
Water agama in nature and home terrarium

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Water agama in nature and home terrarium
Water agama in nature and home terrarium

Today for lovers of exotics in the market the widest selection of pets. Many unusual animals are adapted for successful keeping and breeding at home. About one of these will tell our article. Let's look at how the water agama lives at home and in nature, how to care for this creature, how to make friends and tame it.


The Agam family is quite numerous. Water agamas are isolated in a monotypic genus. Their closest relatives are tenon, bearded and horned agamas. All these animals are reptiles and belong to the order Scaly.


The full name of the species is the Kokhinkhinskaya water agama. It is given for one of the habitats.


Water agama lives in the southern part of China, as well as in some countries of Southeast Asia. This animal can be found in Myanmar, Cambodia, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam.

Agama prefers the humid coolness of the rainforest, and for a normal existence she needs a pond. It is no coincidence that it is called aquatic; this animal swims beautifully.


Animals settle on trees, felled trunks, mossy stumps.

External features

The body length of a water agama can reach a meter, with more than half falling on the tail. The color is saturated, in green shades, and there may be spots on the tail (brown or even brighter green).


A characteristic feature are tenacious claws. There are no membranes between the fingers. Males have well-marked growths on their cheeks, and a spiky crest stretches along the entire spine, making the animal look like a small emerald dragon. It happens that females also have a crest, but not so large and not so pronounced. The sex of the animal can also be determined by the color of the throat - in males it is brighter.


Water agama has a unique gift for such a large animal - the ability to run on the surface of the water. In case of danger, she always rushes to the pond and tries to hide from the predator in the water. It moves freely through trees with strong fingers and strong claws.

These animals are friendly and sociable. Agamas rarely show aggression and never attack first. But a novice terrarium should remember that agamas are fearful, excessive stress is contraindicated for them. Anyone who cannot arrange comfortable conditions for the pet risks losing it.

Between themselves, water agamas communicate using gestures. Scientists have noticed that males shake their heads, caring for females, and sometimes the same gesture may indicate a willingness to protect the territory. Agamas rarely fight, but before the mating season they can arrange demonstrative fights, however, not too dangerous. The "performance" of the fighters begins with a bloating throat. Usually it does not reach physical contact; it ends with mutual threats and intimidations. The sharp flapping of the tail indicates that the lizard is disturbing and worried. But wave your paws - this is a greeting signal that signals friendliness.

Peace-loving by nature lizards are not at all defenseless. In case of danger, agamas can stand up for themselves. Sharp claws and teeth will certainly go into action if the frightening bloating of the throat is not enough.


Like many other lizards, agamas can fold their tail. It goes to the predator, so that the victim can have time to escape. Later, a new tail grows on the agama, but not as long and bright as the first.


Agama clutch can have up to 20 eggs. Babies are born after about 70 days. Newborn lizards reach a length of 15 cm, with 10 of them falling on the tail.

Young animals are not colored so intensely, the bellies of the young can be completely white.

A conscientious owner with sufficient knowledge about the content of water agam can successfully obtain offspring at home. In captivity, the mating season falls on December-January. The masonry needs a temperature of 30 ° C. Feed young animals laid by insects.