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Santas around the world

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Santas around the world
Santas around the world

Video: 10 Santa Alternatives from Around the World 2024, July

Video: 10 Santa Alternatives from Around the World 2024, July

The most fabulous holiday is approaching, which is loved by both adults and children - New Year. Therefore, today we would like to introduce you to a wonderful character, without whom this day is hard to imagine. Our hero is Santa Claus. We will tell about his many brothers from all over the world.

Grandfather Frost (Russia)


Santa Claus of different countries of the world is a relative of our beloved grandfather. Morozko, Studenets, Treskun - all this is one Slavic character of Slavic mythology, the lord of winter and frost. Our ancestors represented him as a short old man with a long white beard. From his breath began a severe cold. Icicles appeared from his tears. The words spoken by him turned into hoarfrost. Snow clouds are his hair. In winter, Santa Claus walks around forests, fields, streets. He taps his icy staff, and severe frosts ice the rivers, streams, puddles. Once he hits the corner of the hut, the log will certainly burst. Frost does not really like those who complain of a cold and trembling from the cold. And fortune of spirit and a bright blush will give people cheerful and cheerful. Santa Claus is strong from November to March. At this time, even the sun is shy in front of him. In our country, Santa Claus appeared in 1910, at Christmas, but for some reason did not gain popularity. This character became beloved and famous in the 1930s, thanks to Soviet filmmakers: he came to the children on New Year's Eve and gave them generous gifts. And to this day, kids believe that on New Year's Eve, Santa Claus comes to every house. In different countries of the world, traditions are observed sacredly.

Santa Nicolaus (Germany)


German Santa Claus is always inseparable from his faithful servant - Ruprecht. True, he does not give gifts (as, indeed, rods for tricks) at Christmas time, but on the night of December sixth. Ruprecht appeared because in the medieval educational institutions of Germany, the priest gave children New Year's gifts. The peasants, in turn, wanted to see in his place an ordinary farm laborer. So this fabulous image arose, and the priest turned into the good Santa Nicolaus.

Weinachtsman (Germany)


On the night before Christmas, Vainakhtsman comes to the German children. Santas of different countries are kind and loving heroes of kids who want to arrange a holiday for all the kids. So the German character is an exact copy of "our" Santa Claus. He comes to the kids on a donkey. Going to bed, the boys and girls of Germany put on the table a plate in which the good old man will put tasty treats, and in the shoes they leave hay for his donkey. In Germany, as in many European countries, Christmas is a family holiday. Everyone must gather at the festive table and give each other gifts. This ceremony is called Besherung. This is another reason to doubt the Christian origin of the Russian Santa Claus. Most likely, the Orthodox and pagan traditions were mixed in his image.

Per Noel (France)

On this happy holiday, the most welcome guest in every home is Santa Claus. Different countries of the world, customs suggest an original meeting of this hero. With his appearance in the house comes joy and fun. The French grandfather's name is Per Noel. His name can literally be translated as Father Christmas. Per Noel also congratulates the little ones not one. His constant companion, Schaland, is a bearded old man in a fur hat, wrapped in a warm travel cloak. Per Noel congratulates and gives gifts to educated and obedient children, and to the naughty and lazy Chaland brings rods. Celebrate the New Year holiday in France not in the family circle. Most often this happens in the company of friends in a restaurant, and often even just on the street, surrounded by hundreds of sparkling garlands and bright fireworks, sparkling champagne, fun and music.


Father Christmas (Great Britain)

Santa Claus from different countries of the world congratulates people, observing national customs. In England, where traditions are valued above all else, the Queen’s speech is central to the New Year’s celebration. She pronounces it after a festive dinner. And before the feast, the family goes to church. Children turn to the Father of Christmas and ask for gifts from him. To do this, write a magical grandfather a detailed letter with all the wishes and throw it into the fireplace. The wish list from the chimney will be delivered with smoke directly to the destination.


In England, St. Stephen's Day is celebrated on the second day of the Christmas holidays. This is the time when the boxes to which donations are collected are opened. They are distributed to all people in need.

Santa Claus (USA)

Santa Claus in the world is a symbol of this bright holiday. Americans borrowed most of their traditions from Europeans. The New World, as you know, appeared due to the efforts of people who came from the Old World. In the USA, they decorate a Christmas tree, serve a turkey to the table. On this holiday, Americans drink egg-nog - a wine and egg drink with cream.

Santa Claus in America is called Santa Claus. He was first mentioned in the press in 1773. The basis of the image was St. Nicholas of Myra. It was first described in literature by William Gilly in the poem Santeclaus (1821). A year later, a poetic report appeared about this fabulous old man. Its author was Clement Clark Moore. Santa Claus’s well-known appearance is the result of the work of Handon Sandblom - an artist from the USA who completed a series of original drawings for New Year’s advertisement for Coca-Cola in 1931. There is an opinion that the very Santa we know is the brainchild of the mentioned popular brand.


