
Adria Ferrand: biography, date and place of birth, career, restaurants, books, programs, personal life and interesting facts from life

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Adria Ferrand: biography, date and place of birth, career, restaurants, books, programs, personal life and interesting facts from life
Adria Ferrand: biography, date and place of birth, career, restaurants, books, programs, personal life and interesting facts from life

Ferrand Adria y Acosta is a Spaniard who has gone from a simple dishwasher to the famous chef, one of the nine best in the world. He became famous for innovative cooking ideas in his kitchen. The author of numerous books about food, the chef of the El Bulli restaurant is considered a real provocateur in the cooking business.

short biography

The owner of a three-Michelin-starred restaurant, Adria Ferrand, was born in mid-May 1962. The birth of the future Sensei of molecular cuisine took place in Spain, in the city of Hospitalet de Llobregat.


Adria Ferrand's biography is full of events related to a dizzying career in the art of cooking. The awards and titles that he received for his services can be listed for a very long time. But one thing remains unchanged - this great man forever turned his eyes on high cuisine in world society.

The youth of the reformer

In the early years, little Adria lived with his father, mother and younger brother in Barcelona. There he graduated from high school and entered the university, choosing the profession of manager.

However, the young man was incredibly bored to continue his studies, and when he was 18 years old, he quit school. Having decided to earn some money to relax in Ibiza, he got a job in Castelldefels in a restaurant to wash dishes.

The beginning of Ferran's path

It was in this restaurant of French cuisine that he first encountered the magic of culinary art. The chef taught the young dishwasher the basics of cooking, and Adria realized that he was in love. The process of creating culinary masterpieces engulfed him. And when he, returning from Ibiza, was looking for work, he received an invitation from the Finisterre restaurant.

Here Adria became the assistant chief cook. But here he was not able to work for his own pleasure, as he was forced to pay his debt to his homeland and serve in the army. While serving in the Spanish Navy, Ferrand even there took up his favorite business and became the main one in the kitchen.

"El Bullie"

A married couple came to the small town of Cala Montjoi on the Costa Brava: a homeopath Hans Schilling with his wife Marquette. Having fallen in love with this place, the couple decided to stay there forever, bought a piece of land and built a house.

The doctor’s wife was very fond of inviting guests to dinner parties in the barbecue style in the fresh air. And so she did it well, that after 7 years they became the owners of a license, which gave them the right to open mini-golf with a cozy restaurant, which they called "El Bulli".


After 2 years, a young soldier Adria Ferrand got into the restaurant for a monthly part-time job, who was so fond of the owners that he was called for a permanent job as soon as the service was over.

Returning to the restaurant, Ferrand (who had by that time already 2 Michelin stars) began his career growth.

Chef Adria Ferrand

A year and a half, the guy worked as a “chef de parti” (a cook who is responsible for a specific direction in cooking). And suddenly the chef of this restaurant decided to leave for Alicante, where he was going to open his own institution. So Ferrand became the new head of the restaurant "El Bulli".

The guy opened his door to his dream for 24 years. Now you could completely surrender to your passion and create your own - something that even science fiction writers did not write about at that time.

Ferran himself wrote the book "The Secrets of El Bulli." He believed that his philosophy should be explained; that the style he chose is completely new - with innovative technologies and new tastes.


At the same time, Ferran Adria's restaurant worked in a completely different way. It was open for six months, and Ferran and his team experimented in the kitchen for another six months, considering it his laboratory. As a result, every season he delighted visitors to El Bulli with a new menu with amazing (both by ear and taste) dishes.

To get to the famous restaurant for dinner, you had to book a few months in advance. However, despite this, the restaurant was operating at a loss, which ultimately led to its closure, although he received a third Michelin star.

Cook's philosophy

Since Ferrand began to look for his own way, he has done a lot in his kitchen. The first sensation was made when he created the culinary foam. It is worth noting that today many famous chefs use this technique. At the same time, Ferrand simply mixed the flavors and gelling agent, placed them in a cream whipping machine, and squeezed out the foam with nitrogen.

At that time, foamed mushrooms, foamed vegetables or meat made a real revolution in gastronomy.

