
Cacao tree Where does the cocoa tree grow? Cocoa fruit

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Cacao tree Where does the cocoa tree grow? Cocoa fruit
Cacao tree Where does the cocoa tree grow? Cocoa fruit

Video: Cocoa Fruit Harvesting - Cocoa bean Processing - Cocoa Processing To Make Chocolate in Factory 2024, July

Video: Cocoa Fruit Harvesting - Cocoa bean Processing - Cocoa Processing To Make Chocolate in Factory 2024, July

What does chocolate start with? Even a child knows the answer to this question. Chocolate starts with cocoa. This product has the same name as the tree on which it grows. Cocoa fruits are widely used in the production of sweets, and they also prepare a delicious drink.


The first mention of cocoa is found in letters dating back to 1500 BC. On the southern coast of the Gulf of Mexico, the Olmecs lived. Its representatives consumed this product. Later, information about this fruit appears in historical writings and drawings of the ancient Mayan people. They considered the cocoa tree sacred and believed that the gods had presented it to humanity. A drink made from these beans could be drunk only by leaders and priests. Later, the Aztecs adopted a culture of growing cocoa and making a divine drink. These fruits were so valuable that they could buy a slave.


The first of the Europeans to try a drink made from cocoa was Columbus. But the famous navigator did not appreciate it. Perhaps the reason was the unusual taste of the drink. And, perhaps, the reason was that chocolatl (the so-called aborigines) was prepared with the addition of many ingredients, including pepper.

A little later, the Spaniard Cortes (the conqueror of Mexico), who was also presented with a local drink, arrived in the same territory. And soon cocoa appears in Spain. In 1519, the history of cocoa and chocolate in Europe begins. For a long time these products were available only to the nobility and the monarchs, and for 100 years they were not exported to Spain. After some time, overseas fruits still began to spread throughout Europe, instantly gaining fans and connoisseurs.

All this time, cocoa was used to make a gourmet drink. And only when the beans reached Switzerland, the local pastry chef made a solid bar of chocolate. But for a long time these delicacies were available only to the nobility and the rich.

general information

The cacao tree is evergreen. Its botanical name is Theobromacacao. In height, it can reach 15 meters, but such instances are extremely rare. Most often, the height of the trees does not exceed 8 meters. The leaves are large, shiny, have a dark green color. Cocoa flowers are small, up to 1 cm in diameter, the petals have a yellow or red hue. They are located directly on the tree trunk itself on small petioles. Fruits can weigh up to 0.5 kg and reach a length of 30 cm. In shape they resemble a lemon, in the middle of which you can see seeds about 3 cm long. Up to 50 seeds can be in the pulp of the fruit. If you translate this name of this plant from Latin, you get "food of the gods." Cocoa tree grows in South America, Southeast Asia, Australia and West Africa.


Growing this plant is hard work, as it is very whimsical to care for. Good and regular fruiting requires high temperatures and constant humidity. Such a climate is found only in the equatorial zone. It is also necessary to plant a cocoa tree in an area where direct sunlight will not fall on it. Around should grow trees that will create a natural shadow.

The composition of the cocoa fruit

By analyzing the composition of cocoa, you can for a long time list the elements and substances that make up it. Recently, many began to pay great attention to raw cocoa beans and classify them as the so-called "superfoods". This opinion is being carefully studied, and no one has given final data about it yet.

Beneficial features

The composition of cocoa includes many different substances and trace elements that affect the human body. Some of them are beneficial, others can be harmful.


Microelements such as fats, carbohydrates, vegetable protein, starch, organic acids have a beneficial effect on human health. Vitamins B, A, E, minerals, folic acid - all this is also necessary for the proper functioning of our body. A drink made from cocoa powder perfectly tones and saturates quickly. It can be drunk even by those on a diet, only being limited to one glass per day.

Chocolate, which contains more than 70% of cocoa, is also useful. It not only has a beneficial effect on the heart and blood vessels, but is also an excellent antioxidant (like green tea and apples).

