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FreeFuel fuel economy: a divorce or not? Customer reviews

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FreeFuel fuel economy: a divorce or not? Customer reviews
FreeFuel fuel economy: a divorce or not? Customer reviews

Video: Free Fuel magnetic device for fuel economy 2024, July

Video: Free Fuel magnetic device for fuel economy 2024, July

They started talking about saving gasoline from the moment the first car was created. Today, various entrepreneurial businessmen offer naive consumers a miraculous device that reduces fuel consumption. What is a fuel-saving FreeFuel device? Divorce or not? Are reviews of its use real or paid? The information below will help answer these questions.


What is FreeFuel?

A device that helps significantly reduce fuel consumption and prevent rapid engine wear. According to the manufacturer, the device reduces the amount of gasoline consumed by up to 20%.


Is this feature of the FreeFuel device a divorce or not? The reviews say that the economizer really works, and all the negative feedback is either the machinations of competitors or the result of buying goods from scammers. But is it really so? More to understand this issue will help the essence of the device.

How FreeFuel Works

Customer reviews allow you to more closely consider the process of saving fuel while driving a car. The essence of the device is the effect of neodymium magnets on gasoline molecules. They, as the seller assures, streamline the movement of the carbon chain in the fuel, which makes its consumption more economical.

The device is fixed on the fuel line and begins to operate from the beginning of the car. It is worth noting that the seller advises using the device for two weeks, and only then will significant results appear. This is because after the start of operation the engine must be cleaned of accumulated soot. And only after that the fuel consumption will decrease.


What does the device consist of?

The device looks quite simple, and already at first glance does not cause confidence. Two identical-sized plastic molds with magnets included in them are all that FreeFuel fuel economizer consists of. Customer reviews say that many simply wondered how a small box can reduce fuel consumption by almost a quarter and, in addition, prevent malfunctions in the engine and fuel system.


Cost FreeFuel

The price of such a “miracle device” varies between 1000-3000 rubles, not including the commission for mail. The original FreeFuel is sold, as the manufacturer claims, exclusively on the official website of the company. All other sellers offering similar products are scammers.

Fuel economizers, no different from the original, are sold on the Aliexpress website, and their cost is only 150-200 rubles. But manufacturers of FreeFuel do not recommend buying devices from a Chinese Internet retailer.

The truth about the fuel saver. Some facts

The device manufacturer has one goal, and it certainly is not a consumer’s money savings. An expensive device actually turns out to be another "dummy", attracting attention through advertising. After testing the device, most users said that using the product does not give any results, and they do not recommend FreeFuel.


Divorce or not? Reviews of a positive nature, of which there are many, argue that there are none, and negative reviews say that the device is just an ordinary piece of useless plastic.

In terms of chemistry and physics

Gasoline is a dielectric material that is virtually immune to magnetic waves. Its molecules are so small that in order to make them rebuild, you need a large and very strong magnet (about the size of a 50-meter building). Neodymium magnets, despite their effectiveness in other areas (refining oil from metal particles, etc.), are absolutely useless here.

So after all, is FreeFuel a divorce or not? Reviews of its effectiveness, as well as facts from physics and chemistry, so far confirm that the device does not work and does not have a positive effect on the engine.


Permanent change of name of the company patenting the product

Manufacturers get confused by creating ads for their product. In the video and on the websites of online stores, it was initially indicated that the economizer is a patented device developed by the General Motors concern. So why do the factories under the jurisdiction of the company and which produce cars do not use the device in business and do not disclose information about it? And all because in fact the company did not patent such products.

Recently, information has appeared on sites that the device was developed by NASA. And the question immediately arises: how is astronautics related to saving gasoline? Here we can conclude that FuelFree is another scam. Reviews left by frustrated consumers are direct confirmation of this.


Product Testing Location

An interesting point is that the creators of the product in his advertising mention passing testing in Ukraine, despite the fact that the device itself is manufactured in Moscow. So why did ordinary users learn about this “innovative product” only through a commercial if testing was carried out in a neighboring country? How did it happen that no Muscovite wanted to test the device? It also suggests that the FreeFuel device is a scam, another way to pump out as much money as possible from naive citizens.


The number of installed devices depends on the type of vehicle

So, according to the advertisement, the manufacturer claims. Depending on the make, model, volume and power of the car engine, more or less devices are used. However, the manufacturer of the “device” is silent about what will happen if you install 10 devices at the same time and make the fuel system fully “charged”.

If we take into account this information, we can assume that the gasoline consumption will become rational, and its amount in the gas tank will increase several times, even with constant movement of the car. Does this sound like the truth? Of course not. Provided that neodymium magnets really have a positive effect on gasoline molecules, the largest car manufacturers would long ago have started producing vehicles with magnetic fuel lines.

From the above information, we can conclude that the economizer of FreeFuel is a divorce, just another well-advertised “dummy”.


Incorrect device information as a reason to think about its effectiveness

On one-day websites that implement the device, incredible information is found. For example, sellers replace the carbon chain of the fuel with a carbohydrate, which is not true. Divorce from fuel economists FreeFuel is gaining power, despite the abundance of information about the uselessness of the device. Any car owner, regardless of age, experience and driving experience, may be a victim of scammers.

Certificates of conformity

On numerous official sites, potential consumers are offered to familiarize themselves with product certification. Allegedly, he passed all the necessary tests and is completely safe for the car. Typically, two certificates are presented to customers: one in Russian, and the second in Japanese (Chinese). At first glance, the documents do not raise any suspicions, but after entering the information for verification into a single register of certificates of conformity, it turns out that no such document was issued.

Another interesting point is that the device, according to the documentation, is manufactured at the General Motors factory, and the company itself, which implements a gas saver, is located in Russia, in Moscow.

All these minor inconsistencies and sometimes absurd facts about the device make sure that the fuel economizer is a divorce. FreeFuel, the reviews of which are presented below, does not bring any benefit to the engine and does not affect fuel consumption.
