the culture

What is beauty?

What is beauty?
What is beauty?

Video: How your brain decides what is beautiful | Anjan Chatterjee 2024, June

Video: How your brain decides what is beautiful | Anjan Chatterjee 2024, June

Statements about what beauty is, not to count. We easily repeat the well-known, quite serious and half-joking formulations of this word. We know that it is “terrible power”, “language of superconsciousness”, even “sound and visual pleasure”. However, when it comes time to give our own answer to the question of what beauty is, we often experience difficulties. Scientists have been experiencing the same difficulties for centuries, trying to explain a seemingly simple concept.

Until a certain time, it was customary to consider: beauty is associated with expediency. Many scholars have argued: the concept of beauty is nothing more than a category of aesthetics, meaning a harmonious combination of many aspects, which in its complex cause pleasure for the observer. That is why we use the word "beautiful" to describe the female or male body, architectural structures, landscapes, etc.

Another part of pundits to the question of what beauty is, gives a completely different answer. They believe that this is an ideal that corresponds to cultural or ethnic concepts that has developed in a particular place.

It is no coincidence that the concept of “beautiful woman” among different peoples means different types of women. In Europe, for example, a tall, long-legged and thin girl is considered beauty. Such beauty has a certain status for us.

In Mauritania, daughters are specially fed, sometimes using torture. The thinness in this country is a shame not only for the future bride, but also for her entire family. Moorians believe that only a fat woman is able to bear and then feed a child. This means that they approach the concept of beauty in terms of survival.

In one of the tribes of North Africa, women are cut off all their teeth “for beauty”.

No wonder they say: "How many people - so many opinions." California scientists have come to an unexpected conclusion. When asked what beauty is, they answer: "In fact, beauty does not exist." After certain studies, American psychologists came to the conclusion: beauty is stereotyped, primitive, and most similar to most.

The beauty of man, Americans say, is determined by the speed of processing visual information. The simpler the face, the less detail on it, the easier it is to cover a person’s face with one glance, the more beautiful its owner seems to us. This phenomenon has been called the "lazy brain." Despite the fact that such allegations seem quite controversial, in the last century they were confirmed using a computer program. Photographs of six hundred universally recognized beauties and beauties were analyzed using a program that takes into account anthropometric data. It turned out that they are very similar to each other.

The principle of "lazy brain" is triggered when evaluating people, living and inanimate nature.

For many centuries it was believed that that averaged standard of beauty appeared as a result of evolutionary development. It is he who gives more chances for survival or reproduction. It was believed that nature reproduces many copies only when the original sample is worthy of inheritance.

Today, American psychologists have proved the fallacy of this theory.

The classics have their own opinion. They believe that the true beauty of man is the unity of appearance, the spiritual world, actions and aspirations.

So what is beauty? Apparently - this is a harmonious image that evokes extremely positive emotions, something that causes admiration. Beauty is a feeling of comfort with the image you like, whether it's a beautiful landscape, a beautiful person or a beautiful animal.

Let everyone have their own concept of beauty. Some people like mountains, others like steppes. Some like blondes, and others like bbw.

Beauty gives rise to a desire to live, interact with the world around us, and strive for excellence.