
What is coal, how and why is it mined? Leading Coal Mining Countries

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What is coal, how and why is it mined? Leading Coal Mining Countries
What is coal, how and why is it mined? Leading Coal Mining Countries

Video: Top 10 Largest Coal Producing Countries in The World 2024, July

Video: Top 10 Largest Coal Producing Countries in The World 2024, July

What is coal? How is it mined? What types of this mineral exist? You will find answers to all these questions in our article. In addition, the world's leading coal mining countries will be listed here.

What is coal, and how is it mined?

Coal is a mineral, one of the main fuel resources of the planet. It was formed in the thickness of the earth's crust due to the long-term accumulation of the remains of ancient plants in the absence of access to oxygen.


The first link in the long chain of coal genesis is peat. Over time, other sediments block it. Peat is compressed, gradually losing gas and moisture, transforming into coal. Depending on the degree of conversion, as well as on the carbon content, it is customary to distinguish three types of this mineral:

  • brown coal (carbon content: 65-75%);

  • coal (75-95%);

  • anthracite (over 95%).

In Western countries, the classification is somewhat different. Lignites, graphites, bituminous coal, etc. are also isolated there.


Coal is extracted from the earth in two main ways:

  • open (or quarry) if the depth of productive strata does not exceed 100 meters;

  • closed (mine) when the coal lies too deep.

The first method is much simpler, more profitable and safer in terms of organizing the production process itself. However, it does more tangible damage to the environment.

Leading countries for global coal mining

What countries today produce the largest quantities of coal? These countries are presented in the table below.

Table: Leading Coal Mining Countries

The name of the country Share in world coal production, %
China 46.6
USA 11.3
India 7.7
Australia 6.0
Indonesia 5.3
Russia 4.4
South Africa 3.3
Germany 2, 4
Poland 1.8
Kazakhstan 1.4

Approximately the same states are leading in coal reserves. True, in a slightly different arrangement.

The leading countries for coal mining in Europe are Germany, Russia, Poland and Ukraine. The largest coal basins in this part of the planet: Ruhr (Germany), Verkhny Silesia (Poland), Donetsk (Ukraine).

Coal mining: the pros and cons

If coal is present in the bowels, then why not extract it from there? This is one of the main arguments in favor of coal mining. Indeed, it was this fuel that man first used for his own purposes. It was thanks to coal that the industrial revolution of the 19th century was accomplished. Burning one kilogram of a given fossil fuel gives a person about 25 MJ of energy. However, it is very difficult to call this energy clean and safe …

The leading coal mining countries (the top ten) annually extract about seven billion tons of solid fuel from the earth. Of course, such an amount of the extracted resource cannot but affect the environment on a global scale. The burning of coal, according to scientists and environmentalists, makes a significant contribution to the global global warming, which, in turn, provokes the most dangerous and unpredictable climate changes.


It is the environmental safety factor that forces many highly developed countries of the world to reduce the rate of coal production in their territories. In Europe, many mines have been mothballed in recent decades. True, interest in them may revive as global reserves of gas and oil are depleted.

The deterioration of the seismic situation is another powerful argument against active coal mining. The fact is that the extraction of any mineral from the earth's crust on such a scale never passes without a trace. In areas adjacent to coal mines or open pits, the risk of earthquakes, man-made landslides and failures increases significantly.