
John Taytor is a time traveler. Predictions of John Tytor

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John Taytor is a time traveler. Predictions of John Tytor
John Taytor is a time traveler. Predictions of John Tytor

Video: 7 People Who Claimed To Be Time Travellers 2024, June

Video: 7 People Who Claimed To Be Time Travellers 2024, June

People have been dreaming about flying a time machine for a long time. And they are tirelessly working on the creation of such an apparatus. But our children have already invented it and travel freely in temporary spaces! At least that's what those who the legendary John Tytor was able to convince of their reality believe.

Who is Tytor?

Until January 27, 2001, the name of this person was almost unknown to anyone. Although the first message from him appeared at the beginning of November 2000, and two years earlier, he had sent by fax two letters addressed to one TV man. The man said that his name is John Tytor and that he flew in … from 2036.


Beginning January 27, 2001, this mysterious supposedly alien literally “bombs” the world wide web with his messages in which he tells people about what awaits them in the near future and how their children and grandchildren live in 2036. John Tytor, whose predictions caused a stir in society, disappeared just as suddenly as he had appeared. He talked on the network for a very short time - literally a month. But his story worries the minds of earthlings so far.

Taytor Travel History

So, John Taytor, a time traveler, claimed that he was an American soldier, at the time of 2036 serving in the military unit of Tampa (Florida). In addition, he is a member of the government time travel program, in which he was sent to the past.

The ultimate goal of the “flight” should be the year 1975, where the IBM 5100 computer remained. It is this machine that is the ancestor of all portable computers, and people from the future need to get access to it to improve the software of new machines - its descendants. It was Tytor who was sent with this mission, since his grandfather was involved in the creation of the IBM 5100. And at the bus stop in the two thousandth traveler came out solely for personal reasons. He needed to visit his family and return some photographs.


About the time machine

Naturally, the interlocutors of a strange person posing as an alien were interested in how he got into the past. And the guest willingly answered all the questions.

John Tytor's time machine, in his own words, was produced by General Electric. In general, the production of such units began in 2034, and CERN became the pioneer.

The model on which Taytor flew in is called the C204. The device is a block of gravitational distortion, which is usually mounted in an ordinary car and allows you to cover a distance of ten years per hour.

Describing the flight process itself, Mr. John Tytor said that at the very beginning it was like starting an elevator, in which people in the cockpit feel a jerk. During movement, the sun's rays envelope the car body, so its passengers are in complete darkness.

The time machine starts moving as soon as the “pilot” loads the coordinates into the system. Before starting, you must definitely check whether passengers are firmly secured in their seats. With one hundred percent acceleration, the force of attraction becomes very large. As a rule, the flight is tolerated normally, but it is still better to fly on an empty stomach.

In addition to detailed descriptions, Taytor also posted on the network drawings and diagrams of his vehicle, so even today anyone can try to collect their personal time machine from them.


About predictions

Of course, after reading all this, a sane person will think that the noise was made out of nothing. Indeed, when communicating on the Web, everyone can impersonate anyone. And why did people get the idea that John Tytor was not an ordinary “fake”, what millions? It would not be difficult to come up with tales of a time machine … It could have been considered so if it had not been for the predictions that Tytor rained down like a bucket.

In fairness, I must say that not all came true. About half of the predictions of this legendary character remained empty words. But their author was safe in advance by issuing the theory of certain parallel worlds.

Parallel Worlds of John Tytor

The theory announced by Tytor is based on the laws of quantum mechanics and the possibility of the existence of many worlds in the universe. Its essence lies, figuratively speaking, in the fact that a ray emerging from a certain point does not necessarily reach the place that is predicted at the start. Due to the intervention of various forces, the path of the beam can be changed, and the finish is somewhat shifted.

That is, if in 2000, for example, a war is predicted in a particular country in 10 years, this means that there are "iron" prerequisites for it. But people still have a chance to change the course of events. And there is, albeit small, but the probability that there will be no war. Or it will happen a little later. Or it will not be as large as expected.

John Titor from the future argued that the larger the time gap between the moment of prediction and the date of the predicted event, the less realistic the forecast.

It is precisely these arguments that the “adherents” of the Tytor operate in a long-standing dispute with skeptics, when the latter “poke the nose” of the former into the unfulfilled predictions of the “alien”.


USA Predictions

An example of a war was not given here in vain. Time traveler John Taytor, whose predictions concerned various spheres of human life, paid most of his attention to armed conflicts.

In particular, he said that a serious civil war awaits the United States. According to his forecasts, it was supposed to begin in 2004 due to some upheavals associated with the presidential election.

