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What is vanity, and how is it dangerous to humans

What is vanity, and how is it dangerous to humans
What is vanity, and how is it dangerous to humans

Video: Bear Grylls Stunts That Were Totally Fake 2024, July

Video: Bear Grylls Stunts That Were Totally Fake 2024, July

Have you ever heard the expression: “Don't be conceited”? In what situations was it used? Have you ever wondered what vanity is, and what is its effect on a person? Let's find the answers to these questions.


So what is vanity. Translated from Greek, it means striving, the desire to look good in the eyes of other people. Often expressed in the need to hear flattery addressed to self-affirmation. The word "vanity" consists of two roots: "in vain" - "gift" and "glory." In other words - empty, vain glory emanating from people.

A person infected with vanity often does not even suspect it. He expects praise from the people around him for every action, which is fraught with the appearance of mania, illness, and a feeling of insufficiency. The result is groundless resentment, irritation, and then quarrels and conflicts.

Answering the question: "What is vanity?" - You can add that this is a fear of what they think about you. The unwillingness to be rejected pushes a person to readiness to gain approval in any way. This can lead to "humanity". At the same time, a conceited person requires full respect and submission.


Vanity can arise in those cases when a person is in search of himself, his abilities, looking for the meaning of life, and not finding it, he becomes unhappy with everything, constantly complains about everyone, is offended by everyone. It’s very difficult to coexist with such a person, so people try to avoid him. Sometimes it happens that a conceited person receives satisfaction from being hated, most often afraid or laughing at him. The main thing that pay attention.

He tries to surround himself with people with suitable weaknesses. For example, he considers himself the best in singing, then there will be more fans around him, admiring his talent, who at the same time can not sing. Such a concept as “star disease” is synonymous with the word “vanity”.

Summing up the short story about what vanity is, we can distinguish several of its signs:

1. Increased, heightened attention to praise. The desire always and in everything to be first, best, important.

2. A person evaluates his actions from the point of view of other people, takes care of people's opinions about himself.

3. He is hard to bear reproaches, does not tolerate criticism.

4. The desire to stand out from the crowd with clothes, looks, talents, exploits.

5. The desire to receive awards, diplomas, insignias.


Every person has germs of vanity. It is important to prevent their germination in time and not to fall into the trap of this vice.

Walking the path of life, you will definitely overcome the periods of the vanity exam. What matters is how you stand the test of fate. Will you “work for the public” so as not to fall face-down, or will you adequately withstand criticism or reproach, not expecting praise.

Sometimes human vanity can destroy even strong relationships between close people or friends. The insatiable desire for honors and glory leads to abnormal rivalry, intrigue and hostility, envy and hatred. Crossing all reasonable boundaries, vanity can become an evil vice, poisoning everything around.