
What is taiga? Coniferous forests of the taiga: description, flora and fauna

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What is taiga? Coniferous forests of the taiga: description, flora and fauna
What is taiga? Coniferous forests of the taiga: description, flora and fauna

Video: The Taiga-( Boreal Forest)-Biomes of the World 2024, July

Video: The Taiga-( Boreal Forest)-Biomes of the World 2024, July

The largest natural area in Russia is the taiga. Coniferous forests can be confidently called the “lungs of the Earth”, because the state of air, the balance of oxygen and carbon dioxide, depend on them. Here are concentrated rich wood reserves, mineral deposits, many of which are opened to this day.


Location in Russia

The taiga is spread in a wide strip in our country. Coniferous forests occupy most of Siberia (Eastern, Western), the Urals, the Baikal region, the Far East and the Altai mountains. The zone originates on the western border of Russia, it stretches to the coast of the Pacific Ocean - the Sea of ​​Japan and Okhotsk.

Coniferous forests of the taiga border on other climatic zones. In the north, they are adjacent to the tundra, in the west - with deciduous forests. In some cities of the country, the intersection of taiga with forest-steppe and mixed forests is observed.

Location in Europe

Coniferous forests of the taiga cover not only Russia, but also some foreign countries. Among them are the countries of the Scandinavian Peninsula, Canada. Throughout the world, taiga massifs occupy a huge territory and are considered the largest zone on the planet.

The extreme boundary of the biome on the south side is located on the island of Hokkaido (Japan). The north side is bounded by Taimyr. This arrangement explains the leading position of taiga in length among other natural zones.



A large biome is located immediately in two climatic zones - temperate and subarctic. This explains the variety of weather conditions in the taiga. A temperate climate provides warm summers. The average temperature of the natural zone in the summer is 20 degrees above zero. Cold Arctic air affects sharp temperature changes and affects taiga winters, the air here can be cooled to 45 degrees below zero. In addition, piercing winds are observed at all times of the year.


The coniferous forests of taiga are characterized by increased humidity due to their location in a marshland and low volatility. In summer, most precipitation occurs in the form of small and heavy rains. In winter there is a lot of snow - the thickness of its layer is 50–80 centimeters, it does not melt for 6–7 months. Permafrost is observed in Siberia.


The largest, longest and richest natural zone is the taiga. Coniferous forests occupy fifteen million square kilometers of land on Earth! The width of the zone in the European part is 800 kilometers, in Siberia - more than 2 thousand kilometers.

The formation of taiga forests began in the previous era, before the onset and melting of glaciers. However, the zone received a detailed analysis and characteristics only in 1898 thanks to P. N. Krylov, who defined the concept of “taiga” and formulated its main characteristics.


Especially rich in biome ponds. Famous Russian rivers originate here - the Volga, Lena, Kama, Northern Dvina and others. Cross the taiga Yenisei and Ob. The largest Russian reservoirs are located in coniferous forests - Bratskoye, Rybinskoye, Kamskoye. In addition, in the taiga there are many groundwater, which explains the predominance of swamps (especially in Northern Siberia and Canada). Due to the temperate climate and sufficient moisture, there is a rapid development of the plant world.

Taiga subzones

The natural zone is divided into three subzones, which differ in climatic features, flora and fauna.

  • North. It is characterized by a cold climate. It has harsh winters and cool summers. Huge areas of land are occupied by marshland. Forests in most cases are stunted; medium-sized spruce and pine trees are observed.

  • Medium. It is characterized by moderation. The climate is temperate - warm summers, cold but not frosty winters. Many swamps of various types. High humidity. Trees of normal height, mainly spruce blueberries.

  • South. Here the most diverse fauna and flora, coniferous forests are observed. Taiga has an admixture of broad-leaved and small-leaved tree species. The climate is warm, it has a hot summer, which lasts for almost four months. Reduced swampiness.

Types of Forests

Depending on the vegetation, several types of taiga are distinguished. The main ones are light coniferous and dark coniferous forests. Along with the trees there are meadows that have arisen at the place of forest clearing.

  • Light coniferous type. Mainly distributed in Siberia. Also found in other areas (Ural, Canada). It is located in a sharply continental climate zone, characterized by numerous precipitation and moderate weather conditions. One of the common types of trees is pine - a photophilous representative of the taiga. Such forests are spacious and bright. Larch is another common species. Forests are even brighter than pine. Crowns of trees are rare, therefore in such "thickets" a feeling of open terrain is created.

  • Dark coniferous type - the most common in Northern Europe and mountain ranges (Alps, Altai Mountains, Carpathians). Its territory is located in a temperate and mountain climate, characterized by high humidity. Fir and spruce prevail here, juniper and dark coniferous pine are less common.

Vegetable world

As early as the beginning of the 19th century, no one shared the natural zones, and their differences and features were not known. Fortunately, today geography has been studied in more detail, and the necessary information is available to everyone. Coniferous forest of the taiga - trees, plants, shrubs … What is characteristic and interesting of the plant world of this zone?

In the forests - a mild or absent undergrowth, which is explained by insufficient light, especially in dark coniferous thickets. The moss is monotonous - as a rule, only a green species can be found here. Shrubs grow - currants, junipers, and shrubs - lingonberries, blueberries.

The type of forest depends on climatic conditions. The western side of the taiga is characterized by the dominance of European and Siberian spruce. In mountainous areas spruce-fir forests sprout. Clusters of larch extend to the east. The Okhotsk coast is rich in a variety of tree species. In addition to coniferous representatives, taiga is also fraught with deciduous trees. Mixed forests consist of aspen, alder, birch.

Fauna of the taiga

The fauna of the coniferous forests of the taiga is diverse and unique. There are many different insects. Nowhere is there such a large number of furry animals, including ermine, sable, hare, and affection. Climatic conditions are favorable for settled animals, but unacceptable for cold-blooded creatures. Only a few species of amphibians and reptiles live in the taiga. Their low numbers are associated with harsh winters. The remaining residents adapted to the cold seasons. Some of them fall into hibernation or suspended animation, while their vital activity is slowed down.


What animals live in coniferous forests? Taiga, where there are so many shelters for animals and an abundance of food, the presence of such predators as a lynx, brown bear, wolf, fox is inherent. Ungulates live here - roe deer, bison, elk, deer. On the branches of trees and under them live rodents - beavers, squirrels, mice, chipmunks.



More than 300 species of birds nest in the forest thickets. A special variety is observed in the eastern taiga - wood grouse, hazel grouse, some species of owls and woodpeckers live here. Forests are characterized by increased humidity and numerous bodies of water, therefore waterfowl are especially widespread here. Some representatives of coniferous open spaces have to migrate to the south in winter, where the conditions of existence are more favorable. Among them are the Siberian thrush and the forest singer.