Adria himself believes that there is nothing better or worse among the products. He equally appreciates both potatoes and truffles. But it claims that any product can be given a completely new taste and texture.

He pays special attention to contrasts, creating sweet and salty in one dish. In his understanding, ice cream should not be necessarily sweet, and coffee - liquid. He tries to emphasize in his dishes not just one thing, but all together, so that the taste, aroma, color, shape, and texture of the dish are noticeable.


Even with simple scrambled eggs, it gives the effect of 3D, preparing separately the protein and yolk.

In the process of cooking, Adria often uses chemical elements, various devices, which no one has done before. For this he was nicknamed the ancestor of molecular cuisine, although Ferrand himself categorically does not accept this. He calls himself a revolutionary and provocateur in the cook field.

Creative talent

In addition to the cook’s talent, Adria Ferrand has an excellent writing style, which allowed him to publish many cookbooks. In tandem, his brother Albert Adria, who is also an excellent cook, worked on the creation of books with him.

So, for example, in 1998 he released the first edition of the book "Secrets of El Bulli", then - "Dessert El Bulli". After 10 years, the publication "One Day in El Bulli" is published. A book called Chemistry of the Kitchen is widely used in schools.

Unlike many other chefs, Ferrand does not hide his secrets in the preparation of masterpieces, on the contrary, he shares them in his books. Adria Ferrand loves to emphasize that any food should be not only tasty, but also healthy.

Family dinner with Ferrand

One of the most significant and widespread books in the world, authored by the famous Adria Ferrand - "Family dinner. Cooking at home with Adria Ferrand."


In the cookbook there are no recipes that would relate to molecular cuisine, they are too complicated. Even experienced cooks will not cope with many. But the book contains an excellent selection of family dinners that anyone who has at least some idea of ​​cooking can cook.

This manual contains more than 1000 photos. They more than accessible show and explain each step of the cooking process.

However, this literary publication differs significantly from other cookbooks in that it contains not just individual recipes, but specific 3-course menus for dinner.

Each menu is perfectly balanced and offers 3 types of dishes: appetizers or soup, the main dish and, of course, dessert. The author also makes extracts for each of them: what products must be prepared in advance, schedule and cooking time.

In addition to the menu, the book contains useful tips on storing and buying products. The basic ingredients for sauces, marinades and dressings for a variety of dishes, a variety of techniques inherent in professionals, etc. are given.

In each menu, the number of products for 2, 6, 20, 75 people is calculated. After all, just such food was cooked daily in the El Bulli kitchen for the entire Ferran team. Therefore, such a footnote is very convenient for those who are engaged in catering or have their own small restaurant.

The book contains recipes for Mexican, Spanish, Italian, Korean, German, French and many other cuisines.

Media personality

In addition to books, Ferrand makes documentaries, product videos, blogs about the cooking process and various recipes. He participates in television shows and gives tough interviews to reporters. Adria Ferrand participated in the transfer of Gordon Ramsay, where he represented one of the judges.

He also organized his foundation and a cooking school. Adria develops new technologies, creates a unique concept of cooking. He also owns other restaurants besides the closed El Bulli.

Personal life

Despite the availability of the World Wide Web, social networks and television, few people know about the personal life of the eminent chef. He does not like to spread and advertise his family life.

It is known that Adria Ferrand is married to a miniature woman - Isabelle Perez Barcelo, whom she met in the city of Roses. Spouses have no children.


Adria Ferrand will not litter money on public display. He invests most of the earned money in the development of culinary affairs, in new experiments and research.

Interesting facts from life

  1. The restaurant of this chef has occupied leading positions throughout the world for several years.
  2. He is the “Honorary Citizen of Barcelona” and the “Ambassador of Spanish Culture”.
  3. Ferran’s voice can also be heard in the Spanish version of the famous cartoon “Ratatouille”.
  4. His restaurant has been awarded the titles “Silver Spoon” and “Golden Heart”.
  5. Ferran himself, as a cook, has the title of doctor at the Department of Chemistry at the University of Barcelona.
  6. The favorite actress of the cook is Isabelle Adjani.
  7. Favorite movie - "Apocalypse today."
  8. In 2010, Ferrand was awarded the title "Best Chef of the Decade."