
Mahlaga Jabery: a girl with Persian miniatures

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Mahlaga Jabery: a girl with Persian miniatures
Mahlaga Jabery: a girl with Persian miniatures

Video: Most Beautiful IRANIAN Actress | Iranian women | Persian girl | Beautiful Actress 2024, June

Video: Most Beautiful IRANIAN Actress | Iranian women | Persian girl | Beautiful Actress 2024, June

Photos of oriental beauties have been increasingly successful recently. Sisters Kardashian excite the imagination of young people and are style icons for young girls. Less popular, but no less beautiful are other sisters with oriental roots who came to the United States from Iran. The most famous of them is Mahlaga Jabery, the famous model with the inexpressibly bewitching gaze of huge eyes. Brought up under the strict rules of an Iranian girl, she leads a very closed lifestyle, not appearing at social events and despising licentiousness.

Isfahan peri (angel)

Mahlaga Jaberi, whose height is 178 cm, was born in Iranian Isfahan in 1989. Even as a child, with her sisters Rahi and Arizu, she left Iran quite early and moved to the less conservative United States.

Makhlaga Jaberi was an excellent student in her childhood, perfectly mastered mathematics and physics. Back in school, a strong and proud girl dreamed of becoming famous all over the world in order to refute all mossy stereotypes about the subordinate role of eastern women. So, she studied selflessly and was preparing to enter a serious college, however, like any living girl, she could not resist the passion for style and fashion.


The bright appearance of the Persian woman, huge eyes and chiseled facial features attracted representatives of modeling agencies to her, who besieged the young beauty, showering her with advantageous offers. However, up to a certain point, the persistent girl kept herself and did not distract herself from textbooks in physics and mathematics.

Jabery effect

Having brilliantly graduated from school, Mahlaga Jabery safely entered college, where she chose a specialty related to business management. Every year she grew prettier and flourished. Soon, a serious girl could not escape the temptation and joined the ranks of oriental beauties, whose photos appeared on the covers of magazines.

Not the least role in the “seduction” of Makhlagi was played by her older sister Rahi, who, from the age of nineteen, ran her own photo studio “Mail Pictures”. The youngest of the Jabery sisters agreed to help Rahi in the promotion of her business and for some time became the face of her project. The professionalism of Rahi, coupled with the natural beauty of Mahlagi, produced the effect of an exploding bomb - Jaberi wanted to see more and more. As a result, Makhlaga succumbed to the temptation and entered the slippery, but alluring way of the model. In the ranking of oriental beauties, she immediately took her rightful place, becoming a real example of beauty.

Scalpel abuse

Mahlaga Jaberi has a peculiar natural beauty, which makes her unlike other girls and distinguishes the Persian from the crowd. However, many representatives of the fair sex are all the time striving to correct the imaginary or real defects of nature and resort to various means to further enhance the innate beauty.


The most radical of these means is plastic surgery, because of which thousands of girls today look like stamped products of the same series of a sinister beauty factory. This affection also affected the beautiful Persian, who today is reproached with plastite, that is, the abuse of cosmetic operations.

Many say that before plastic surgery, Mahlaga Jaberi looked completely different, and today her image more closely resembles a stylized beauty from Persian miniatures than a living girl of flesh and blood. Unfortunately, she did not escape the fad fashion to enlarge her lips to immense sizes, also correcting the eye section and nose shape.


In the family of Jaberi, Mahlaga was not the only pearl, the girl has no less pretty sisters. They are fans of the Kardashian sisters and adhere to their style.


The most serious and purposeful is considered Rahi Jaberi. Since childhood, she was fond of photography and made her hobby a life calling and a way to earn a living. At the age of nineteen, Rahi opened her own photo studio "Mailletphotography", which specializes in portraiture, child photography, glamor and fashion. For some time, the face of the studio was the younger sister of Rahi - Makhlag. Today, Rahi lives in a legal marriage and has two children.


The Jabery sisters, brought up in the strict rules of a conservative Iran, lead a closed lifestyle, many of their accounts on social networks are closed to the public. The middle sister, Arizu, stands out especially among them. Almost nothing is known about her, she did not act professionally for "Mail Photo". Fans unsuccessfully seek personal meetings with the inaccessible Arizu, who leads a secluded life. Only fragments of information become public, in particular, a passion for tennis and the fact of a short relationship with a certain young man.


The parents of the sisters divorced quite a while, and during this time the girls' father gave them several more half-sisters. They also look great, for which it is worth saying thanks to the venerable Iranian who makes our world even more beautiful.