
Eline Krantz: photo, biography. The Story Of Elin Krantz

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Eline Krantz: photo, biography. The Story Of Elin Krantz
Eline Krantz: photo, biography. The Story Of Elin Krantz

September 2010 shocked the world with the brutal murder of a Swedish girl, Elin Krantz. Photos taken at the scene, and sow a day terrify most of the population of this country. And the saddest thing is that the killer turned out to be the one whose rights she defended throughout her life.

So, who was Elin Krantz? What did she fight for and how did she see the future of her country? And why is her death considered an evil joke prepared for by fate itself?


Sweden today

Perhaps we should start not with Elin Krantz herself, but with her country. Indeed, the multinationality of Sweden played a special role in this entire event. Her ardent desire to create an idyll in which all cultures can live peacefully under one sky. But, alas, such incentives quite often lead to sad consequences.

It should be noted that in Sweden there are a number of social programs aimed at improving the lives of visitors. For example, they are paid cash benefits, help with finding employment and finding housing. Given such state support, it is not surprising that today in Sweden every fifth citizen is a visitor.

Part of the country's population is against such a development of events, because the trend leads to the fact that over the years the Swedes as a nation can completely disappear from the face of the earth. And they can be understood here. But there are others like Elin Krantz who advocate mixing cultures. Unfortunately, she only at the last moment of her life learns what her desire for tolerance can lead to.

Elin Krantz: biography

Despite the great interest in the personality of the girl, a lot of information about her was hidden. In particular, Elin's parents insisted on this, since they did not want to bring their daughter's personal life to the public.


It is only known for certain that Elin Krantz was born in the Swedish city of Gothenburg. Here she lived her entire short life, enjoying the small pleasures of being and chatting with friends. In the same city, she graduated from high school and entered the university, in which, in fact, she found her like-minded people.

The rest of the personal life of Elin Krantz is a complete mystery. Even on her Facebook page, there was practically nothing left except a few photos and posts on the wall.

The fight for equality in Sweden

There is much more information about her social activities. So, Elin Kranz was an ardent fighter for the rights of immigrants in Sweden. Moreover, a similar desire for tolerance was observed in her from an early age, however, her parents do not know what exactly prompted her daughter to such a worldview.

Together with like-minded people, she created a special public on Facebook called "We like diversity." Most of the material published on it is devoted to respect for other races. The guys called with cordiality to come from the Middle East and dark-skinned. And this is not all that the girls from this group proposed to do.


Their main goal was to promote the idea of ​​mixing different cultures. And for this, in their opinion, any methods are good, including sex. A vivid proof of this is the video entitled “Mix”, the contents of which, to put it mildly, are dissolute.

Perhaps such tricks of the girls would have remained without proper attention, if not for the tragic events that had occurred with Elin.

Eline Krantz: A Story That Struck the World

No wonder they say that fate has a rather specific sense of humor. This time, she demonstrated the truthfulness of this statement, and in a rather brutal way. And it all happened on September 26, 2010 in the hometown of Elin Krantz Gothenburg.

That day, the girl was relaxing with her friends at a local club and, of course, stayed there until late. When she went outside, it was almost five in the morning, but instead of going home by taxi, Elin boarded the first tram that approached. This was the fateful mistake that decided her fate.

It was here that the killer noticed her and chose her as her victim. When the girl got off the tram, he followed her. Having reached the park, the guy, like a wild beast, pounced on her from the darkness. In what he did, there was no hint of compassion or humanity: he not only raped Elin, but also stoned her to death with stones. And even this did not stop him: according to doctors, the girl’s lifeless body was subjected to abuse for a long time.


Having finished his bloody business, the killer hid the corpse under a pile of stones in the hope that he would not be found. But his aspirations did not come true, and soon the bitter truth surfaced. Fortunately, the Swedish police quickly spotted the killer using local surveillance cameras. However, the name of the offender was kept secret for a long time, hoping to avoid the resonance that it could cause among the people.

Who was the killer?

The light on the assassination of Elin Krantz was shed by Anders Lander, a member of the Swiss parliament. As it turned out, he was a black native of Somalia, who came here in the hope of a better future. This is the whole irony and tragedy of this story: a girl who fought for the rights of immigrants died at the hands of one of them. And not just was killed, but brutally mutilated and raped.

But even more shocking is the fact that the killer is only 23 years old, and he had a wife and two children. What is true, Efram Johannes (the name of the criminal) was never distinguished by exemplary behavior and sincereness. He was an ordinary idler who did not want to look for work and living on one allowance. And it was precisely such non-humans that 27-year-old Elin Krantz was killed.
