
Walnut tree: growing, planting, care and features

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Walnut tree: growing, planting, care and features
Walnut tree: growing, planting, care and features

Video: Walnut Trees 2024, July

Video: Walnut Trees 2024, July

Since mankind learned about the walnut and its qualities, a lot has been said and written about it. Most likely, this publication will also not be anything new. However, the information presented in this article may be interesting, since it reflects, perhaps, the most necessary knowledge about this nut-bearing culture.


Walnut tree A bit of history

Our ancestors also learned about the healing properties of walnuts. In the medical industry, walnuts are used for the production of various medicines. And also for the creation of folk remedies with epithelizing, anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, anti-sclerotic, antihelminthic, general strengthening, hemostatic, fixing, astringent, laxative (root bark), wound healing and moderately reducing sugar properties. Such properties, perhaps, does not possess any other plant.

Even the priests of the ancient world, in particular Babylon, knew about the healing properties of the walnut tree. Its fruits have a beneficial effect on improving intelligence. That is why the use of walnut for ordinary mortals was banned. An ordinary person should not, so to speak, know more than it should be. Since then, times have changed. Now everyone knows his taste. Even those who saw the walnut tree only in the picture. But if you think that the homeland of the walnut is Greece, then this is a mistake. In fact, he came to us from Asia Minor. And now it has proven itself perfectly in our latitudes.

What you need to know about walnuts?

Everyone knows that a walnut grows on a tree and that it is very healthy. Does anyone know that it relieves stress perfectly? According to researchers, the one whose diet contains walnuts, or dishes cooked in their oil, thanks to the high content of polyunsaturated fats, helps the body more easily cope with nervous shocks, helping to relax muscles and normalize blood pressure.

Walnut tree, almost all of its parts is a natural remedy for many diseases. Young twigs and pericarp, leaves and bark are used. However, the most widely used are walnut tree leaves. It is impossible to overestimate their benefits in cosmetology and dermatological products. Their procurement during June is most appropriate, since then they contain 5% more vitamin C and other medicinal substances. Using a clean cloth or paper, the leaves are laid out in a thin layer in the sun and dried quickly. After drying, brown and blackened discarded. In August, the pericarp of unripe fruits is harvested. Keep the walnut kernels peeled. This will allow them to be saturated with valuable substances longer.

The benefits of walnuts have been described by Hippocrates and Avicenna (Ibn Sina). Ancient medicine used it in the treatment of kidney diseases, gastric indigestion and much more. There is evidence that patients with pulmonary tuberculosis were even cured. Eastern medicine considered the properties of walnuts beneficial for strengthening the brain, heart and liver.

Does anyone know what the name of the walnut tree is due to its uniqueness? The tree of life - that is what our ancestors called it. And this is fully deserved, since the ripened walnut fruit is saturated with a huge amount of vitamins. The greatest complex with biologically active substances and trace elements.

The ripe walnut kernel is characterized by a high content of trace elements such as calcium, phosphorus, sodium, magnesium, iron, iodine, potassium. As well as tannins, quinones, steroids, alkaloids and coratriterpenoids. Vitamins A, B, C, E, R.

Since the walnut kernel is 60% of fats, most of which are unsaturated, it almost does not contain cholesterol.

The human body needs such active elements as vitamin C, essential oils, carotene, folic acid, aldehyde, alkaloid and other useful ingredients.


Walnut tree leaves

So, in the leaves of a walnut all this is a lot. However, a slightly larger amount of the same carotene, fiber, iron, cobalt, vitamin PP, B1, B3 has an unripe fetus. Whereas in its shell (namely the green shell), the benefit lies in the high content of tannins, steroids, phenol carboxylic acids.

Walnut Harm

The benefits of walnut are unconditional. You can talk about them endlessly. The benefits and harms of a walnut tree cannot be put on a par. It is, without exaggeration, the king of the gifts of nature. But there is a negative side that cannot be ignored, since the harm of a walnut, although significantly inferior to its advantages, can be a disproportionate danger to them.

So, on points:

1. Promotes weight gain.

Walnuts are high in calories. One ounce of walnuts provides 190 calories of energy, 18 grams of fat and 4 grams of carbohydrates. Due to the high calorie content, it is not recommended to eat too many of them. The risk of weight gain associated with them is triggered when a person regularly eats too many nuts. Otherwise, the product is good for weight loss.

