
The American morning news anchor showed a photograph of how she actually looks before the broadcast without makeup and lighting.

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The American morning news anchor showed a photograph of how she actually looks before the broadcast without makeup and lighting.
The American morning news anchor showed a photograph of how she actually looks before the broadcast without makeup and lighting.

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Dinna Falzone posted a post on Facebook, to which she attached photographs in which she looks like in everyday life and on the screen.

Deanna Falzone's work as the morning news host may seem glamorous, but she said that this makeup and lighting help her move from a “bad case” to a chic version.

While viewers saw only her charming version, she wanted them to know her whole story.


Work after maternity leave

Falzone said on Good Morning America that she had just returned from maternity leave after giving birth to her second child, and most of the night did not sleep with her sick child when her alarm clock rang at 3 a.m. She was late for work as the morning news anchor in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

“I felt depressed, defeated, tense and exhausted when I tried to balance motherhood and career, ” she said about this period of her life.


Personal life in the background

But everything that happens in her personal life should be relegated to the background.

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“Every morning I sit at the host’s table, do makeup and hair and start the show at 6 am with a smile on my face, ” she said. “What people don’t see is the tears I shed when I left my crying child in the middle of the night, and dark black circles under my eyes from lack of sleep. I just wanted to show other mothers that, despite the way it looks, sometimes we all just hang in the balance and no one understands what motherhood is."

Despite the fact that her work is more prestigious than most, her struggle for motherhood is in many ways similar to the struggle of any parent.


"Survival Mode"

“Honestly, sometimes I’m just in survival mode, ” she said. “But I’m trying to remind myself how happy I am and that this is the“ time of year ”in life that I will miss one day. I try to remind myself that every day "I’m doing everything in my power, despite what anxiety tells me, and in the end it’s what really matters."

Falzone said she has been promoting mental health since she talked about her struggle with anxiety and OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder).

"Behind the scenes"

“We see people on social networks or on television, and it's so easy to start comparing them to ourselves. Moreover, it’s easy for mothers to look at the screen and think that everyone has it, but it can be very far from the truth, ”she says.

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On Facebook, Deanna writes: “Don't let what you see on social networks fool you into thinking that this is reality. This is not something that happens“ behind the scenes ”, it’s always the most difficult, but also that makes you stronger. And praise the Lord for dry shampoo, bronzer and coffee."
