
Daughter Ani Lorak - Sofia

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Daughter Ani Lorak - Sofia
Daughter Ani Lorak - Sofia

Video: Ани Лорак дочь София 2018★Ani Lorak daughter Sofia 2018 2024, July

Video: Ани Лорак дочь София 2018★Ani Lorak daughter Sofia 2018 2024, July

The daughter of Ani Lorak is Sofia Muratovna Nalchadzhioglu. She was born in June 2011, at the moment the girl is 7 years old. She was baptized in April 2012 in Kiev. F. Kirkorov became the godfather of Sofia, and Irina Berezhnaya, known as the deputy of the Verkhovna Rada, became her mother. What does Ani Lorak's daughter do? What is her relationship with dad and mom?

The first trip of daughter Ani Lorak to school

This year, Sofia went to first grade at the Pavlovsk gymnasium in Moscow (tuition for the year in first grade is $ 30.9 thousand / 2 million rubles). The company was made up of the girl by her parents: Ukrainian singer Ani Lorak and Turkish citizen Murat Nalchajioglu.

Sofia is not the only star first grader in an elite gymnasium. Glucose’s daughter is also a student of this institution. The school was created on the basis of the Higher School of Economics and is known for its strong teaching staff, consisting of candidates of sciences and native speakers of foreign languages.


The girl goes to school as prepared as possible. She can write, count and speak 4 languages ​​well. Daughter Ani Lorak (photo of the girl is presented in the article) speaks Russian, Ukrainian, English and Turkish. Murat’s sister taught her the latter. In addition, the woman prepares Sofia for life in society and coordinated work in the team with the help of her speeches.

Ukrainian singer also takes an active part in raising her daughter. However, in addition to educational moments, the pop diva shares her thoughts and feelings with her daughter. The popular singer always expects the first criticism after performing a new composition from Sofia. She tells her daughter that nothing in life is given without effort and in order to achieve something, you need to work hard.

Ani Lorak and her daughter Sofia

The famous singer is trying to accustom the girl to work and to life in society.


She explains to her daughter that making money is very difficult. And that the successes that her mother achieved are the result of many years of fruitful work. Sofia is very proud that it is Ani Lorak who is her mother and always tries to mention this.