
Sights of Hainan Islands, China: description, history and interesting facts

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Sights of Hainan Islands, China: description, history and interesting facts
Sights of Hainan Islands, China: description, history and interesting facts

Video: Episode 2 of Bird’s-eye China: Hainan, the island-province 2024, July

Video: Episode 2 of Bird’s-eye China: Hainan, the island-province 2024, July

After Egypt and Turkey became inaccessible resorts for our tourists, I had to look for options, at least not worse. In China, such a corner of heavenly life is on Hainan Island. But domestic tour operators offer settling in only one town - Sanya. And there are so many interesting things around! Our advice to you. If you are going to this island, do not sit in the hotel, travel around the island and discover all the sights.


Hainan - Overseas Divo

Most of our compatriots associate China with cheap goods and crowds of people. Few people think that this country is washed almost completely along the east coast by the waters of the Pacific Ocean, there are real paradises here. Hainan begins to show the sights of a tourist right after it arrives from the island itself, which looks no worse than Hawaii or the Maldives.

In China, Hainan is the No. 1 resort. The richest people come here to enjoy the virgin nature and many kilometers of white beaches. You don’t have to worry about the busy beaches - there is enough space for everyone here. But the main merit is the perfectly preserved ancient and natural attractions. Hainan is rightfully proud of them.

Lovers of sunbathing

If you are looking for interesting adventures on the water, but at the same time want to sunbathe longer under the gentle sun, go to Yalunvan Bay, which is located near Sanya. Here you can scuba dive, ride on a yacht with a breeze and spend the day playing golf.

More active marine activities can be found on the opposite side - in the west of Haikou. Even if you are not a guest of the hotel located there, you are allowed to visit the thermal water pool. Among the unique services are swimming pools with biting fish. Do not be afraid, they just do pilling - they gnaw at the dead cells and thus rejuvenate the skin.

Closer to the Wild

Almost 50% of the territory is occupied by reserves and parks on the island of Hainan (Sanya). The sights here are created by nature itself. And plunge into the world of flora and fauna is not difficult at any point in the resort. Monkey Island - Nanwan is very popular. It can only be reached by cable car, laid across the sea. This is an amazing place where monkeys of different species can be touched, touch and chat with them. Just watch carefully, otherwise these shrewd individuals can easily steal all your food supplies.


Not far from Sanya itself there is an amazing aquarium. Both children and adults enjoy the visit, as the most amazing and rarest representatives of the marine world in China are gathered here.

In the evening, you can go to the reserve, located 20 km from Sanya. They arrange a real bloodthirsty show with the participation of crocodiles. But none of the animals and people suffer. But the impressions of communicating with the most dangerous predators will be enough for the rest of the year.

Learn Buddhism

If you are wondering what are the most striking Hainan attractions, reviews will surely prompt you to visit the largest Asian Buddhism center. Nanshan is a huge temple complex for which an artificial island was specially created. Today it is a pilgrimage center for believers and tourists.

The central structure of the complex is the temple of the Goddess of Mercy. The top of the cathedral is crowned by a statue of the goddess herself. The size is impressive - 108 meters, it is even larger than the legendary Statue of Liberty.


Another majestic person erected in stone is the statue of the goddess Guanyin. To create it, 140 kg of gold and unmeasured precious stones were required. The goddess personifies wisdom, willpower, mercy, and at its foot a lotus flower is revealed, symbolizing the purity of the Buddhist principle. The statue is listed in the Guinness Book of Records, since it contains a grain of the ashes of Shakya-Muni Buddha himself, the founder of this religion.

The origins of Taoism

In addition to believers in the Buddha, among the Chinese there are many who are supporters of Taoism. This is another ancient culture, which sights have been preserved (Hainan Island, China). The brightest representative among the many temple complexes is Dong Tien, which includes the Sky Grottoes, the Miracle of the Sea and the Mountains.

All the temples here are operating, despite the fact that they are already over 800 years old. Thousands of Taoism worshipers come here every year with only one purpose - to bow to the patron saint of religion - the South Dragon. He, according to giving, is one of the four patrons of the entire globe. Naturally, many legends are associated with this legend, which local guides will gladly tell you.


Back to the past

You can always find something to be surprised at about. Hainan. Sights and entertainment are literally on every corner. Another unique center is the Li and Miao Ethnic Culture Park. Now in China it is almost impossible to find folk houses with a semicircular roof, which we imagine, recalling the Middle Kingdom. But thanks to such parks, the identity and culture of indigenous peoples is preserved.

This is exactly what the Li and Miao people are for the Hainan Island. The first settlers sailed here a thousand years ago. Now you can find out about architecture, creativity and traditions only by walking around the territory and visiting various master classes. Vivid fire shows are organized here in the evenings.


Learn all about the tea ceremony

How is it to be in China and not attend a real tea ceremony? After all, tea drinking here occupies a special place in any home. This is a whole ritual to which any tourist is obliged to join.

All the local attractions (Hainan has a huge number of them) are natural resources. And the island plays an important role in tea production. On the slopes of the mountains grown an elite variety called "Favorite Tea of ​​the Imperial Concubine", or another name - "Snow Drink". A visit to the plantation and dedication in the secrets of the tea ceremony is an essential part of any excursion program.

Jewels of the deep sea

Hainan stores sights not only on land, but also at sea. For local residents, pearl mining has always been the main and only means of obtaining money. In addition, the climate of the South China Sea is considered the most favorable for the cultivation of a precious resource on an industrial scale. Today, pearls from Hainan are exported all over the world and are highly regarded among jewelry masters.


You can also join in the beauty by visiting the plantation and the Pearl Museum. Here you can find out and see how a small pearl bead is created, what stages of growth it takes and what awaits it when it is ready to leave its shell. Finished products can be purchased at fairly low prices. So do not forget to find your pearl.