
Notched oak: description, distribution, cultivation

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Notched oak: description, distribution, cultivation
Notched oak: description, distribution, cultivation

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This oak belongs to the beech family, which includes about 600 species of plants - these are deciduous and evergreen trees. Toothed oak is a tree up to 20 meters high and about 80 centimeters in diameter. Most often, this plant grows to an 8-meter height with a trunk diameter of about 40 centimeters. This unusual, attractive tree is grown to create original landscapes, and is also found in the wild, but only in some regions of Russia.



Toothed oak is characterized by a peculiar color of the bark. As a rule, it is distinguished by dark gray shades. In this case, the crust is externally thick, covered with cracks.

Young shoots are densely shaggy. The pubescence descends into the second year of the seedlings' life. Oak leaves are large: up to 20 centimeters long and about ten centimeters wide. In shoots undergrowth, the leaf length can reach half a meter and a width of 30 cm. The upper part of the leaf is dark green, and the bottom is reddish pubescence. Leaf blades are short, but wide enough.

On a serrated oak, acorns grow about two centimeters long. They ripen in late September. To obtain a new plant, acorns are planted in pits in the winter. In spring, new young seedlings grow from them.

Oak belongs to the fast-growing species of trees that are resistant to fires, and if damaged, they are able to quickly recover by root offspring, air growth.



The oak leaves and flowers appear at about the same time - in May. Male flowers gather in inflorescences in the form of thin and long reddish drooping earrings. This bundle hangs from the branches, and its bright color distinguishes the bundle against the background of foliage.

Female flowers have pistils. They are located 1-2 at the tops of the shoots. Subsequently, acorns are formed from female flowers. In the photo of the serrated oak you can see flowering and ripening acorns. In October, the fruits are harvested for sowing young trees.



Oak can rightly be called a king among deciduous trees. Many landowners plant these trees in order to enjoy the beauty and grandeur of the plant in a few years.

To propagate oak, use rooted green cuttings or acorns. In the first method, cuttings are cut from a tree in early June and planted in wet sand. According to statistics, approximately 65% ​​of the cuttings will take root.

You can grow oak by planting acorns. They are harvested in October and immediately planted fresh in the ground. The seat is prepared in advance. Usually, landing is carried out in the winter. If it is not possible to plant the seeds in the fall, then they are stored in the basement in wet sand. In the spring, as early as possible, acorns are planted in the ground. After about a month, the first shoots appear. In the first year of life, the tree grows to a height of 20 cm.

Where does it meet

In natural conditions, serrated oak is found in the Far East, in the southern Kuril Islands, as well as in the south of Primorye. The tree grows in small groves, can form whole groves off the coast, on dry slopes.

According to the description, the serrated oak is a very beautiful tree, which is appreciated for its decorative effect. Because of this, they began to cultivate it in Sukhumi and other cities. This type of oak is rarely found, because of which it fell into the Red Book of Russia. Various methods for breeding toothed oak are currently being developed.


Phytocenology and ecology

The toothed oak listed in the Red Book refers to light-loving, drought-resistant species of trees. It is able to survive and bear fruit even in those areas that are subjected to burning every year. In Primorye, oak is found in well-heated areas that are protected from strong winds. The tree does not grow on the northern slopes, in shady areas.

In the Khasansky district, oak is found in the form of narrow forest masses. In some areas of Russia, the tree is found among other forests. On some islands of the country, the plant grows in single copies, but somewhere you will not find it at all - only in the city.


Cultivation and plant protection

Among all types of ornamental trees and shrubs, notched oak occupies a special place. It is considered a decorative species, which is why it is grown in 14 botanical gardens of Russia. Planted acorns germinate well. At the age of four years, seedlings are transferred to a permanent place: young trees tolerate transplant perfectly. Most often, they are planted along highways in the city: oak tolerates urban pollution.

When growing oak on its site, it is recommended to periodically top dress the plant. This is due to the fact that the tree has nowhere to take nutrients. Indeed, under such growing conditions under a tree, a layer of leaf nutrient humus does not form: all leaves are harvested in autumn.