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House of Scientists on Prechistenka in Moscow: photo, address, schedule of lectures

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House of Scientists on Prechistenka in Moscow: photo, address, schedule of lectures
House of Scientists on Prechistenka in Moscow: photo, address, schedule of lectures

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The House of Scientists on Prechistenka is known to many generations of Muscovites. Concerts are constantly held here, lectures are given, and famous people are invited. Interest clubs for children and adults.

Arkharovsky house

The Central House of Scientists on Prechistenka was built on the territory, which in ancient times was called Chertol. The street got its name after 1658, when it became traditional to pass through it on Orthodox holidays, passing from the Kremlin to the Novodevichy Convent. Pilgrims went to the icon of the Mother of God, revered by the Muscovites - “The Most Pure One”, and the name of the street went from these events.

In the 16th century, these places belonged to the Bolshaya Konyushennaya Sloboda; according to 1653, 190 yards were assigned to it. The inhabitants of the settlement served as grooms, stirrups, sovereign strollers and other working people, one way or another related to working with horses. In the time of Ivan the Terrible, the guardsmen settled here, and the nobles and the nobles were expelled. At the beginning of the 19th century, the area was in the possession of the military governor of Moscow I.P. Arkharov. The estate, mansion and a thousand serfs he received as a gift from Emperor Paul I.

The first mansion, on the site of the current House of Scientists, appeared in 1716 and was built by Colonel S.I.Sukin, exactly how his house looked - is unknown. The description of the stone chambers with a large garden dates back to 1731. In 1792, the mansion became the property of I.P. Arkharov, who received the position of Governor-General of Moscow from the hands of Paul I. During the life of Ivan Arkharov, the house was considered one of the most hospitable in Moscow, but once overdoing it in service, he was exiled. He did not stay far from the capital for long and a year later returned home, where he quietly lived his life.

Mansion Extension

In 1812, during a fire, all the wooden parts of the mansion burned down. In 1818, Prince Ivan Naryshkin acquired the mansion, and after his death, his widow took over the estate. The princes were related to the imperial family and many eminent Moscow families. In particular, Ivan Naryshkin was the uncle of N. Goncharova and at her wedding with A.S. Pushkin was the planted father on the part of the bride. Historians do not exclude that the poet was in a mansion on Prechistenskaya street.

After 1844, the estate was divided, the southern part and the chambers went to S. A. Musin-Pushkin. Rumor has it that Gogol N.V. and the Decembrist M.M. Naryshkin visited him. In 1865, the house was acquired by a millionaire, a native of posad people who earned capital from the production of canvas and fabrics - Ivan Konshin. He carried out the expansion, reconstruction, but the building was really redone after his death by the labor of his wife, Alexandra Ivanovna. She sold all the factories and continued to live in the house alone, surrounded by cats, a manager and a lawyer.


Before the revolution

In the early 1900s, at the request of Konshina, the house was rebuilt according to the project of architect A. O Gunst. The mansion received a front door, a fountain began to work in the garden. An interesting innovation was a two-storey half-tonond, which housed a winter garden with an atrium and a light lamp. The first and second floors were identical in area - about 800 square meters. On the first level, 15 rooms were located, and on the second, luxurious ceremonial halls and apartments of the hostess were arranged.

The technical equipment of the mansion was one of the best - water supply and sewerage were carried out, a system of exhaust vacuum cleaners was arranged. Marble was delivered from Italy, plumbing was discharged from England. Konshina died in 1914, the mansion was inherited by the nephew’s wife, and then by her children. At the insistence of the guardian of the minor heirs, the house was sold for 400 rubles to adviser A.I. Putilov. In 1917, the house was nationalized.


For science and creativity

The House of Scientists on Prechistenka was established in 1922. From the moment it appeared, it became one of the places where an active cultural life was conducted - concerts were held, only here there were closed screenings of films that didn’t appear on the wide screens of the country, lectures were given, performances of famous artists were organized, meetings with writers and poets were held. The popularity of the place was growing, tasks were being enlarged, and there was a need to expand the premises.

In the 30s, the architects Vesniny brothers developed a project according to which an entrance hall and a wardrobe were added to the old mansion, a hall with a lobby appeared on the second, and a balcony with a hall and several technical rooms on the third. The next reconstruction took place at the turn of the 1970s and 80s - changes were made in the location of the premises on the ground floor, as well as restoration work in the main suite, which is the historical part of the building.

At the present stage, the House of Scientists on Prechistenka is one of the centers of the cultural and scientific life of the capital. The CDU team organizes and supports the work of 26 scientific sections, several creative studios, a symphony orchestra, children's groups and much more. The CDU hosts traditional Friday meetings, which bring together the entire intellectual and creative color of the capital.



For various events, the Central House of Scientists has:

  • A large concert hall with a capacity of 500 seats.

  • Chamber Hall for concerts, which accommodates 90 visitors.