According to a study by Sabat, it was found that people who ate about 35 grams of walnuts per day for a period of one year showed no significant weight gain. This means that you can enjoy walnuts without worrying about weight gain for a long time, if you use them in moderation. However, if a person is overweight, and there is already enough calories in his diet, then it is better to be more careful. The high amount of fat present in walnuts also plays a significant role in weight gain.

2. May cause an allergic reaction.

Although walnuts have many health and beauty benefits, overeating can cause allergic reactions in some people. Their severity is different for each person. Some may experience minor allergic reactions, while for others, these reactions can be very serious.

Because of this, the risk associated with walnuts must be reduced to a minimum, and not to eat too much of them. And if you suffer from any allergic reactions, it is better to completely stop using walnuts and consult a doctor.

Some of the common symptoms of a nut allergy are itching in the tongue and mouth, anaphylactic shock, urticaria, throat edema, bronchial asthma, etc.

3. May cause rash and swelling.

The use of walnuts is good for our skin, they smooth wrinkles and fine lines, reducing the risk of premature aging and keeping the skin moisturized.

Despite the fact that there are so many benefits, it is better for beautiful women who associate their diet with walnuts in moderation, as excessive consumption can cause swelling and a rash throughout the body.

4. May lead to diarrhea and poor digestion.

Walnuts are an excellent source of dietary fiber, and the presence of these makes walnuts very useful for maintaining the health of our digestive system. And also the person experiences relief from constipation and other digestive problems. However, dietary fiber can cause diarrhea and other stomach problems when consumed in excessive amounts. Because of this, the risk associated with dietary fiber increases. Therefore, it is better not to overeat nuts.

5. May cause nausea.

Walnuts are good in the sense that the antibodies present in allergens stimulate white blood cells and produce histamine in our body. Histamine is an organic compound that functions as part of the immune system, dilates blood vessels, regulates the physiological functions of the gut and acts as a neurotransmitter.

But they are bad in their own way, because histamine can worsen the condition before diarrhea and cause allergic reactions such as nausea, abdominal pain and diarrhea. It is important to note that these side effects occur when we eat too many walnuts. Therefore, it is safe to eat walnuts in small quantities.

6. Not safe for pregnant and lactating women.

Due to the risk of allergic reactions associated with walnuts (due to the presence of allergens), they are not considered safe for pregnant and lactating women and they should stay away from walnuts during these periods.

7. May cause lip cancer.

The antioxidants found in walnuts make them very useful in reducing the risk of developing several types of cancer. Walnuts are also good for our skin, which is why they are used in many cosmetology products. However, applying walnuts to the skin on a regular basis can cause lip cancer. This is a rare side effect of these fruits that occurs after prolonged storage.

8. Not suitable for patients with asthma.

Due to the high risk of developing allergic reactions associated with nuts, they are not considered safe for people suffering from asthma, as this can cause seizures. Asthma is a very common and major respiratory disease. It affects millions of people around the world.

Asthma cannot be cured, but can only be managed with the right diagnosis, monitoring, prevention and treatment. For this reason, patients with asthma should stay away from eating walnuts.

9. May cause swelling of the throat and tongue.

Sometimes allergic reactions can be very serious, and they can lead to swelling of the larynx, tongue, tonsils, and even lungs. This condition can worsen and make breathing very difficult, which will require proper medical attention at the right time. The best way to avoid this scenario is to not take risks and not to eat walnuts if the human body is sensitive to them.

10. Walnut leaves can cause acne and ulcers.

For some people, walnuts are a blessing, and for others it is a curse. This is a blessing for those who are not allergic and who can enjoy all the benefits of the fruit, using their properties to achieve health and beauty. But those who are allergic to walnuts should stay away from their use.

Not only nuts, but even walnut leaves can cause allergic reactions. Topical application of walnuts leaves marks on the skin and can lead to acne, eczema, ulcers and other skin infections. And for this reason, it is better to do a small patch test in advance.


The formation of hazel and planting seedlings

How to grow a walnut tree? This will be discussed below.

Starting to plant hazel, at least three varieties of walnut trees should be planted. This is necessary to achieve maximum pollination between varieties, where the pollinated variety should be up to 5.0%, and pollinated - 90%. At the same time, all varieties differ in fruiting characteristics.

