
Evgeny Anisimov. "History of Russia from Rurik to Putin"

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Evgeny Anisimov. "History of Russia from Rurik to Putin"
Evgeny Anisimov. "History of Russia from Rurik to Putin"

Evgeny Anisimov - Russian historian, author of more than two hundred works. His most famous book covers the main events in Russian history, starting from the times of Ancient Russia and ending with the beginning of the 21st century. The theme of today's story is the biography and scientific activities of Yevgeny Anisimov. The article also talks about the most popular book of the historian, as well as what Russian readers think about it.


Student years

Anisimov Evgeny Viktorovich was born in 1970, in the city of Alexandrov, Vladimir Region. In one interview, he once admitted that in childhood he was rather withdrawn and preferred reading to his peers.

Not far from the house where the future scientist spent his childhood, there was a small store in which in August it was possible to purchase textbooks for next year. Eugene, unlike most children and adolescents, already in early September, read all the school material.

One day he fell into the hands of the novel "Peter the First." In his youth, Anisimov, of course, did not dream of becoming a professor of historical sciences. But thanks to the novel by Alexei Tolstoy, he decided that he would definitely leave for Leningrad after graduation.

The dream has come true. Education future historian received in Leningrad. As a first-year student, he was still impressed by Tolstoy's novel, read in childhood. He was above all interested in the history of Russia of the Petrine era. But at some point he became interested in Antiquity.

Anisimov studied historical works about Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome. He read the works of ancient authors. In addition, he began to attend Greek courses. Surprisingly, as if the young man did not need anything else for happiness.

Many years later, Evgeny Anisimov at one of the lectures at the European University expressed his point of view regarding the fate of the scientist. According to him, often lack of money becomes the companion of the researcher. But in the scientist’s head there is a constantly amazing process. What was once obscure and foggy suddenly becomes clear. And this is real happiness.


Scientific activity

Anisimov is the author of numerous books. But he claims that published works for him today do not matter. The process of searching for truth as a component of the historian's life is important.

In 1970, Evgeny Anisimov graduated from the History Department of the Herzen State Pedagogical University. Five years later, he defended his thesis. In the mid-eighties, Evgeny Anisimov was already a doctor of historical sciences.

The hero of today's story is a specialist in Russian history of the 17-18 centuries. He has been teaching at leading St. Petersburg universities for many years. Evgeny Viktorovich Anisimov is the first Russian historian to have created scientific biographies of the Empresses Elizabeth Petrovna and Anna Ioannovna.

As a visiting professor, he began teaching at US universities from the late eighties. In addition, Evgeni Anisimov participates in educational projects on television. At various times, he led such programs as "Palace Secrets", "Cabinet of History". These projects were launched at the beginning of the two thousandths on the channel "Culture".



Among the most famous works of the historian Yevgeny Anisimov are the following:

  • "Elizabeth Petrovna."

  • "Russia without Peter".

  • "Timelessness and temporary workers."

  • "The king and the city."

  • "Palace secrets."

  • "Russian torture."

  • Bagration.

  • "Imperial Russia".

Below is information about a book by a Russian scientist that has earned quite conflicting reviews from readers.

"History of Russia from Rurik to Putin"

In one of the publishers, Anisimov was once offered to write a book that would cover all of domestic history. At first he refused, because he specializes in 17-18 centuries. Later, I nevertheless started to work. As a result, a historical work was created, which many university professors recommend to their students today.
