
Economic and geographical position - much depends on it

Economic and geographical position - much depends on it
Economic and geographical position - much depends on it

Video: How The BALANCE SHEET Works (Statement of Financial Position / SOFP) 2024, July

Video: How The BALANCE SHEET Works (Statement of Financial Position / SOFP) 2024, July

Most often, the geographical term "position" means the location of an object or territory at a certain longitude and latitude. But geographical coordinates alone can tell little about the relation of a point to other objects. And then, to clarify the situation, the presence of nearby seas, mountains, plains, large rivers, etc. is indicated.

In geography, the economic situation is determined not only in relation to physical and geographical data, but also in relation to something created by the hands of people. The economic and geographical position of a country, region, settlement always includes attitude to other objects that affect its economic development, for example, trade routes, large industrial centers.


EGP formation

The economic and geographical position is a historical category. In the course of development of the object itself, as well as of other objects surrounding it, certain changes occur that affect the EGP to varying degrees. An example is the construction of new railways, the development of deposits of coal or metal ores that can radically change the economic and geographical position of not only individual cities, but also entire regions.

The formation of EGP occurs under the influence of many factors, here are some of them:

  • immediate environment, neighbors;

  • proximity to the hotbeds of war;

  • the availability of mineral reserves and their development;

  • proximity to world transport routes.


The economic and geographical location may be favorable or unfavorable. The favorable situation provides an opportunity for successful economic development, and whether this opportunity will be realized depends largely on historical, social and economic conditions.

The importance of EGP

How the country's position affects its economic development can be considered with specific examples.

The economic and geographical position of Greece contributed to the successful development of gardening and vegetable growing in this country. The cultivation of olives, grapes, and peaches has been conducted here from the distant historical past. In almost all EU countries, Greece exports citrus and melons. The country is considered the leader in Europe in the production of cotton and tobacco. Being the historical center of the Mediterranean, Greece always had a developed merchant fleet. And in our time, this state has the largest merchant fleet in the world.


First of all, the economic and geographical position of India has influenced the fact that this country still has a significant influence in the Asian region. Due to the fact that the country is located on the Hindustan Peninsula, maritime trade routes along the Indian Ocean have always played a significant role in its economic development. It is on sea roads that India trades with the whole world. And the good natural conditions for the development of agriculture and the availability of large reserves of some minerals contribute to the fact that India has something to offer the rest of the world.