heron, a loaf, an ordinary spoonbill, a black stork, an alpine accentor, a swivel reed. There are also birds that are poorly studied, and they do not have categories and ratings. It is a red-headed kinglet and the smallest lark.


The birds of the woodpecker detachment are included here: green, three-fingered and white-backed woodpeckers - and many more different orders, divided into categories (rare, vulnerable, endangered) and without them. These are those animals and birds whose lists are simply so large that it is impossible to list all of them. But in nature there is still different vegetation, which is also destroyed intentionally or accidentally. It does not matter, but the fact remains. And this makes us think about the importance of protected objects. Let's look at the category of grass and trees.

Red Book of Ukraine: plants

Plants such as black aspen, rhodiola rosea, four-leafed marsilia, Cossack juniper, grass sword, curly griffol, curved diphasiastrum are included in this publication.


Let's list some of the flowers of the Red Book of Ukraine. Here you can find snowdrops, they are also listed in this book, alpine asters, white pearl cornflowers, narrow-leaved daffodils, Schrenk tulips, forest lily, saffron and many others.