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What is a drill stand? Definition

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What is a drill stand? Definition
What is a drill stand? Definition

Video: Why I don't clamp my work on a drill press 2024, June

Video: Why I don't clamp my work on a drill press 2024, June

The first thing the commander sees when approaching the unit is the combatant stand of the soldiers (cadets, students), so each subordinate should learn to take the right position, know the place in the ranks and execute the commands correctly. At the construction, everyone should take their place in accordance with the position (rank) and growth. When giving the command "Become!" or "Attention!" each soldier must take a combat position: stand straight, but not straining, put the heels together, and spread the socks to the sides the width of the foot, straighten the shoulders, pull in the stomach, keep your head straight. The hands are located at the seams, the hands should be kept in a bent state. At the time when the drill stand is adopted, the subordinate must be ready to carry out commands and take immediate action.


After the command "Free!" it is necessary to loosen the right or left leg in the knee, while talking and turning is prohibited. It should also be remembered that the drill stand is accepted without a command in cases where the senior in rank or the national anthem appears on the horizon.

The actions of a soldier in the ranks and the initial preparation for the march

After the distribution of subordinates and placing them in the appropriate places, the manager should submit a number of primitive instructions. The latter include the following commands:

  • "Become!". With this indication, everyone in the ranks must take the correct position and be ready for subsequent actions.

  • "Be equal!". Execution is considered to be correct when all subordinates turn their heads in the direction of the right-flank so as to see the chest of the fourth person standing on his own (considering himself the first).

  • "At attention!". On this command, the soldier returns to his original position (i.e., looks in front of him).

  • "Freely!".

  • "Refuel!". Upon hearing this requirement, all personnel correct hats and uniforms.

If the subordinates perform actions not synchronously, the “Pause!” Command is issued. In this case, any actions are terminated, and the starting position is adopted.

On-site training of personnel

The drill stand and rotations in place are performed according to the appropriate commands. In the first case, the executive is immediately implied (this means that the position must be adopted immediately after the instruction). To move the train in any direction, the so-called double indication is used: preparatory and executive. For example, to rotate, the command: "Direction!" (“Fuck!”), While the first part of the word is the preparatory part, and the second is the executive part.


To train the composition, you can use exercises for two counts: "Do it once, do two!". For example, to train turns on the spot: when you say “Do it once!” the subordinate turns in the right direction, and the subsequent command “Do two!” means that you need to put the other foot along the shortest path to the leg in front.

Features of the movement of soldiers in the ranks and singly

On the territory of a military unit, the single movement of subordinates is prohibited. This means that movement to the designated place (barracks, canteen, etc.) is made only by the formation. A soldier can cross the parade ground independently only at the command of a senior in rank and only by running or marching step.


You should remember the rules for greeting the approaching boss and be sure to follow them. If a soldier is without a headdress, when the commander approaches, a combatant stand is taken, hands are pressed to the body. In the presence of a headgear, the right hand is applied to the visor (fingers should be held together, the elbow is at shoulder level).

Rules for failure and return to starting position

Failure must be done only on command. This may indicate the number of steps. For example: "Soldier Petrov, fail 5 steps." The subordinate, having heard his surname, is obliged to answer “I” and proceed to follow the instructions. At the end of the report, the soldier returns to his place and takes a combat station.

It should be remembered that returning to the starting position is possible only after filing by the chief of the executive team “Become in operation”. In this case, the soldier puts his hand to the headdress, replies "Yes!" and goes to his place.

When approaching a senior in rank (rank) out of order, the employee is obliged to go from marching to drill line step for 5-6 steps, then stop, put his hand to the guard (if any) and report on arrival.

When listening to a report or giving a command, the boss also puts his hand to the headgear.

Initial rebuild actions

The definition of the drill stand is also important when rebuilding units into ranks both in place and in motion. For this, pre-executive teams are submitted. For example: “Platoon, build in two lines!”, “Separate, build in one line!”

The number of columns in the camp system depends on the number of subordinates. For example, a compartment can be moved into a column one or two people. The rebuilding of the unit is carried out both on the spot and on foot.

The movement of employees in columns and ranks

In columns and ranks, soldiers move in combatant steps. The tempo is set by guides. For convenience, the unit commander keeps track of the steps to “One, two, three!”, While unpaired numbers fall on the left foot. The norm of the walking step is about 120 beats per minute. When giving a command “running”, the norm increases to 180 steps.


Before the start of the march, the command line is adopted. Then, with the indication "Step march!" or “March march!” soldiers begin to move with their left legs, while actively engaging their hands. Keep your head straight. The toe of the leg must be pulled as much as possible to a height of 15-20 cm above ground level. To move from the marching step, the command is issued quietly. Greetings in motion also occur as directed by the commander. To do this, the guide sends a command, for example: "Platoon at attention, alignment to the right!". After that, the whole unit takes one more step, stops moving hands and turns its head in the direction indicated. The termination of the greeting occurs at the command of "Free!". This resumes the movement of the hands.

On-site tricks

The combat line with weapons is the same as without them. There are two types of techniques involving weapons: on the spot and in hiking orders. In the first case, you should learn to shift the machine (machine gun, carbine) from the "On the belt" to the "On the chest" position. This is done in several stages:

  1. First, the right hand moves along the belt a little up, while the weapon is removed from the shoulder. At the same time, you should grab it with your free hand on the barrel pad and keep it straight in front of you.

  2. At the next stage, the belt is retracted, and the elbow of the right hand is pulled under it.

  3. Ultimately, you should throw the belt behind your head. Hold the gun by the neck of the stock, quickly lower the free (left) hand.


Features of operations with a carbine

  1. At the first stage, the carbine (or machine gun) is lifted from the leg, while not taking it from the body, while turning the magazine (pistol grip) to the left. Then, with the left hand, the weapon is taken by the store (or forearm) and held at eye level. The elbow of the right hand is pressed.

  2. Next, pull the belt with your right hand (to the left).

  3. The last step is the quick transfer of a carbine (machine gun) over the shoulder. In this case, the left hand sinks quickly, the right - along the belt. The weapon is pressed slightly against the body.