
Dmitry Varshavsky is an actor who became famous at 23. Biography, personal life, photo

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Dmitry Varshavsky is an actor who became famous at 23. Biography, personal life, photo
Dmitry Varshavsky is an actor who became famous at 23. Biography, personal life, photo

Dmitry Varshavsky is an actor whose viewers learned about the existence of the series “Krovinushka”, where he played the grandson of academician Vyazemsky. The role was vivid, but the image of the charming cynic did not stick to the rising star. Dmitry, despite his youth, has already managed to demonstrate his ability to play completely different people. What is known about the creative achievements and personal life of the actor?

Actor Dmitry Varshavsky: biography of the star. Childhood, hobbies

The future "grandson of the academician" was born in the suburbs, it happened in June 1989. The boy’s father was a professional boxer, later retrained as a coach. It is not surprising that even in early childhood Dmitry Varshavsky became interested in sports. The actor, like his dad, was engaged in boxing, from the age of 8 he visited the corresponding section. He was promised a brilliant career in this field, but he did not see himself as a professional athlete, as he did not dream of becoming a musician, although he played the piano excellently thanks to his studies at a music school.


Dmitry Varshavsky is an actor who, in his teens, determined his choice of profession. As a schoolboy, he actively participated in all activities. Often, the boy had the opportunity to take on the functions of the leader during school evenings, he also participated in amateur concerts. Having received a certificate, young Warsaw on the first attempt became a student at the Russian Technical University, he was enrolled in a course led by Sergey Golomazov.

First successes

Dmitry Varshavsky is an actor who gained his first fans, barely becoming a graduate of the RATI. Having settled in the drama theater on Malaya Bronnaya, he soon began to receive interesting roles. The aspiring artist managed to prove himself in such productions as “Turbin Days”, “The Examiner”, “The Secret of the Old Cabinet”. The regulars of the theater especially liked the way he played the prince in the play “Caspian”. Warsaw had other memorable roles.


The young man received his first film role while still a student. Attractive appearance allowed him to take part in the filming of the film “Love. RU". His appearance on the screen lasted no more than a few seconds, but for Dmitry this was an interesting experience. This was followed by a short work in the television project “Trace”.

Star role

“Krovinushka” is a series thanks to which actor Dmitry Varshavsky acquired star status. The biography of the young man indicates that the role of Mikhail Vyazemsky was proposed to him in 2012. Dmitry’s character was absolutely not like him, so the actor gladly agreed to play it.


It was difficult for Dmitry to enter the image of the spoiled grandson of the academician, who cannot part with alcoholic beverages. It is curious that the director of the show repeatedly suggested that a novice actor drink a little alcohol before shooting close-ups. However, Warsaw categorically refused. As a result, the image of the spoiled major turned out to be very reliable, and the first fans began to pursue the guy.

Films and series with his participation

Participation in the filming of the series “Secrets of the Institute of Noble Maidens” is another achievement that Dmitry Varshavsky can boast of. The actor, whose photo can be seen in the article, played here the brave lieutenant Orlov. The character is interesting in a very ambiguous character, constantly gets into difficult situations, successfully selects from them without losing such qualities as justice and nobility. The audience was delighted with how wonderful the screen duet of Dmitry and Alina Kiziyarova looked.


Dmitry is actively starring in the series. The public knows the actor as Strelnikov from "Cops in Law - 8", Dron from "Bros - 4". The star and the image of the musician Andrey, created in Tatyana’s Night, was a great success. He can also be seen in the TV show "Full Transformation", where he played an Oscar.