When choosing seedlings and their varieties, you need to keep in mind how much they are available in purchase. The fact is that each seedling can be grafted in different countries and adapted to a particular climate. Most often, seedlings for our climate zone are grafted with Ukraine, Moldova, France, Hungary, Russia. However, walnut trees that are completely resistant to frost and drought do not exist in principle. The reason for this is the centuries-old nature of their growth. It is most advisable to buy those varieties of seedlings that are bred under the climate of the place of planting, that is, take into account the climatic factors of the area.

In order to avoid unpleasant consequences in growth and fruiting, you need to make sure the quality of the purchased seedlings. Such confirmation, as a rule, is the presence of a varietal certificate and a license to sell them. Otherwise, you will most likely have seedlings of poor quality and most likely not grafted.

Preliminary landing training

So that in future nut plantations give a good harvest, it is necessary, as mentioned above, to use only grafted zoned varieties of seedlings. The slope of the prepared area should be no more than 12 degrees. Before starting planting, fertilize the soil with minerals and organics. After that, raise the plantation with a PPU 50 plow by 60 centimeters (not less). The plow must be with a skimmer and have a hitch with a harrow and a ring roller. It is advisable to use the T-130 tractor for this, since the wheeled tractor will not be able to produce such a deep plowing.

In order for the earth to be saturated with nitrogen, the plantation should be prepared 3-4 months before the planting of seedlings. Breakdown of the site should be done after leveling the soil and cultivation. Cultivation should be with harrows and rolling. A wire is specially prepared on which marks are applied for the distances between rows and trees in a row.


Before planting seedlings, their roots should be thoroughly wetted. Many walnut trees have only one main root - almost like a giant, but skinny carrot. It should be left unharmed, even if its length makes it difficult to completely dig a seedling. Plants need to be dug to the same depth at which they grew in the nursery. The bare root will differ markedly in color from the seedling trunk. Press the soil firmly in the roots. And, oddly enough, add a shovel of dirt. When the hole with the seedling is 3/4 full, add two buckets of water. The last bucket should be diluted with organic fertilizer and allowed to soak. If planting in the fall - fertilize in the spring for the best result. Finish filling the wells.

The best way to succeed is to plan before planting. Let's discuss the location: do you know where you want to plant new walnut trees? Avoid many future problems by considering all aspects of the landing site. For example, cross-pollination with another variety of the same tree type is the key to success in many walnut trees. In most cases, its absence is the reason why walnut trees dry out or develop poorly. Some walnut trees are self-pollinating, but give a larger crop if pollinated by another variety.


Successfully selected site

As a rule, walnut trees should be grown in a sunny place with well-saturated, fertile soil. To avoid a bad harvest and diseases, trees need six to eight hours of sunlight. Good drainage is essential to keep your trees “happy." If the soil chosen for planting has a high clay content, use coconut fiber cake to fill (as far as possible) or add one third of the peat to the soil during planting. The properties of this composition will well improve the quality of the soil and strengthen the root system.

The powerful development of the tree, as mentioned above, will provide good lighting and a large area for food. In other words, observing the correct planting pattern (the number of seedlings per hectare). Varieties in which the apical type of fruiting should be planted according to the 10 x 10 pattern. And those in which the lateral is based on the 8 x 6 meter principle.

Proper compliance with the landing system

It directly depends on how much the walnut tree gives the subsequent harvest. Planting hazel as a future garden is carried out by means of an iambur, a digger or manually, depending on the allocated area. Each well should have a size of 1.0 x 1.0 x 0.5 and be prepared one month or two earlier. Already at the time of planting seedlings, all holes should be enriched with a reserve of nutrients, seasoned with fertilizers. If clearly diseased or damaged roots are visible, they should be trimmed with pruning shears. After that, the root system must be dipped in clay-humus solution, so that the earth sticks better.


Autumn planting

So, you decided to plant a walnut. Cultivation and care at different times of the year is carried out in different ways. During the autumn planting, it is also necessary to form a mound at the base of seedlings from the ground, and then from sawdust, in order to prevent damage to the roots by low temperatures. Trimming on the crown is carried out only in the spring of next year.

In order for the tree to take root well on new soil, three waterings should be made during the summer period. Pour 25 liters of water under each tree, then close the holes to preserve moisture.