  • Hall for presentations, meetings ("Blue Hall").

  • The hall designed for meetings of the scientific sections of the CDA ("Green Living Room").

  • Billiard room.

  • Cafe, buffet and luxurious restaurant.


Scientific and creative sections

Scientific and creative activities are filled with the everyday life of the building on the street. Prechistenka, 16 (House of Scientists). Every day, from 18:30 in the ceremonial halls of the CDU, meetings of the scientific sections are held, open for free access by each interested person. Work sections and meetings are held in the form of live communication between visitors and prominent scientists, university professors.

The House of Scientists on Prechistenka suggests visiting the scientific sections:

  • Geography, history, demography, geology.

  • Life sciences, mathematics, engineering, cybernetics.

  • Law, psychology, political economy, international relations.

  • Horticulture, agriculture, food industry.

  • Transport, construction, statistical.

  • Management of economics, physics, philosophy, ecology.

  • Chemistry and technological processes, energy, sociology.

Seminars and conferences are held monthly, where anyone can access, for these events the Great Hall is intended. Another interesting and exciting event is the oral issues of the journals Science and Life, Be Healthy and many others. At thematic informal evenings, prominent scientists share their impressions of travels, books read, songs are sung and current issues are discussed.

In the structure of the CDA there are general directions for the development of personal creative potential:

  • “Science and Creativity” (oral journal).

  • "Interlocutor" (studio of art speech and words).

  • Literary association.

  • Book section.

  • Film section of Professor N. I. Preobrazhensky.


Collectives and Studios

The Central House of Scientists (Prechistenka, 16) is famous not only for educational and scientific work, but also for cultural, sporting events and activities. For visits are offered studios and sections:

  • Hunting, tourism, art movement studio.

  • Club for sports jogging, billiards, ski section.

  • Two directions of gymnastics - harmonic, preventive.

  • Excursion, two vocal and opera studios.

  • Symphony Orchestra named after A.P. Borodin and the Academic Choir.

  • "Prechistenskie Fridays."

  • Variety Theater "Duet", vocal collective "Lira".

  • Club "Commonwealth", studio of applied and fine arts.

  • Sports and ballroom dance ensemble (for children) and much more.

More than 30 creative teams have been operating in the CDA since the foundation of the organization, uniting people of different professions and interests.


Section Meeting Poster

Every month the CDA poster is updated. The schedule of lectures at the House of Scientists on Prechistenka at the end of April 2017 looks like this:

  • April 21 - medical conference on the topic "Cardiology". The meeting of the club "Commonwealth" on the topic: "On the history of the houses of the Arbat suburb." Report of the geography section “Foreign Heritage from Excursion to Discourse”. The meeting of the section of political economy on the theme "The supreme economic goal of the development of Russia in the 21st century."

  • April 24th. Report in the transport section “Modern Security Systems”, meeting of the demography section “Demographic and Economic Consequences of Modern Migration in the EU”.

  • 25th of April. A meeting of the section of international affairs with the theme "The Political Situation in the USA after the Elections" was announced.

  • 26 April. In the section of history, the report “The Fulton Speech of W. Churchill and Its Historical Consequences” will be held. The Geology Section has announced a meeting with the theme "The Paradoxes of Time and Geology."

  • April 27th. In the tourism section, a meeting is held on the theme "Cycling in Southeast Asia." The running club holds a roundtable discussion “Cold and heat are our best friends”.

Section sessions and lectures begin at 19:00 and take place in the Blue Hall or the Green Living Room. In April, by appointment, it is proposed to visit the K. S. Stanislavsky House Museum with a guided tour.


Culture Events Poster

Moscow is famous for its active social life. The Central House of Scientists (Prechistenka St., 16) suggests visiting the concerts in the second half of April 2017:

  • April 21 - concert of the Peresvet choir, Prechistensky Fridays.

  • April 22 - performance of pop groups with a concert program "And this time is called spring!" Dancing in the Oval Hall from 15:00.

  • April 24 - concert of the Moscow Academic Chamber Choir, the program is dedicated to the 45th anniversary of the collective. Concert of soloists of the ensemble "Lira".

  • 25th of April. Festive concert program for Victory Day. Dancing (Oval Hall, 18:00). An evening of romance.

  • 26 April. An evening of romances performed by D. Ryakhin.

  • April 27th. Concert V. Kosarev. Concert of soloists of the vocal studio of the House of Scientists.

  • April 28th. A concert of romances and old Russian songs performed by the Boyan Academic Orchestra.

  • April 29th. The play "We Are Riding, Riding, Riding …" by the Duet Theater-Studio of the House of Scientists.

On May holidays, the poster promises a rich program. Concerts for Victory Day, discussions of films, performances by members of creative teams, meetings of scientific sections were announced. For many visitors, the House of Scientists on Prechistenka has become a center of culture and communication. Photos of the mansion and reports on past events demonstrate the continuity of the history of the CDU.