Tyter predicted a lengthy hard time for the States, lasting until 2015. He painted pictures in which people massively leave cities and settle down in villages in order to survive. By 2008, the conflict was completely out of control, and by 2012, the country, which was choked with blood, showed solid ruins in its forecasts. And on all of this put an end to an even more terrible event - the Third World War.

Predictions of John Tytor about Russia (how could it be without it)

A force that should end civil strife in the United States and completely change the world order, Tytor saw Russia. The forecaster said that she would start World War III in 2015, delivering a series of nuclear strikes against the cities of the United States, as well as Europe and China.

The long course of the Third World Time Traveler did not predict. He claimed that it would be a very short operation, destroying, however, Europe, China and part of the United States of America. And Russia will give dominance on the world stage.

According to “Prophetic John, ” three billion people will fall victims of a nuclear war. Survivors will become wiser and more tolerant of each other. In a renewed world, family and social life will be most valued.


Tyter on the inhabitants of the 2000s

But if parallel universes exist in the Universe, then maybe there is a chance to avoid such a terrible outcome? The predictor was asked about this by shocked interlocutors. And he replied that, yes, such an opportunity exists. Only now she is very miserable.

A guest from the future considered earthlings of the “two thousandth sample” sentenced to punishment, since they allow them to violate their rights, eat poisoned food, consciously killing themselves, they are indifferent to the suffering of their neighbors …

And all this destroys, undermines society, like a worm. Sooner or later, the "end of the world" should come, which will cleanse the planet of rot. The mysterious soldier John claimed that people living at the beginning of the third millennium, his current contemporaries do not like and even despise, considering them a lazy, selfish and ignorant herd.

About future

But in the future, according to predictions, everything is completely different. People no longer eat junk food. They respect old age and cherish childhood. Orphans and the disadvantaged are patronized. Help each other. Actively participate in public life. And - most importantly - people completely abandoned Nazism and racism.

As for the purely everyday moments of 2036, the clothes of earthlings will become more functional. Hats will be very popular, and bright colors will almost go out of fashion. No one will bother with hair. All sorts of delights will be a thing of the past. Women will simply grow long hair, and men will cut their hair short - that’s all “variety”. Both sexes will be drafted into the army and fight.


Other Alien Predictions

One by one John Taytor predictions was born. Their list grew by leaps and bounds. As it became clear today, the most ambitious forecasts have not come true. And thank God! But some of Tytor’s predictions found confirmation.

So, for example, he said that already in 2001, humanity will find a way to travel in time. This will happen as soon as miniature black holes are discovered. People have not yet learned to travel through temporary spaces, but they have opened holes. And just when the seer John said.

Tytor was not mistaken when he “saw” the war in Iraq, as well as a series of cataclysms in 2012. His words were confirmed: the world survived the Sandy, abnormal snowfalls in Europe, floods in Italy and Russia. The planet swayed, but it stayed afloat. The promised end of the world in 2012 did not happen. The stranger also convinced everyone of this.

To China, he predicted the lightning-fast development of the space system, and to people - a smooth transition from television and cinema to personal "shows" (in our opinion, video blogs). And here he was not a bit mistaken!

Where did Taytor go?

John Tytor and his predictions have seriously stirred the world. People were seized with real hysteria, information about the “newcomer” was spreading at a frantic speed. And suddenly, at the very peak of his popularity, he disappeared. As suddenly as it appeared. Without epilogues and goodbyes. His last message dates back to March 2001.

But the legend of a guest from the future continues to live and acquire new details. Another surge occurs when this or that forecast comes true. Although the most arrogant skeptics, of course, have long “buried” the Alien Tutor, recording him in ordinary “fakes”. And, in addition to unfulfilled predictions, they have other arguments.

For example, they “poke the nose” of the public into the gross contradictions that John allowed in his speeches. One of them concerns money. Raising this topic, Tytor sometimes said that in 2036 they were widely used by people, like credit cards. And sometimes he claimed that the centralized financial system did not survive until that time.

What is it? Some kind of deliberate alien trick or banal forgetfulness of a crook who has survived from the mind?



Trying to answer a question tormenting many, interested people even hired private detectives. Detectives were able to establish that there were no citizens named John Titor in the registration documents. And it was not in the foreseeable past. But in Florida, there is the John Tytor Foundation. And it runs a certain John Haber - a first-class specialist in computers. And he may well have secret information about the device IBM 5100, which was flaunted in front of a bewitched audience "alien".

By the way, the above company does not even have an office space. The only thing that is assigned to it on a rental basis is a mailbox. Suspicious of course. But the main question remains. What for???