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Quotes about children. Who does not want to raise a happy child?

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Quotes about children. Who does not want to raise a happy child?
Quotes about children. Who does not want to raise a happy child?

Video: How to raise successful kids -- without over-parenting | Julie Lythcott-Haims 2024, July

Video: How to raise successful kids -- without over-parenting | Julie Lythcott-Haims 2024, July

We all want our children to grow up happy and healthy. There are families where mutual understanding, comfort, and happiness reign. The relationship between parents and children in them is warm, trusting. They clearly know that the child does not owe anything to anyone, does not owe anything. Quotes about children remind us that a small person is primarily a person who needs to be respected.

Happiness and Punishment


The child grows, and with it grows his curiosity. He wants to touch everything, stroke, taste. Do not discourage such studies. Do not spare your time for explanations, because by doing this you raise the self-esteem of the baby, develop his intelligence. Using physical punishment, we destroy the child’s self-esteem. Resentment, annoyance, will settle for a long time in his small heart, and will echo in adult life. Quotes about children and happiness remind us of the need to love and encourage the baby.

  • Make the child happy, and he will certainly be good.

  • The punishment imposed in a fit of anger will not reach the goal.

  • Try to hug your child on any pretext! From small children it smells of God.

  • Only a child will help you find out how much patience you have left.

  • A child who does not know insults grows into a person who is more aware of his dignity.

  • Tears of children need to be protected so that they can shed them on your graves.

  • To recover from children for small mistakes is to lose their trust.

  • Children from all countries cry in tears in one language.

Bans and Errors


Quotes about parenting remind that "if a person does not remember anything from his childhood, he can never become a good teacher." One of our mistakes is that we either allow the child everything, or, on the contrary, categorically forbid everything. The child must know what is impossible and why. The main thing is not to overdo the prohibitions. A small child is very curious, because for him everything is new in this world. Talk to him, play, draw. Find more time for him, and then in life you will be friends. He always wants to hear affectionate, warm words from adults, he wants to cling to your chest and feel the warmth of his own person.

  • Raising a son or daughter, you, first of all, educate yourself.

  • Do not be offended by a child if he does not want to play, because you wanted to spend time with him, and not test your knowledge.

  • Anyone who has children understands that life is more valuable than their own.

  • Nothing affects children's souls like the power of example. Between all examples, the parent is remembered deeper and harder.

  • The attitude of a person towards children determines his spiritual world.

  • A child will always be born unlearned. The sacred duty of parents is to give knowledge.

Attention and love


Quotations about children are a brief instruction explaining why you should not scold a child for mistakes. Because, making them, he will quickly learn to understand what is possible and what is not. More often encourage for good deeds, answer all questions, even if they seem naive to you. Listen carefully, without irony, to the baby. A child brought up in this way feels confident under any circumstances, in any situation.

Quotes about children sometimes look like good jokes. The child asks tricky questions that you are happy to answer. He leads you to the games room, where you need to fix something. He cries only for one reason: they do not hear him, do not understand or do not want to understand.

  • Try to hug your child on any pretext! From small children it smells of God.

  • Children do not listen and do not fulfill, but they see and imitate.

  • Be truthful and honest with children, do not hide from them what is happening in the soul.

  • Children will judge us tomorrow.

  • The prudence of the father is an instruction to the son.

  • To make a child successful, make him happy.

  • A child in the house - and even the walls come to life.

Quotes of great men


Great quotes about children are not only a hint on how to raise a successful person. This is something more.

  • The best way to raise a good baby is to make him happy. (O. Wilde)

  • Children are pure and holy, do not make them a toy of their bad mood. (A.P. Chekhov)

  • A loving child will no longer be a child. This is just a small defenseless adult. (Sesbron)

  • We can learn such things from a child: to always find something for himself, enjoy life for no reason, insist on his own. (Coelho)

  • Just when the child least deserves parental love, he needs it the most. (E. Bombek)

  • The first task of parents is to teach a child to behave decently in society, the second is to find such a decent society for him. (Orben)

Quotes from educators

Teacher quotes about children are observations and experiences that are acquired over the years.

  • An educated child is the greatest joy for parents. (Chernyshevsky)

  • In children, it is necessary to inflame the thirst for knowledge, the desire for learning in all ways. (Y. A. Comenius)

  • Just an hour of working with a child can replace an entire day of explanations. (Russo)

  • The more you demand from the child, the more respect for his merits show. (A.S. Makarenko)

  • The most immoral of relationships is treating children as slaves. (G. Friedrich)

  • A child who does not know insults grows into a person who is more aware of his dignity. (Chernyshevsky)