People who do heavy physical work are advised to consume beans that have not undergone heat treatment. This product perfectly restores strength and muscle. It is also recommended to add it to food for athletes experiencing regular physical activity.


Cocoa is not recommended for women during pregnancy. The reason is that the substances found in the fruits of this tree interfere with the absorption of calcium. And this element is very important in the development of the fetus. Therefore, it is worth temporarily abandoning products containing a large amount of cocoa, or limit their use as much as possible.

Cocoa beans also contain 0.2% caffeine. This should be considered when introducing such a product into the diet of baby food.



The quality, taste and aroma of this product depend not only on the variety, but also on the place where the cocoa tree grows. It is also affected by the temperature and humidity of the environment, soil and rainfall.


This is the most popular type of cocoa. In world production, it takes 1st place and accounts for 80% of the total crop. This is due to the fact that the tree grows quickly and gives a regular high collection of cocoa beans. Chocolate made from the fruits of this species has a slightly sour taste along with characteristic bitterness. It grows in Africa, as well as in Central and South America.


The habitat for this species is Mexico and Central America. Trees give a big crop, but are very susceptible to diseases and external influences. Up to 10% of this type of cocoa is represented on the market. Chocolate made from it has a delicate aroma and a unique slightly bitter taste.


This is a bred variety obtained from the crossing of "Criollo" and "Forastero". The fruits have a persistent aroma, and the cocoa tree is less susceptible to various diseases, which reduces the risk of crop loss and does not require the use of various chemicals for treatment. Due to the fact that the variety was obtained as a result of crossing the two best types, the chocolate made from it has a pleasant bitterness and an exquisite aroma. This species is cultivated in Asia, Central and South America.



Cocoa beans of this kind have a unique persistent aroma. However, such trees are quite difficult to grow. In addition, they are susceptible to disease. Therefore, it is extremely rare to find this type of cocoa on the shelves or in chocolate. A variety is grown in South America.

Cocoa in cosmetology

Due to its properties, cocoa butter has found application in cosmetology. Of course, for use in this area, it must be high quality and unrefined. Natural cocoa butter has a yellowish-cream color and a slight characteristic smell of the fruits from which it is prepared. Such a product is rich in polysaccharides, vitamins, vegetable protein, iron and many other substances. It is also a strong antioxidant.

Very often, cocoa butter is used in masks, after which the skin becomes more resistant to sunlight and cold. The natural melting point of this product reaches 34 degrees, so it must be heated in a water bath before use. The skin easily absorbs oil, after which it becomes well hydrated. Also, thanks to cocoa butter, irritation is removed, skin elasticity is increased and healing of small wounds is accelerated.


In the modern world, it is perhaps almost impossible to meet a person who would not know about chocolate and cocoa. Being used in confectionery, medicine and cosmetology, the products of this tree are firmly established in the world market, and occupy a significant part of the goods turnover there. Therefore, cocoa production is a profitable business that brings year-round profits. This is due to the fact that the tree is evergreen and grows in places where the sun, heat and moisture are constantly present. Up to 3-4 crops are harvested in one year.


After planting a young seedling, the first fruits appear already in the fourth year of the tree's life. Cocoa flowers bloom on the trunk and thick branches, and beans form and ripen in the same place. In different varieties, when ready, the fruits acquire a different color: brown, brown or maroon.

Harvesting and processing

Cocoa fruits are cut from a tree trunk with a sharp knife and immediately sent for processing. In the workshop, the fruit is cut, the beans are taken out, spread them on the leaves of the banana and covered with them from above. The fermentation process begins, which can last from 1 to 5 days. During this period, cocoa beans get a delicate taste, and bitterness and acid are also removed.


Further, the resulting fruits are dried for 1-1.5 weeks with regular stirring 1 time per day. During this time, they should lose 7% moisture. After drying and sorting the beans, they can be packed in natural jute bags and stored for several years.