Joulupukki (Finland)

There is an opinion that Santas from different countries come from Finland, and the New Year holidays themselves originated on this land. To the Finnish kids came the dwarf Joulupukki. This funny name can be translated into Russian as "Christmas goat." The villagers, who were carrying gifts home on Christmas night, wore goatskin coats. If your children asked you for the addresses of Santa Clauses from different countries, you can tell them that Joulupukki lives inside the Korvatunturi hills, in the mysterious caves of Kaikuluolat. He has sensitive, large ears, so he knows well which of the children behaved well and who was mischievous. He also knows who wishes to receive some gifts.

On Christmas night, while the kids are sleeping, he comes to them and leaves the generous gifts that he hides in a cap. Naughty is less fortunate - he brings them rods. I must say that Santas from different countries come not only to give gifts to children, but also to punish them. At least, that was until the middle of the 20th century. Since then, Christmas grandfathers have significantly matched.

Yul Tomten (Sweden)


You can often hear the question: "How many Santa Clauses exist on Earth?" Probably as many as countries. The children of Sweden are waiting for Christmas gifts from the gnome, which is a bit like our brownie. On Christmas Day, he hides underground in every home. His name is Yul Tomten. Usually he lives in a protected forest with picturesque valleys and lakes. He is assisted by the cheerful snowman Dusty, the prince with the princess, mischievous mice, the King and the Snow Queen, witches and numerous elves.

Bubbo Natape and the Befana Fairy (Italy)

Santa Claus in the languages ​​of the world sounds different. The Italian grandfather's name is Babbo Natape. He leaves his quick sled on the roof and sneaks into each house through a chimney. The hosts pre-cook milk and sweets for him “for reinforcement”.

In Italy, children for the New Year are waiting for the fairy Befana. She organized a holiday in this country: they brought sweets and toys to good children. But the bad ones got only extinct embers. In Italy, there is a belief that stars bring Bethan. She enters the house through the chimney, she puts surprises in stockings, which are suspended in advance from the fume hoods of the hearths.

There is another version - the fairy arrives in an “earthly” way - on a pretty donkey loaded with a bale of gifts. Befana opens the door with a golden key and fills the shoes with sweets and souvenirs.

Oji-san (Japan)

Santas of the world (the photo you see in our article) are very different. In Japan, the old man familiar to us is "replaced" by the god Hoteyosho. If the “brothers” of Santa Claus from other countries are quite humanoid, then Japan is very different in this sense. God Hoteyosho is an amazing character, with eyes on the back of his head.


Sho Hin (China)

If you are planning to spend your Christmas holidays in China, you will surely notice the luxurious “Trees of Light” - an interesting analogue of our Christmas tree. In the east, brightly decorated with lanterns, garlands, flowers, they delight not only the locals, but also the guests of the country. The same decorations are used by Chinese peasants to decorate houses. Little Chinese hang stockings on the walls of their homes, where Sho Hin stacks his gifts.

Mikulas and Hedgehogs (Czech Republic, Slovakia)


Czech Grandfather Mikulas comes to every house on the night of December 6th. This is the night before St. Nicholas Day. Outwardly, he looks like the twin of our Santa Claus. He has the same long coat, staff, hat. Only now he brings gifts in a shoulder box and is not accompanied by a charming Snow Maiden, but a beautiful angel in white clothes and a shaggy imp. Mikulash brings oranges, apples and various sweets to good and obedient children. In the "Christmas boot" of a loafer or a bully is a piece of coal or potato. For many, it remains a mystery how Grandfather Mikulas and Hedgehog get along.

This is probably the most modest and inconspicuous New Year character in the whole world. He throws gifts to the children. Hedgehogs are very careful that no one sees him. That is why the appearance of this good-natured remains a mystery. But if a Christmas bell rings on the Christmas tree, Czech and Slovak children are in a hurry to watch their presents. "Who brought it?" - ask the most unreasonable kids. "Hedgehogs!" - parents answer with a smile.

Noel Baba (Turkey)

Many believe that Santas of different countries were created in the image of St. Nicholas. Noel Baba is a kind and generous miracle worker and fighter with evil, the patron of lost and abducted children. According to the existing legend, once Nikolai Mirlikisky was walking through the village past a poor house. From hopelessness, the father of the family was going to send his daughters to "study" the most ancient profession on Earth. Nikolai did not like this, and at night he threw three wallets filled with gold coins into the chimney of the house. They hit the girls shoes. A father bought a dowry for his daughters and married them all.

Uvlin Uvgun

In Mongolia, a whole family is engaged in the New Year holiday. The father of the family is helped by Shina Zhila and Zazan Okhin. Uvlin Uvgun himself is the embodiment of a magnificent herder. Therefore, it is quite natural that he also appears in appropriate clothing at the festival.