
Maria Zubareva, actress: cause of death. Biography, roles, films

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Maria Zubareva, actress: cause of death. Biography, roles, films
Maria Zubareva, actress: cause of death. Biography, roles, films

This young woman has always been a joyful sun bunny, a funny crystal stream, the soul of any company. She was that person, having met with whom, you can not imagine life without him. Sometimes it happened that from her beauty - so calm and comfortable - men easily lost their heads. And women did not feel, no matter how strange it may seem, absolutely no envy or anger towards her, but came to get good advice.

During her too short life, she managed to taste the happiness of motherhood, get drunk on bright love, bite off her piece of glory. She was even able to grow a paradise garden of life for her family, but she was not destined to enjoy these tranquility and grace.

Such was Maria Zubareva, an actress whose cause of death will be indicated below. The life of this amazing mother, wife, just a creative person ended so early.

Children's years and family ties

Little Mashenka was born on February 24, 1962. She was a native Muscovite. In the capital, she studied and subsequently worked. Her whole life was spent in this beautiful city. Her mother was a television director, and her father was a children's writer and actor. Despite the fact that the family was creative, Mashenka's parents tried to prepare a different future for their beloved daughter. Mom quite often noticed that young actresses completely lack morality, therefore, in every possible way interfered with Masha's desire for acting. And dad, for his part, constantly told the girl that the profession of an actor is highly dependent. At the same time, the actor should like the director, approach the roles according to external data (and not just talent). Even endure the attacks of colleagues, their heavy characters. Sometimes you can sit for months without work, trying to gaze burn a hole in the handset.

From journalist to actress

Baby Zubareva Maria Vladimirovna was a very obedient, calm and domestic girl. She understood that her mother was not enthusiastic about her dream of becoming an actress, therefore, in order not to upset her and not to worry, she simply played in the theater. It was with great pleasure that she staged her performances for her dacha neighbors in a play that her father had written specially for her.


Masha always tried to make her parents calm for her. She studied very well, took part in olympiads, taking prizes in them. If at first she became interested in mathematics, then in eighth grade journalism took this place in her heart. And in graduation classes I decided to enter the Institute of Foreign Languages.

Maria Zubareva, an actress whose cause of death is too cruel, was one step away from getting a certificate of an English special school and was preparing for her first graduation ball.

Dream Push

One quiet evening, the Zubarev greeted the guests. These were the Kalinovskys who taught at the Shchukin school. When Mashenka shared her plans for the future with them, they were genuinely surprised: why did she, such a beautiful girl, not express her desire to become an actress? Masha read her favorite poems and heard warm words about her talent. She was so happy that she did not even pay attention to the fact that her parents were upset. After leaving school, she easily entered the "pike" on the course of Katina-Yartseva.

“I'll wait while you get married …”

The future actress Maria Zubareva, whose cause of death is a serious illness, understood everything about her attractiveness in the very first days of her studies at the institute. Classmates and older students were constantly circling around her. But only one young man settled in her heart - Borya Keener, who won the attention of Masha with romances and songs, which he composed himself. They started a family, very soon their daughter Anuta was born. But after only a year, this family broke up.


Throughout the family life of Mary, her classmate Igor Shavlak quietly sighed along her. Even after her wedding, he did not lose hope of winning her sincere love. And he was right. Anya considered him her dad and later revealed truth was a real shock for the girl. This union lasted long enough, and the couple were very happy. But this marriage of Mary did not survive. She was very worried, but did not show her mind.

Career and fame

Despite the troubles in family life, Zubareva’s career developed perfectly. The fame “Muzzle” brought her widespread fame, in which she played the professor's daughter Julia, whose husband was an ordinary gigolo. The audience immediately fell in love with this film: the plot is straightforward, but instructive, the characters are very understandable to everyone. For that “old Soviet cinema”, the frankness in love shown by the director was like a miracle, although compared to today's films it was all very modest and even a little chaste.


After the end of the "pike", Maria Zubareva, an actress, gets into the Pushkin Theater. The cause of death of this woman was quite serious - oncology, which, unfortunately, she could not defeat. In the theater, she also had interesting and memorable roles. She remained in good relations with the whole team, did not participate in any intrigues. She always told the truth in the face of anyone. For this feature of her, Masha was afraid, but always treated with respect, listening to her advice. Despite her youth, even people much older than her could turn to her for advice.

The new happiness of the actress

Zubareva’s life seemed to set her soft palms: the audience adored her heroine from the series “Little Things in Life”, she had endless sold-outs at the Pushkin Theater during the play of the BLER comedy. In addition, Roman Viktyuk invited her to his play “M. Butterfly". Despite the fact that they later whispered about the impact of this performance on the lives of the actors involved (Maria Zubareva and Irina Metlitskaya passed away), at that time everyone was given only popularity.


Despite all the fame of Maria Zubareva (1962-1993), the actress was never seen in a crowd of fans giving out kisses and autographs. She seemed to expect her greatest love for a short, alas, life.

Maria met her third husband unexpectedly, in company. Instantly broke out a beautiful and vibrant romance. It was a wonderful couple. The future husband courted very beautifully. And a little later, the twins were born to the spouses: the girl Lisa and the boy Roma. And everything was fine: love in the family, a good husband, great kids, take-off in a creative life … It would seem that what else is needed for happiness?


Zubareva Maria Vladimirovna, a biography whose work is respected, managed to enjoy the peace and tranquility that is possible only in a family with real relationships between spouses. The years of her third marriage were the happiest in her life. Unfortunately too short.

Take-off shot

Maria Zubareva, whose roles and films are still loved by viewers of different ages, continued to make plans. In the series "Little Things in Life", she starred almost until the time she was born, she also did not leave the theater stages. She hoped that soon after the birth of the babies she would return to the cinema and to the theater. But suddenly something happened: Mary's condition began to deteriorate very quickly. At first, everyone was sure that this was all due to childbirth, the body was just tired, and it took time to recover. The terrible news was the diagnosis of cancer for her family. Unfortunately, it was already impossible to recover or even extend life a little. Maria Zubareva, an actress whose cause of death struck with her cruelty and surprise, was quietly dying.

Stay beautiful

Until her very last day, Mary was next to her family, her friends, who were constantly on duty in her ward. They tried to hide the diagnosis from her, but she understood everything and asked the men not to come to her, because she really wanted to stay beautiful in her memory. So Maria Zubareva passed away. The biography of the actress includes not only achievements and success, but also a long struggle for life.


She never happened to return to the series, so the plot of the tape was changed - the character of Zubareva dies in a car accident.