
Egor Tarabasov and Lindsay Lohan - breaking the heart with theft

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Egor Tarabasov and Lindsay Lohan - breaking the heart with theft
Egor Tarabasov and Lindsay Lohan - breaking the heart with theft

What a beautiful story - a millionaire and a Hollywood star, Lindsay Lohan and Yegor Tarabasov. Golden Boy, the 22-year-old heir to billionaire Dmitry Tarabasov, the owner of several companies in the field of rail transportation and building materials. And the beauty who does not need to be introduced is the famous red-haired beast, an American model, movie star, singer and designer, who does not tire of shocking the audience.

Stormy beginning


It all started in the fall of 2015, the media regularly began to give out happy news - Lindsay Lohan acquired a new fan, a Russian, with a billionth fortune. Egor Tarabasov, a British citizen, was only 22 years old at that time, Lindsay was 30. She introduced him to his parents, they declared themselves a bride and groom. About a year, everything seemed to be nice, millions of photos on the Web, happy faces.


Then the love boat let it flow … The media published quarrels, fights, mutual insults, beatings.

But was this sparkling romance and passion, and then swearing and scandals with beatings, which led both to mutual hatred?

“Yegor beats me! Help me! ”Lindsay prayed from the TV screens, and a wave of indignation and anger could justly overwhelm us. But, remembering Lindsay’s actions and behavior, somehow she didn’t really believe that she was not guilty of anything.

A strange union - a rowdy and former drug addict and heir to a multi-million empire. What did they have in common, and why did Tarabasov have such a reputation? Very similar to PR, but in whose favor?


Who is Egor Tarabasov - biography of the "golden boy"

An interesting fact is that the name “Tarabasov” is not widely heard either in the Russian business community or in the London Russian diaspora.

Dmitry, Yegor's father, owns a two-story red brick house on Arkley Drive in the Barnet area, where the middle class resides. The cost of the mansion at the moment is about 1.75 million pounds / 140 million rubles. (The purchase of a house by Tarabasov in 2002 was estimated at approximately 780 thousand pounds / 62.5 million rubles).

Egor Tarabasov graduated from the most prestigious educational institutions (City University London and Cass Business School), worked in the English real estate agency Home House Estates, in fact, alone.


Acquaintances characterize Tarabasov as a lively and tenacious, but inexperienced manager.

It is said that Yegor worked in a manner unusual for London agencies - he was looking for real estate for clients, while British real estate companies usually take a commission from the seller and put his property up for sale, selling it only. A London agency will not look for something for a client. The client himself is looking for a home.

Egor just wanted to earn money, so his father gave him this agency. According to friends, Yegor did not make much of an impression; they spoke of him as an ordinary representative of the middle class, nothing special.


There were also persistent rumors that he loved Lindsay so much that he wanted to give up his real estate agency and become an actress manager. Actresses who can declare bankruptcy … right after the break with Yegor Tarabasov. She rented luxury apartments in London and did not pay rent, now she has to give the owner 95 thousand dollars. Otherwise, the actress is threatened with a lawsuit in court and the start of bankruptcy proceedings.

But it seems that Mrs. Lohan is not very afraid of this. She already owed for an apartment in Los Angeles. In addition, now she has a new boyfriend - the Greek restaurateur Dennis Papageorgiu. Perhaps a rich young man will help his red-haired lover get out of the debt hole.


"Lovely scolding …"

The documented fight of Yegor Tarabasov and Lindsey in Greek Mykonos marked the beginning of a mass condemnation of the behavior of the "golden offspring." "Egor, how could you? Lindsey - so fragile, how did you raise your hand on the girl? Shame! ” Thousands and thousands of angry rebukes rained down on Tarabasov in a general avalanche of condemnation. Everyone sympathized with the unhappy red-haired actress.

In the video, Yegor turns Lohan’s hands, trying to pry the phone out of her hands. In it, Lindsay allegedly saw a message from a girl, was jealous, grabbed a gadget, Yegor chased it, a scuffle ensued, he grabbed the mobile phone in rage from the hands of Lohan.

After that, Lindsay admitted that her beloved repeatedly raised her hand at her, and she is simply afraid for her life.

According to her, if she knew who Yegor Tarabasov really was, she would immediately terminate the relationship, since no one should put up with domestic violence. She also claimed that Yegor drank a lot and that he "just went crazy."

Another episode with the alleged beating of Lindsay occurred in London in the elite area of ​​Knightsbridge. Lindsey called for help to be rescued from the anger and assault of her beloved, screaming that Yegor Tarabasov almost killed her. Lindsay spoke about this in Italy in Sardinia. According to her, at first they had lunch with Yegor, danced, it was fun. Then they returned home, Lindsey went to bed, Yegor left, then returned, was very aggressive and attacked her.

What did you break up on? Recrimination


Then she no longer communicated with Yegor, scandals continued to grow like mushrooms after the rain. Lohan accused her boyfriend not only of treason and beatings, but also because of this, she had a miscarriage.

Egor Tarabasov accused Lohan of stealing watches for 4 thousand pounds and a cross. In May 2017, the actress came to interrogation at the Charing Cross police station in London three times on charges of theft. She denies everything, claiming that things were presented to her.