
What is a protective coastal strip?

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What is a protective coastal strip?
What is a protective coastal strip?

Video: Coastal redwood - root suckers - August 2018 2024, July

Video: Coastal redwood - root suckers - August 2018 2024, July

Everyone knows that people and their economic activities adversely affect the natural environment. And the load on it increases from year to year. This fully applies to water resources. And although 1/3 of the earth’s surface is occupied by water, pollution cannot be avoided. Our country is no exception, and close attention is paid to the protection of water resources. But so far it has not been possible to fully solve this problem.

Coastal Areas to be Protected

A water protection zone is a zone to which the area around any water bodies belongs. Here, special conditions are created for human economic activity. Within it lies a protective coastal strip with a more stringent regime of protection, with additional restrictions on nature management.


The purpose of such measures is to prevent pollution, clogging of water resources. In addition, the lake may become silty, and the river shallow. The aquatic environment is a habitat for many living organisms, including rare and endangered ones, listed in the Red Book. Therefore, security measures are necessary.

The water protection zone and the coastal protective strip are located between the coastline, which is the boundary of the water body. It is calculated as follows:

  • for the sea - in terms of water level, and if it changes, then in terms of low tide,

  • for a pond or reservoir - according to the retaining water level,

  • for rivers, canals, streams - according to the level of water in the period until they are covered with ice,

  • for marshes - from their beginning along the border of peat deposits.

A special regime at the border of water protection zones is regulated by Art. 65 of the Water Code of the Russian Federation.


The basis of the design is the regulatory documents, which are approved by the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia and are consistent with those authorities that are responsible for environmental protection.


Design customers are territorial bodies from the Ministry of Water Resources of the Russian Federation. And in the case of reservoirs given for individual use - water users. They must maintain the coastal protection zone in good condition. As a rule, tree-shrub vegetation should grow on the border.

Projects undergo testing and environmental review, are consistent with executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Special signs indicate where the boundary of the coastal protective strip ends. Before the project comes into force, its size and the size of water protection zones are applied to the development plan of settlements, land use plans, cartographic materials. The established boundaries and regime in these territories should be brought to the attention of the population.

Sizes of the protective coastal strip

The width of the protective coastal strip depends on the steepness of the slope of the river or lake basin and is:

  • 30 m for zero slope

  • 40 m for slopes up to 3 degrees,

  • 50 m for a slope of 3 or more degrees.


For swamps and flowing lakes, the border is 50 m. For lakes and reservoirs, where valuable fish species are found, it will run within a radius of 200 m from the coastline. On the territory of the settlement, where there is storm sewage, its borders pass along the parapet of the embankment. If not, then the border will pass along the coastline.

Prohibition of certain types of work

Since the zone of the coastal protective strip has a more strict security regime, the list of works that should not be carried out here is quite large:

  1. The use of manure to fertilize the earth.

  2. Placement of agricultural and household waste, cemeteries, cattle cemeteries.

  3. Use to discharge contaminated water, garbage.

  4. Washing and repairing machines and other mechanisms, as well as their movement in this area.

  5. Use for placement of transport.

  6. Construction and repair of buildings and structures without coordination with authorities.

  7. Grazing and summer livestock.

  8. The construction of gardens and summer cottages, the installation of campgrounds.


As an exception, the water protection and coastal protective strip is used to accommodate fisheries and hunting, water supply facilities, hydraulic and water intake facilities. At the same time, a water use license is issued, which stipulates the requirements for observing the rules of the water protection regime. Those who commit illegal acts in these territories are responsible for their actions under the law.

Construction in a water protection zone

The protective coastal strip is not a building place, but for the water protection zone there are exceptions to the rules. Real estate objects and "grow" along the coast, and exponentially. But how are developers complying with legal requirements? And the law says that "the placement and construction of residential buildings or summer cottages with a width of the water protection territory of less than 100 m and a slope of more than 3 degrees is strictly prohibited."


It is clear that the developer must first consult on the possibility of construction and the boundaries of the protective coastal strip in the territorial department of the Water Management Department. The response from this agency is required to obtain a building permit.

How to avoid sewage pollution?

If the building has already been erected and is not equipped with special systems for filtering wastewater, then the use of receivers made of waterproof materials is allowed. They do not allow environmental pollution.

Facilities that support the protection of clean water sources are:

  • Sewerage and centralized stormwater drainage channels.

  • Structures into which contaminated water is discharged (into specially equipped drainage channels). It can be rain and melt water.

  • Local (local) treatment facilities built in accordance with the Water Code.

Places for the collection of consumption and production waste, systems for the disposal of wastewater into receivers are made of special durable materials. If residential buildings or some other buildings are not provided with these structures, then the protective coastal strip will suffer. In this case, fines will be imposed on a private person or company.

Penalties for violation of the water protection regime

Penalties for improper use of protected areas:

  • for citizens - from 3 to 4.5 thousand rubles;

  • for officials - from 8 to 12 thousand rubles;

  • for organizations - from 200 to 400 thousand rubles.


If violations are found in the private housing sector, then a fine is issued for a citizen, and his expenses will be small. In case of violation, it must be eliminated within the allotted time. If this does not happen, then the building is demolished, including forcibly.

In case of violations in the protective zone where the drinking springs are located, the fine will be different:

  • Citizens will contribute 3-5 thousand rubles;

  • officials - 10-15 thousand rubles;

  • enterprises and organizations - 300-500 thousand rubles