the culture

Demographic groups: a brief description

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Demographic groups: a brief description
Demographic groups: a brief description

Video: Overview of demographics | Society and Culture | MCAT | Khan Academy 2024, June

Video: Overview of demographics | Society and Culture | MCAT | Khan Academy 2024, June

Population is the ratio and interaction of people within certain social communities. Life processes occur within the whole of humanity, in individual countries, as well as in regions and small settlements. The study of this subject is engaged in demography. This word came to us from the Greek language and in translation means "people" and "I write." This science studies the structure (demographic groups — composition and development) and the dynamics (birth rate, mortality, migration) of the population. For modern sociology, solving the problems associated with demography is relevant and important. As a result of scientific research, a certain state policy is developed. And since its main object is the reproduction of the population, it directs all its forces towards achieving positive prospects in this regard. Further in the article we will take a closer look at what demographic groups are.

Population structure


The social system includes socio-demographic groups. They are divided into categories such as:

  • age and gender;

  • family;

  • genetic.

These species are indicators of fertility, mortality, marriage and divorce statistics, migratory exchange of residents between different countries. Demographic groups can be characterized by such characteristics as: number of years, gender, marital status, place of birth and residence.

Sex and age structures

These demographic groups suggest connections between women and men who live in any territory. It also lies in the ratio between people of different years of birth. The tool that analyzes this view is the "pyramid". With it, you can study the organization of reproduction of the population. The lines of the chart will be calm if the birth and death rates do not differ or deviate from the norm.


Family structures

These demographic groups are associations characterized by the number, size, relationship between individual family members and its composition. Of particular importance are the indicators of the marital status: married, (un-) married, single, widowed, divorced, separated from a partner. In the study of this species, the human composition is also taken into account, which is distinguished by various signs. We are talking about the number of generations in a family, the fullness of married couples, the number of minor children, the age of the child, and the degree of relationship between several categories of relatives. In the system of this structure, all the "cells of society" are certain demographic groups. Examples of such associations are as follows:

  • simple (without relatives and children);

  • complicated (with brothers, sisters, etc.);

  • with one or more children (complete or incomplete).

Given what social classes a man and woman in a pair belong to (the same or different), homogeneous (homogeneous) and heterogeneous (heterogeneous) families are distinguished.


Genetic categories

These demographic groups are formed by the ratio of people born in a particular area and visitors who settled on it. Certain subspecies stand out from the second category. They are characterized according to the time of residence.