
Society in philosophy - what is it?

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Society in philosophy - what is it?
Society in philosophy - what is it?

Video: Philosophy and Society: A Computational Future | Peter Millican | TEDxOxford 2024, July

Video: Philosophy and Society: A Computational Future | Peter Millican | TEDxOxford 2024, July

The view of philosophy on society cannot be separated from human philosophy, although it does not come down directly to this topic. At any stage of its development, society is a complex, multifaceted entity that has diverse, intertwined relationships, which include human relations. The life of society is not limited only to the life of the people included in it. Society is constructive and forms various spiritual, material values ​​that are not created by individuals. For example, technology, art, various institutions, science and languages, law, morality and politics, philosophy, at last … It is this complex and contradictory interweaving of human actions, results and relations that is an integral part of society as a whole organism.

Philosophical definition

It is interesting that society in philosophy is an abstract concept. It is purely theoretical. In reality, there are quite specific types of society with different historical roots and forms: ancient tribes, feudal lords, Asian monarchies, etc. If we are talking about a specific organization of people, then there must be an indication of the formal characteristics of this group. Everyone knows such a thing as “family is an elementary unit of society”. There are also a variety of social, age, ethnic associations of people. In addition, the concept of "society" in philosophy is an identification with the state. It is also compared with the global concept of the “world community”.

Philosophy and Ordinary Consciousness

Until a person thinks about what a society is, it seems to him that this concept is well known to him. In the ordinary consciousness of people, society is all the people around us with whom we communicate and those who are far from us, but who are also members of a single society. The quality of our life depends on the society in which we live. Modern society in philosophy is a concept that was formed approximately in the XVII-XVIII centuries due to the development of European culture. And the etymological meaning of society in most languages ​​is a word that characterizes not an isolated person, but a certain united totality of individuals.


Types of society

Modern society has gone through two stages of formation: industrial and post-industrial. Already at the end of the 18th century, the concept of civil society appeared, which included the mores and customs of the whole people. It was believed that such a society was not directed by the state, but was distinguished by amateur activity, self-government of the population, and participation in the political life of ordinary people.


It is interesting that then commoners were not considered members of society. Therefore, by the definition of that time, society in philosophy is an aristocracy in whose hands power and wealth were concentrated. Today, this smaller part of society is called the upper world, the elite.


Even Plato and Aristotle singled out society as part of the state, which includes only free citizens. Slaves could not be considered its members. But even then, in antiquity, society was in the minority. After the French Revolution, the political image of Europe changed, and the concept of "society" is used in a broad sense. Now it began to reflect the general self-awareness of people, their desire to participate in politics and life of the common people, the majority of the population.


What is the role of philosophy in society and the knowledge system

As a science, philosophy is always aimed at the scientific knowledge of the world, but at the same time it maximally expresses the interests of certain classes and subjects of society. This science, as an integral system of ideas about the world, includes the ideology and politics of class societies. As a result, the confrontation between separate areas of philosophy intensified. Since the role of philosophy in society influences its ideology, it is an important part of the study in the knowledge system of political sciences.

A significant part of philosophical knowledge is aesthetics. Creating a philosophical picture of the world, its creators should be endowed with a sense of beauty and harmony. Philosophical science is related to art, as evidenced by the work of Camus, Roerich, Churlionis, Tagore, Goethe and other authors.

The process of disseminating the concept of "society"

A fairly long and controversial path of formation has passed humanity, before taking shape in modern society. Philosophy has always been aimed at studying the laws of being and identifying mechanisms for regulating relations in society. The process of forming the concept of "society" was a long, controversial and complex. There are still some countries where women do not have the right to vote. There are also states where entire layers of the population are taken outside the framework of society.

As mentioned above, it is the 18th century that is considered the frontier that changed the economic side of Europe. This happened thanks to the industrial revolution, when large workshops with hired workers replaced the family workshops. Urbanization and industrialization burst into modern society. Philosophy as a science also did not stand still and began to develop rapidly.

Freedom of citizens, their education began to grow rapidly. The economy has made it possible for many to gain independence. This led to the extension of the concept of “personality” to ordinary citizens, who until recently were not considered to be full members of society. A new form of society began to develop - democracy, based on the equality of each person before the law. The flagship of industrialization in Europe was England, which sprouted for the development of industry, free enterprise and new legislation.


Living conditions, nature and society

Philosophy as a social science is engaged in the study of man and his environment, which includes nature. Therefore, one of the main points of the analysis of society is its relation to nature and its variety of types. Materialistic philosophy has identified such aspects of the relationship between man and nature:

  • genetic linkage;

  • evolution;

  • anthropogenesis and sociogenesis;

  • ontological connection.

The concept of "nature" is the basis of human existence, the source of the necessary substances, products and objects. The epistemological, spiritual connection that nature and society have, philosophy defines as a prerequisite for the cognitive activity of people and a condition for their emotional and psychological stability.


“Nature” in philosophy is a synonym for the words “world”, “matter”, “Universe”, “being”. It also means the essence of many phenomena (the nature of electricity, disease, etc.); natural environment relatively opposed to society (everything that is not the result of human labor).

In general, we can say that the concept of "nature" plays a big role. Philosophy defines human society as part of the totality.


Consumer practice in relation to natural resources has led to the violation of harmony in the environment. Starting from the 20th century, it became clear that there was a threat to the existence of mankind as a whole as a biological species, expressed by the ecological crisis. We note the pollution of water, air, soil, lack of resources, the disappearance of certain species of plants and animals, the destruction of forests, global warming, ozone holes, etc. As a result, the health of the population of the entire planet has worsened. The degradation of the gene pool has become noticeable.

As a science, philosophy in the life of man and society began to play even more important. Studying it, a person begins to think about the eternal, the meaning of being and the role of man on Earth. It is necessary to change the consciousness of people, it has materialized too much and has “stuck” to the flesh. The consciousness of modern people has become too consumer. It is clear that all nature, plants, animals were created as blessings for mankind, but if you do not treat them with care, with a sense of gratitude, then very soon we will find ourselves not only in a crisis state, but we will be doomed to extinction.


Mass consciousness

Today, environmental concern has become the main feature that shapes the consciousness of the society of entire states. Therefore, the modern philosophy of society, in short, is aimed at the development of self-awareness and responsibility of people to the whole planet, all creations on this Earth and even in the Universe, as well as awareness of the key role in the development of evolution and its degradation. If until recently, in a state of ecology, humanity saw only a threat to nature itself, its beauty, then today we understand that this is a direct damage to our health, well-being and existence.

Modern philosophy in society is also aimed at relations with nature. The whole planet is a single organism, therefore humanity must unite in solving the environmental crisis. After all, alien nature does not exist. She is one, and the planet is on the verge of disaster. Society is on the verge of a new stage of interaction, a concept characterizing the sphere of the mind enters our consciousness.
