
Daughters of Bill Gates: biography and photos

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Daughters of Bill Gates: biography and photos
Daughters of Bill Gates: biography and photos

Video: Jennifer Katharine Gates Lifestyle, School,House, Cars, Net Worth, Family, Biography 2018 2024, June

Video: Jennifer Katharine Gates Lifestyle, School,House, Cars, Net Worth, Family, Biography 2018 2024, June

The name of Bill Gates is familiar to almost everyone, especially those who use Microsoft operating systems, because this person is considered to be their creator. But, in addition to the fact that Bill Gates is an outstanding businessman, he still seems to be a very reasonable man who recently surprised the whole world with his approach to raising his own children.

Bill Gates - the richest businessman in the world according to Forbes

In 2015, Forbes magazine again summed up the results of the year and compiled its annual ranking of the richest people in the world. This list is for the 16th time topped by Bill Gates, the creator of Microsoft Corporation.


Based on the life of Bill Gates, you can make more than one touching film. At school, he studied poorly and considered all subjects except mathematics unnecessary. For poor behavior, the boy was even sent for a consultation with a psychiatrist.

But the guy was well versed in computers and programming. At the age of 13, Bill already independently wrote the simplest computer programs, and after a couple of years, he and his friends managed to crack the program of one of Seattle’s major corporation - Computer Center Corporation.

At the age of 17, together with Paul Allen, Gates founded his first company, which accounted for 790 thousand dollars in a couple of months. And in 1975, the first Microsoft BASIC was created.

Personal life of a billionaire

Gates met his future wife, being already a very rich man. He flew to a press briefing in New York and there he met Melinda French, whom he married on January 1, 1994.


Melinda was born in Texas, in a large family of an ordinary engineer. In his interviews, Bill Gates is often surprised at how the chosen one was able to force him to marry her, because before meeting this girl he had an ambiguous attitude to family ties. However, there is nothing strange in the fact that Melinda found a common language with a computer genius, because she once received a bachelor's degree in computer science.

In the 90s, Melinda joined the Microsoft team, and already in the 94th year she became the wife of the richest man in the world. The wedding ceremony took place in Hawaii, after the marriage, Melinda became a housewife. If we talk about how many children Bill Gates gave birth to a marriage with this woman, then there will be three heirs to the multi-billion state: two girls and one boy.

Melinda Gates is also widely known for her charity work as the founder of the Melinda and Bill Gates Foundation.

Features of parenting

The "seen" Bill Gates has very specific principles for raising his children. Providing them for the rest of his life and even after his death is not the goal of the owner of a multi-million dollar fortune. On the contrary, he understands that his main task is to teach the offspring to independently cope with all problems, including money.


The children of Bill Gates had to learn the following truths during their growing up. Firstly, a person must have adequate self-esteem. It’s good to have your own dignity and self-esteem, but in order for everyone else to respect you, you need to do something worthwhile in your life.

Secondly, nothing happens quickly, and after leaving school or university you will have to work hard for more than one year before you have your own limousine.

Thirdly, bad work does not happen. Even working at the McDonald's counter, you have a chance to make a dizzying career.

Daughters of Bill Gates: biography. Jennifer

Little is known about the children of Gates in general and in general, because they are quite young.

In 1996, the eldest daughter of Bill Gates was born. What is the name of the first child of a billionaire? Parents named their first-born Jennifer. In ancient Celtic language, the name means something like “white sorceress” or “bright spirit”.


Gates's eldest daughter in 2015 turned 19 years old. But to find mention of the girl in the press is almost impossible. However, several years ago, the Network very actively discussed the fact that the lifestyle of Gates and his children can hardly be called modest (as the media like to cover this issue). For his daughter, who at that time was only 15 years old, Gates easily rented a chic house in Florida worth 600 thousand dollars a month.

It turned out that Jennifer was seriously involved in equestrian sports, and she wanted to participate in the festival, which was supposed to be held in Palm Beach. To make Jen comfortable throughout this time, her father rented her a “royal” mansion. So Gates’s severity regarding parenting is most likely exaggerated.

Is Rachel Cook the daughter of Bill Gates?

Recently, a photo of a pretty girl signed by a joke has been posted on various social networks: supposedly, Gates’s daughter has become the best “product” Microsoft has ever released. However, the real appearance of the daughter of Bill Gates is far from the appearance of that pretty person, whose image is distributed on the Internet.


In fact, the photo depicts Rachel Lee Cook - the star of the movie Texas Rangers and Dawson's Creek. And it is completely incomprehensible who guessed to betray the famous American actress for the daughter of Bill Gates. Most likely, it was a joke. But many regulars on the Web still believe that a pretty blonde is the real daughter of a billionaire.

Phoebe Gates: facts from life

Bill Gates daughter Phoebe is the youngest child in the family. The girl was born in 2002 and at the moment is still a teenager. As in the case of the billionaire’s other children, the girl’s biography is covered in a halo of secrecy, and even getting her photographs is not an easy task: Bill Gates’ daughters lead a calm and “closed” lifestyle.