
Wild nature. Cannibal bear

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Wild nature. Cannibal bear
Wild nature. Cannibal bear

Video: Bear eats elk calf alive - RAW uncut version - Yellowstone National Park 2024, July

Video: Bear eats elk calf alive - RAW uncut version - Yellowstone National Park 2024, July

Recently, one often hears various horrors about the cannibal bear. Almost every year on television one or two videos are shown related to the attack of this animal. Not to mention how many such cases are left without due attention of journalists.


But why do bears attack humans? Indeed, in theory, they should shun them and avoid possible contacts with them. What was the reason that these wildlife animals changed all their principles and began to hunt people? Let's look at all the possible causes, and also talk about the most famous cases associated with an attack on a person.

Wildlife: Bears

It should be noted that not only clubfoot attack people. Other predators can also take this step, especially if they feel their own advantage over the victim. However, a cannibal bear is not just a bloodthirsty beast. This is a frightening death machine, from which it is unlikely to be able to escape, and even more so to defeat one on one in the battle.

Among all the predators that live in Russia, the largest is a bear. The growth, weight and claws of this beast cause awe in any living creature. An adult male with one paw stroke can tumble a small tree to the ground. What can we say about if such a kick goes to a person.

Habitual bears lifestyle

These animals diversify their diet with both vegetable and meat foods. In early spring, they eat various herbs and berries, thereby replenishing calories lost in winter. Closer to summer, animals switch to fish, insects and small animals. But they become especially furious in the fall, when it comes time to stock up on fat for the winter.


It was during this period that they began to hunt actively. Often, different artiodactyls become victims of bears, which are too relaxed and overlooked the approach of a predator. However, a hungry bear can attack a foe more safely, such as a wolf. At the same time, he was not at all embarrassed by the fact that he had occasion to deal with a pack.

How are cannibal bears born?

Despite the fact that bears rarely consider humans as potential food, no one forbids them to reconsider this point of view. Therefore, it happens that these predators attack people for no reason. Therefore, any representative of this species can become a hunter for humanity, regardless of its age and habitat.

However, there are a number of special factors that can increase the chance that a cannibal bear appears in the area. Let's look at them all separately in order to better understand the reasons for the atypical behavior of bloody hunters.

Deprived of sleep

Each huntsman in the taiga will say with confidence that there is no more terrible beast in the forest than a connecting rod bear. For those who are not familiar with this word, let’s explain: a connecting rod is a wild animal that came out of hibernation ahead of time. The reason for this may be that the bear ran out of fat prematurely or someone accidentally woke him up with a noise.


In both the first and second cases, the bear will no longer go to bed, because nature did not foresee such a turn of events. The only thing left for him is to look for food, and given the peculiarities of the season, there will be very little of it in the district.

Therefore, it is likely that such a beast will attack the first creature he encountered. And man will not be an exception, because in the eyes of a bear he is only a juicy piece of meat. The worst part is that once he hunts people, it becomes a familiar norm. And even if he survives until spring, he will still continue his atrocities, like a drug addict, drawn by a new dose.

Expansion of human territory

Every year, cities and towns grow in breadth, thereby reducing the natural masses. This state of affairs greatly affects the inhabitants of the forests, which will subsequently go further. However, this rule sometimes bypasses the bears, who were originally kings here.

Consequently, the time comes, and the clubfoot finds itself in conditions when the amount of its natural food rapidly decreases. Therefore, he begins to look for new ways to get the right calories. In most cases, he simply steals food from a person, climbing into his garden or yard.


But it also happens that the aggression and hunger of the beast turns against the people themselves. And then the events entail sad consequences. Only death can stop the atrocities of the cannibal bear, otherwise it will not lag behind the settlement, destroying everything at its own pace.

Random skirmishes

It should also be mentioned that at times the stupidity of a person can serve as the beginning for horrors. Every year, hundreds of hunters go to the forest in order to get a noble trophy in their collection. However, they do not always succeed in defeating a mighty beast, and then in the struggle for their lives the bear first attacks people.

And if in this fight the clubfoot tastes human blood, then it is likely that in the future he will continuously hunt for her.

The largest cannibal bear in the world

These events occurred in Alaska, USA. A young forest guard went hunting early in the morning. At that moment, he could not even imagine what horror awaited him there.

Tracking the deer, he climbed deep into the forest, where he was met by the cannibal grizzly. Fortunately, the guy had a good reaction and a semi-automatic 7 mm caliber gun. As the bear fled, the man released the entire store into it. Although this did not kill the beast, yet he fell a few steps from the young guy.


A few hours later, the forestry department arrived. After an autopsy, they found human remains in the bear’s stomach, after which the local sheriffs combed the forest. There they discovered the bones of two tourists, as it turned out, they were killed recently.

Subsequently, it turned out that this is the largest grizzly bear that a person managed to kill. So, the body length of the animal was 4.3 m, and its weight exceeded 700 kg.

Mysore bloodthirsty bear

A special species of bears lives in India, they are also called gubachs. These animals have a very aggressive disposition and attack everyone who comes too close. Despite this, they eat their prey quite rarely, since they like honey and snails more.

And yet, once in a city called Mysore, a cannibal bear wound up. Throughout his life, he attacked people. So, more than twelve people became his victims, while only a few were fortunate enough to escape.


A legend has even appeared in the village. As if the bear fell in love with a local girl, but the parents did not want to give her to the beast. Upon learning of this, he hated all the people and began to take revenge on them, attacking and killing everyone who walked along his road.

To save the inhabitants of Mysore, the famous hunter Kenneth Anderson volunteered. After several days of tracking, he still managed to track down the cannibal-cannibal. Then he, without hesitation, shot a wild beast, thereby protecting people from his actions.