the culture

Grandfather lived in the village alone. Learning that they want to demolish houses, he painted them

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Grandfather lived in the village alone. Learning that they want to demolish houses, he painted them
Grandfather lived in the village alone. Learning that they want to demolish houses, he painted them

Video: DutchHistoryInPaintingsAndMaps,Lecture 2NEW 2024, June

Video: DutchHistoryInPaintingsAndMaps,Lecture 2NEW 2024, June

During World War II, more than two million nationalists were forced to flee to Taiwan in search of asylum. The Taiwanese government has built temporary housing for immigrants, which has become the home of many people. Over the years, due to economic changes, people began to leave temporary housing and acquire new, better ones. A little over 10 years ago, the only remaining resident was a 87-year-old man named Huang Yong-fu. The Taiwanese government has petitioned to demolish an abandoned village on the site of which several modern neighborhoods could be built. Juan was offered money to collect his things and move to another place. But he could not bear the thought of leaving the only house he had ever known in Taiwan. He grew up here, and this place is very expensive for him. Therefore, the old man decided to do something simply exciting.


The beginning of the transformation of the village

Juan decided to take a brush and began to draw literally every square centimeter of an abandoned village.


It was shocking for Juan to hear the news that he would have to leave.

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The bride's brother made a surprise. At the wedding, the cook picked up a microphone and began to sing.

Juan's thoughts on relocation

“When I arrived here, there were 1200 houses in the village, and we all sat and talked as one big family, ” he shared with reporters. “But then many either left or died, and I became lonely.” So he turned to art to alleviate his suffering.

Huang was born in China and participated in two wars. After the nationalist party lost, his family was forced to flee. He and 2 million other people ended up in Taiwan in temporary villages. What should have been a temporary solution has become home to many.


First, he drew a small bird on his bungalow. This was followed by cats, people and various vivid images. Others began to learn about this place, a random student stumbled upon this settlement. He took some photos and launched a fundraising campaign to save the village from inevitable destruction.

News spread at an incredible speed, and Rainbow Grandfather became famous on the Internet. He won the hearts of many people, and tourists began to arrive in this place to see the colorful village.


After the news became viral, and fundraising began to bring donations, the government decided to let the old man leave both his house and the settlement as a whole.

The village is now regularly visited by more than 1 million tourists a year! “The government promised me that they will keep this house and this village. I was so happy and grateful, ”Juan said.
