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Westernization is Definition, description of processes and interesting facts

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Westernization is Definition, description of processes and interesting facts
Westernization is Definition, description of processes and interesting facts

Video: 23 Matjasko 2024, June

Video: 23 Matjasko 2024, June

Westernization is a special process that involves drawing on the experience of Western Europe or America. Moreover, this experience is adopted in almost all spheres of life: politics, economics, education, culture and even lifestyle. In a broad sense, this concept means the spread of values ​​inherent in Western society throughout the world.

The concept of westernization


Westernization is the most common ideology in liberalism and a market economy. Many countries, especially those that belong to the third world, adopt Western values, customizing them to their national characteristics.

This concept appeared in parallel with the development of globalization. In fact, it is its direct consequence.

This phenomenon has both positive and negative qualities. For third world countries, Westernization is a struggle for the rights of citizens in society, instilling liberal values. Among the negative consequences - the onset of the economic crisis and environmental problems.

Westernization of Russia


Although Russia does not belong to the third world countries, this concept is also relevant to it. In our country, Westernization began during the time of Peter I. It was the reforms of this emperor that led to the mass adoption of all that was western. Then the boyars were forced to shave their beards, wear a dress in a European manner, and learn French.

Under Peter I, Westernization was rapid. The main thing is that it did not become the result of defeat in the war, when the losing country adopts the mores and customs of the winner.

In the XVIII century, the country began to develop so rapidly that Westernization became irreversible. As a result, Russian history became inseparable from European. This only changed after a serious social upheaval that occurred in 1917.

The influence of the West again began to return only in 1991, when the Soviet Union fell.

Prerequisites for the New Time


In our country, Westernization is actually divided into two stages. Peter I felt that reforms were ripe in society.

The country began to show activity in foreign policy, and established diplomatic relations. Foreign trade began to develop, as a result, the Charter of customs letters was even adopted. The country has undergone significant changes in the financial and tax systems.

Changes were outlined in production. The transition from craft-workshop production to a real manufactory was carried out. The labor of hired workers, as well as elementary mechanisms that helped significantly optimize production, began to be actively used.

In governing the country, there has been a shift towards absolutism of power.

The first stage of westernization


Already at the first stage, it became obvious that Westernization in Russia is when the government begins to rely on the state-bureaucratic apparatus. Moreover, he is completely dependent on the monarch. Peter I did a lot for this. He even violated the rule of succession by deciding that the monarch himself can decide who to transfer power to.

Reforms occurred in the management system. The orders were replaced by 12 boards. Each of them was responsible for a certain direction of state activity. For the first time, separate controls appeared that were responsible for a specific industry.

Foreign experts began to come in large numbers to exchange experiences, support was given to Russian merchants. The new customs tariff encouraged the export of domestic goods.

Second phase


At the second stage, it became clear how to carry out the westernization. For this, a massive advertisement of a successful Western lifestyle began in Russia. This happened already in the 20th century, after the death of Stalin. An important role was played by Western goods, the quality of which was significantly higher than domestic ones.

Because of their inaccessibility, fashion arose and demand for them. Under conditions of scarcity and strict censorship, they became even more inaccessible and even more desirable. Westernization intensified after the collapse of the Soviet Union. The government then applied the “shock therapy” method in the economy. Then it became apparent that the Russian economy does not meet Western standards. It was only possible to break the dependent worldview by laying the foundations of Western capitalist society.

Westernization or modernization


Recently, the concepts of westernization and modernization are increasingly being discussed in society. Many are deeply convinced that modernization should not be replaced by westernization. Otherwise, Russia will quickly slide to the level of "banana republics."

But reputable economists today argue that if you abandon populist statements, then there is nothing wrong with Westernization. Most often, it has a beneficial effect on the development of the state. Often this happened in Russia.

Especially when Westernization was not perceived as a forced enslavement, but was the result of a conscious understanding by the authorities of the optimal path for development.

It was the influence of Western orders and foundations that made Russia one of the most influential powers in the world at the end of the 18th century. The same can be said about Brazil, which later turned into the industrial center of Latin America. Portugal at the same time turned into a remote European outskirts.

Westernization in culture


It is important that changes should occur not only in the economy, but also in society itself. This requires the westernization of culture. This is the total influence of Western values ​​in all its fields.

For example, during the time of Peter I, this was clearly visible in the example of a European dress, which was actively beginning to become fashionable.

In the Soviet period, Westernization of Russian culture was also active. Listening to Western music was considered more prestigious than staging domestic songs. Again there are new trends in fashion. For example, wear jeans. Given that at that time it was practically impossible to get them legally, the need for them grew exponentially.

Cultural expansion

Nowadays, many scholars in international documents call this expansion cultural imperialism. Moreover, it can take a variety of forms. Realized not only in culture, but also in politics, economics, communications, and the military sphere.

Cultural imperialism itself usually means applying economic and political influence to instill the values ​​inherent in Western culture. Moreover, this is done by oppressing the culture of another nation. In the westernization of culture, concepts and processes proceed so interconnected with each other that depending on the changes in the situation, they can change and lead to a restructuring of the methods of influence.

At the same time, there are several special features of cultural westernization: the transfer of consumer orientations and the Western way of life into national culture. Often the culture of America and Western Europe is imposed as universal, without knowing alternatives, and it is presented as part of world culture. While denying the contribution of other civilizations.

Also in this case, with the help of cultural ties, specific political goals are achieved. To obtain the greatest effect, the information flow is organized unilaterally. It moves from large Western companies that are considered recognized experts in the entertainment industry to a multimillion-dollar audience in foreign countries, in particular in Russia. Also, the Western media are actively involved in this process.

In society itself, the formation of socio-cultural elites. They begin to contribute in every way to the establishment of pro-Western landmarks in all sectors of culture: literature, music, painting, cinema, fashion. Ultimately, all this serves as a support for the influence of the West in a single state.

What does westernization give to culture?

In Russia today, as a result of Westernization, even the education and training system is seriously affected.

Massive Western culture is aggressively attacking today's society. But do not assume that this has only negative consequences. Of course, in conditions of intense competition in domestic culture, more careful selection is taking place. Truly talented works and performers still find their way.

But the problem also lies in the fact that the values ​​of Western civilization today are often presented as the only true and correct. This approach, of course, is disastrous.

Those who argue that this is not a big deal often refer to the Petrine era. Allegedly, at that time such a total planting of the culture of Western civilization brought only pluses. But it is not so.

If we turn to history, it turns out that even the educated nobility for the most part did not accept European values. Moreover, the differences between the culture of the educated class, in which European traditions more and more actively flowed, with folk culture, in which no such processes were observed, became especially significant at that time.