
George of Cambridge, Prince: photos and personal life

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George of Cambridge, Prince: photos and personal life
George of Cambridge, Prince: photos and personal life

Video: Prince George's life in pictures 2024, July

Video: Prince George's life in pictures 2024, July

This article will talk about the little heir to the British throne, the charming George of Cambridge. Despite his young age, the prince has already become one of the most famous people on the planet. He enjoys the great love of compatriots and is considered one of the most stylish kids in the world. The most significant events in the life of the prince will be described below.



George Alexander Louis, Prince of Cambridge, is a member of the royal British family. He is the third great-grandson of Elizabeth the Second and the first grandson of the Princess of Wales Diana and Prince of Wales Charles. The boy is the first child in the family of the Duchess of Cambridge Catherine and the Duke of Cambridge William. This kid is among the pretenders to the royal throne in Britain in third place. Even before his birth, he was proclaimed the most famous child in the world.


Prince George of Cambridge was born in 2013, July 22. This happened in the city of London, in St. Mary's Hospital. Here, in due time, Princess Diana gave birth to her two sons: Harry (1984) and William (1982). The Duchess of Cambridge was brought to the hospital on the morning of July 22, at 5:30. The baby was born at 16:24 (19:24 Moscow time). At birth, his weight was 8 pounds and 6 ounces, or 3.8 kilograms. The boy's father, Prince William, was at the time of childbirth next to his wife. The prince was received by the Queen's personal gynecologists - Alan Farting and Marcus Setchel. As soon as it became known about the birth of a young heir, a solemn salute was given in many countries of the Commonwealth (for example, in Canada).



George of Cambridge was baptized at the Royal Chapel, in St. James's Palace. The sacrament was performed by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby. Heirs to the British throne are usually subjected to the baptismal rite at Buckingham Palace. The ceremony at St. James's Palace was a departure from generally accepted tradition. The baby has seven godparents: Julia Samuel, Oliver Baker, Zara Phillips, Hugh Grosvenor, William von Kutsem, Jamie Lawther-Pinkerton, Emilia Jardin-Paterson. The names of these people were officially announced before the ceremony, a few hours before it. In honor of the solemn event in the United Kingdom, five-pound coins were issued.


As already mentioned, the prince was named George Alexander Louis. The first name is used for everyday use. George (George) the baby was named in honor of his great-great-grandfather: the father of Elizabeth II, King George the Sixth. The boy received the name Louis in memory of the military commander Louis Mountbetton, uncle of Prince Philip. The prince was named Alexander in honor of great-grandmother, Elizabeth II. Her middle name is Alexandra.

In Russian, the British monarchs are called in the German manner, therefore, if George of Cambridge ascends the throne, in our country he will be called George the Seventh. Or the Eighth, if this name is chosen as the throne by his grandfather - Prince Charles. However, while in the Russian media the baby is usually called Prince George.



According to the title rules of the British monarchy, George is a prince and should be referred to by Royal Highness. The official full title of the boy according to information from Buckingham Palace looks like this: "His Royal Highness Prince George of Cambridge." It should be borne in mind that Prince William is the Duke of Cambridge. Appeal to the boy "Prince of Cambridge" without the use of the name George is incorrect. In the British tradition, it is also not customary to include personal additional names in the official full title (Louis and Alexander in this case).

First trip

At the age of five months, George of Cambridge made his first trip. He went with his parents on a business trip to Australia and New Zealand. The young heir met with many Australian top-level officials, for example, Governor-General Sir Peter Cosgrove. In addition, the baby visited the local Taronga Zoo in Sydney. Here George Cambridge met a little rabbit, who was named in his honor.


The first steps

In 2014, in June, the baby first went on his own. A public walk of the young prince took place under the supervision of a mother. On June 15, a crowned family came to the Sirenchester Park to compete in equestrian polo. Kate Middleton wore a very comfortable outfit: moccasins, a striped sweater and jeans. She took with her a son who spun in her arms until she let the baby go to the ground. There he took a few steps toward Prince William. At the same time, mom held his hand.

Yes, he surpassed his father, who at the age of ten months could only crawl, George of Cambridge! Photos of a charming baby in pink overalls and a white T-shirt circled the whole world.


The young heir has become extremely popular. Each of his public appearances is covered in detail in the press. Journalists note the impeccable taste and style with which the boy is combed and dressed. George Cambridge appeared on the cover of People magazine, in one online publication he was called a "perfectly trimmed" child. Residents of Britain called the prince the cutest of star kids. Journalists attribute this attitude to the boy to the fact that he was born in a loving family and raised by calm, friendly parents. They note that watching George Prince of Cambridge grow is a great pleasure.