
Ekaterina Kolesnik: comedian actress of Ukrainian television

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Ekaterina Kolesnik: comedian actress of Ukrainian television
Ekaterina Kolesnik: comedian actress of Ukrainian television

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Actress Ekaterina Kolesnik was born in late November 1981 in Zaporozhye. In childhood, she was an active child - went in for sports. Her father saw her as a country champion in martial arts, but the girl chose athletics. And if it weren’t for a leg injury, perhaps he would have achieved great heights.

Search for yourself

In high school, the girl became interested in KVN, teachers and classmates liked her quick wit and ability to present herself on stage. After graduation, I searched for myself for a long time - at first I wanted to go to law school, enrolled in pre-training courses, but I realized that I had chosen the wrong path, the classes seemed too boring. On the advice of her mother, she decided to try herself in the journalistic field - she submitted documents to the Shevchenko Kiev Institute.


Despite the fact that she passed all the exams "excellent", I did not see myself in the lists of applicants. But it was not her character to despair - on the tip of her brother, she went to enter the Kiev Aviation Institute at the faculty of "multimedia publishing and printing". After studying for several months, I realized that I was wrong again. In the end, she stopped at the Poplavsky Institute, where she studied at the Faculty of International Cooperation.

The beginning of the creative path

She made her debut as a comedian Catherine Kolesnik in the project "Curlers", in which only girls took part. Performances were mainly held in night clubs. Mainly involved in writing scripts, drawing cartoons, cartoons for the participants.

Later she collaborated with Andrey Molochny and Anton Lirnik in the Ukrainian version of Comedy Club. Catherine helped write the numbers, later she herself participated in small sketches as part of the Lyubov team, toured with the project to the cities of Ukraine. There was also participation in the Russian Comedy Club, in which one of the leaders, Garik Martirosyan, praised the work of novice artists.