the culture

What is a soiree? It's a party

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What is a soiree? It's a party
What is a soiree? It's a party

Video: Episodi i plote: Soirée, maratone e gjate festive me plot surpriza, nata e pare, 1 Janar 2021 2024, June

Video: Episodi i plote: Soirée, maratone e gjate festive me plot surpriza, nata e pare, 1 Janar 2021 2024, June

Sometimes words borrowed from other languages ​​are not always understood by most people, especially if they do not know the source language. But even knowledgeable people can not always recognize the original word, because when switching from, for example, French to Russian, the pronunciation of the word can be very distorted or several words can merge together, forming a new phrase similar to the original phrase only approximately. A similar situation takes place in the case of the word suare. What it is, not everyone knows.


General information about the reasons for borrowing words

To understand what “suare” is, it is necessary to begin with at least a little understanding of borrowed words in the Russian language. Most often, borrowing is due to the close interaction of native speakers or because the borrowed word allows you to more succinctly express what the phrase is used in Russian. So what is suare? And why did you have to use a foreign word to denote this concept?