
Blasphemy on TV: SKR began checking Comedy Woman's number on Karbyshev

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Blasphemy on TV: SKR began checking Comedy Woman's number on Karbyshev
Blasphemy on TV: SKR began checking Comedy Woman's number on Karbyshev

Another scandal unfolded around the comedy TV show Comedy Woman. It is known that such projects have long walked along the edge of a knife, allowing jokes on forbidden topics. This time the matter took a very serious turn. The participants in the show became interested in the Russian Investigative Committee. The TFR initiated an audit of one of the speeches for violations under the articles “slander” and “rehabilitation of Nazism”, the 128th and 354th articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The basis for the audit was a statement by Dmitry Karbyshev. His grandfather, Hero of the Soviet Union, General Dmitry Karbyshev, was brutally tortured in the German concentration camp Mauthausen in 1945.


Blasphemy Live

The infamous issue thundered throughout Russia. According to the plot, Ekaterina Barnava and Natalya Medvedeva portray students preparing for the session. Barnabas utters the phrase that a chill ran across her back. To which Medvedev replies that this is the spirit of the frozen general Karbyshev, who came up to her, breathed passionately and gained.

The grandson of the Hero of the Soviet Union recalls that he first felt a sense of "abomination", but then he realized that things were much more serious. After all, TNT is a large rating channel, and also a federal one. Such blasphemous jokes should not be allowed to go on air. This is not humor, but mockery and ridicule. In a statement to the investigative committee, he stated that the death of his grandfather was presented as something ridiculous.


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One of the participants in the issue, Natalya Medvedeva, publicly apologized and explained that neither she nor Barnabas were the authors of the joke. It was written by TNT screenwriters and endorsed by the management of the channel and transmission Comedy Woman in particular.
