
Quotes Adriano Celentano - life wisdom seasoned with humor

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Quotes Adriano Celentano - life wisdom seasoned with humor
Quotes Adriano Celentano - life wisdom seasoned with humor

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Quotes by Adriano Celentano always bring a smile to his face. Although there is nothing unusual in them, simple worldly wisdom, dressed in healthy self-irony and seasoned with a good share of sarcasm, is quickly remembered by people and becomes their motto in life.

Funny sayings

In the films with Adriano Celentano, all the images created by him are so vivid and charming that you simply cannot remain indifferent to them. And his role as a wayward hero-lover with his famous expressions helps to look at life from a positive side. These ingenious quotes by Adriano Celentano can always cheer you up.

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“Sorry, I'll be busy.”

Well, can such a dialogue not cause a smile on the face of the viewer? This is a great way to intrigue a woman with those young people who follow the principle of Pushkin (remember his poetic discussion about how to love women?).

"We will make a beautiful couple! You are beautiful, I am even better!" What can I say when my beloved tells you this? Even his egoism, which turned out to be so wonderful, can be forgiven.


Adriano Celentano about songs

Adriano is not only a talented actor, but also a wonderful singer. Therefore, it would be wrong not to recall a few of his quotes related to musical creativity and music in general.

"Life without music is dull, but music without life is terrible." With this statement, one can characterize Celentano's attitude to his work. Many contemporary artists should take this as a rule, because people gradually forget that a piece of the artist himself must be present in the music. Without this, songs cannot touch people's hearts.

Adriano does not consider himself a professional music artist, so he compares himself with a watchmaker who sings only when he has free time. Songs are one way for him to communicate with people. He believes that thanks to music, even for a short time, people can unite.


Adriano Celentano about love

The talented Italian knows firsthand about love and family relationships. Adriano has been married to Claudia Mori for over 50 years. Their relationship was like a serious Italian passion. How to maintain your feelings for many years, tell quotes Adriano Celentano.

From them it is clear that for the Italian star it is very important to know that the woman who is next to him continues to love him. This statement can be applied to men. After all, everyone wants the halves to continue to love them throughout their lives. This is one of the secrets of family happiness.

Here is what Celentano once said: “A family is either constant sabotage or a reliable support. In the latter case, you are very lucky.” And this is really true, because it is very important to know that loved ones will always understand you and support you.
